Binding of Isaac thread. Post Isaac here

Binding of Isaac thread. Post Isaac here.

Other urls found in this thread:

>first floor boss is the haunt
>first floor mini boss is envy

>first item you find is cursed eye
>first floor boss item is a range item

>cursed eye
possibly my least favorite item familio

Are they really integrating Antibirth with the main game? I thought Kil was against that.

>start a run
>don't spawn next to an item room
why even bother

So, how many hours of fun should I expect if I buy it? Been wondering if I should get it for the Switch.

If you get into it, easily 100+ hours.

500 hours in and decide to stop. The Keeper is bullshit.

It's the kind of game you can play for an embarrassingly long time. I like to listen to podcasts while I play, which is about as dangerous a combination as cigarettes and coffee

Depending how many times you die
Swallowed Penny is your friend, user.


I have about 700 hours, it was great fun for about 600, I still play it everyday, even if I don't particularly want to, it's just something I do now.

>tfw Antibirth devs said the project its not dead

Binding of Isaac was my childhood

Good thing I had Manson and I grew into a meditation healer then throw dogma at ppl

underage b&

>Having the worst run
>spacebar items everywhere
>Greed in basement 2 shop drops steam sale
>Another Greed in a secret room in caves
>low on health about to restart
>Go in shop and see another steam sale and infinite shop item
>buy them thinking steam sales wont stack
>They fucking do and i stand still collecting item after item
Even if you're having a shit start you gotta push through it makes the run more memorable

>i wanna try greed mode out
>i dont want the rest of the gay bullshit that comes with that dlc though

Oh well.

Born in 88

My grandmother was the head of a church that has chased me and my friends around with a butcher knife

Schizophrenic aunt
Alcoholic dependent aunt
Dead dad

Dead cats.
House was falling apart

I'm probably only a few years younger then Edmund

While my family was fighting
Not showing any support
Not explaining anything
No internet

Little kids like you don't know what it was like

It's not worth the trouble. If the run isn't picking up steam past floor 3, it's a reset. I do not want to be fighting things with no damage whatsoever in isaac after I've played for 600 hours.

People play isaac to do a run or two to completion after so many hours clocked in. They don't wanna dick around with shit runs.

Personally it depends on my mood. Sometimes I want adversity and sometimes I want to steamroll everything. I try to be flexible so I don't end up frustrated

Antibirth is great.

The best generation for me to overcome dysfunction
More music me and my peers bonded over

has it gotten any updates yet?

Not a one.

wtf man i literally said "underage b&"

They made an update post on late August but nothing yet

I am so underaged that I don't know what the fuck b& means

You can take your b& and shove it up your ass at least 8 years younger then me meme user.

Memes are not my era

Its true no one over age 23 uses memes

I've lost all interest in ever playing again. Edmund just isn't very good at designing games. Everything he adds just makes the game worse.

How many lads here have completed the Lost and/or Keeper post its on hard?

I can get everyone but them done on hard (haven't yet but I know I can). I haven't played hardly any Keeper or Lost however.

I've heard you can't chaos card or plan c Delerium either so I guess ima have to git really good or wait for a break run.

Didn't bother, just used SAM to unlock the achievement and synced them in-game. I did everything with The Lost on Rebirth; that was hard but not bullshit. Keeper sucks and Delirium is just straight up broken.

I bought rebirth back when it came out and just got 1001% in afterbirth yesterday

I've heard Keeper is harder than Lost and I can see that being the case in general but for Hush/Delerium/Mega Satan etc wouldn't Keeper be easier assuming you get swallowed penny?

Then again I can see how much Keeper might suck if you have to rely on finding one specific item just to not get your ass whooped. I am actually surprised I have gotten as many achievements in the game as I have, like one month ago when I started playing it I had none so idc if I don't 100% it. I would rather not try if it is gunna be a cancerous rngfest.

Swallowed penny is super common in urns on the first floor

Wrath of the Lamb Eternal is THE definitive version. Prove me wrong.

>best artstyle
>best soundtrack
>there is enough items to have fun without 500 bullshit items
>eternal mode realy add something to the game, is original and makes the game legit harder

Only flaw is fucking flash.

I haven't played the original so idk if he is the same there but god damn I fucking hate Conquests light beam attack. Isaacs second phase is also gay because of it.

It doesn't hit you often but its more the fact its literally got like no warning or anything to it. Only other thing to piss me off to a similar degree is if Krampus does spinning brimstone near a wall.

I'm still terrible at this game. I managed to get 100% in a save file but I'm still fucking terrible, I can never stop playing.

I've been recording myself to figure out why I'm so bad, and I'm just coming to the conclusion I suck at making decisions during action-heavy rooms.

I forgot how ugly the original is.

Explain please.

Where have you heard that?

>having trouble against the haunt

and instead of making a cool game about your experiences, you fuck around on Sup Forums. Thats why edmund is better than you


Greed mode is meh anyway. Its basically like this
>Did you get a decent item on your first item room?
If no then you are fucked but if yes
>Did the enemy waves spawn a large amount of enemies
If no then you can get through the first level with good play but if yes then you basically just get overwhelmed due to sheer numbers of enemies and not enough dps.

And then once you get past the first floor the difficulty actually decreases until greed unless you get fucked hard by rng you get enough items to outscale the enemies you fight. Its basically just a stat/luck check on first floor then like 4 floors of meh until greed where you will probably win assuming you made it that far anyway. Greedier is a different story because you get reduced money and Greedier himself is a pretty big spike in challenge from Greed.

I thought cursed eye was amazing but had no clue why I would randomly just teleport out of rooms from time to time.

Best expansion coming through
Which is funny because when Rebirth was teased people hated the artstyle and praised the original.

I'm not a game designer
If rather make a dramacomedy tv show.
My life is about healing people with energy

Who's woolie

The backgrounds are really flat looking but I still like just about everything else more than in Rebirth.

At least he got his purple gameboy back

The only stuff I need to do for 100% completion is Delirium as Lost and Keeper, Mega Satan as Keeper, "Zip" and "It's the key".

Any tips, other than reset until I get Gnawed Leaf + Bumbo? I've made it to Delirium a dozen times each as Lost and Keeper, but it's such an RNG clusterfuck that it's impossible to beat without getting hit.

If you can get a decent run with 9 lives then there's no reason not to beat Delirium. So try to get that.

I've made it to the boss a few times with 9 lives, but that doesn't help when he unavoidably teleports directly on top of me.
Pretty much just get swallowed penny on keeper and hope to get lucky. Also achievements like It's the key are something that should've never been implemented and I hope that whoever designed them and the AB+ challenges never gets to design another video game ever again

Rune bag, Blank Card, Tarot Cloth and anything that allows you hold 2 cards and runes are your best friend with Lost and Keeper achievements. Algiz gives you most likely long enoug invincibility to chop half the HP off of Delirum and Mega Satan

>post nu-game with no real gameplay
Gungeon's better desu.

OpenIsaac (rebirth) soon.

This music is way more intense than the generic shit in rebirth wth. I can see why people always praised the music of the original. The only boss theme I can remember in rebirth is Hush but the fight goes so long it gets old after a while.

Is + on piss4 yet? They always take their sweet as time putting in on console but I should be thankful it eventually gets DLC at all compared to the other platforms.

You can mod the original's music into Rebirth.
The rebirth one tries to be too "ambiental" and less videogame. Which,while there's nothing wrong with that, it gets really boring for a game where replayability is key. It's why Antibirth got it right. That and the fact that the composer had a huge hard-on for DannyB
How's Danny Baranowsky such a fucking god?

>tfw thinkin back on the good ol days of when rebirth first came out
I'm not one to bother 100%ing games but somehow I did it. Took 600 hours and half of my winter vacation pressing R or dying but I actually did it.

First level is the cellar