Word on the street is this month's humble bundle will be the best one yet
Word on the street is this month's humble bundle will be the best one yet
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K...Keep me posted
Will it have Cuphead?
Wasn't the early unlock some shitty Tomb Raider game?
Seems really fucking unlikely the bundle will be the best yet if the "big ticket" item isn't even good
is it a street in india? designated for something?
Anybody have thoughts on the current weekly bundle. The only game that interests me is sins and it's only 6 bucks compared to its normal 40 dollar price tag
get it. gal civ 3 is worth it.
They're shit. They skimped out so they could throw a huge monthly bundle together
You kidding? Shit big ticket means there's higher likelihood of good shit hidden away to keep people happy after the reveal
Yeah, my friend got it. ROTR lasted him only 11 hours on hard.
btw, OP, you talking about the 6 games left from the September bundle?
October 2017
I already have galactic civ 3 from another bundle. Should I just ignore that and sins and just play stellaris to satisfy my space boner instead?
get sins
is this the dedicated key-dumping thread?
>not posting the key in a picture so the bots can't get it
>muh bots boogeyman
>thinking there are "bots" just because you're slow
You underestimate just how many poorfags are fucking ready to go and grab a key in under two seconds as soon as it's posted
There are plenty of bots on this site and there are proven bot miners who take these codes from the humble threads of the past
Oh so then it won't be hard for you to show that proof, yes?
I'm waiting.
I was tempted to pick up the bundle but the lack of DLC on Tomb Raider put me off. Especially because it's a Square game and they run huge sales anyway. Probably be able to get the game plus DLC for $12 not that long. Also have no idea if the DLC's even worth anything but it has a score attack mode or something and I generally like those.
Pls be Original Sin 1 and Banished/ Exanima.
I hope it's good Halloween shit for once
I think they've already bundled DOS1 and the monthlies are supposed to be shit they haven't bundled before. Exanima would be great even though I would be pissed since I'm almost positively skipping the bundle, and had I known it was in I would've bought that shit in a heartbeat.
damn it. it's gonna be outlast 2
Don't say such things
they gave away outlast 1 and the expansion. outlast 2 for halloween is fucking certain.
If they give it away for free like the first one then fine. Otherwise no
>Word on the street
Does this exist now that there's internet?
>internet highway
fucking generation z not knowing shit.
>internet highway
It's the information superhighway you shit.
So word on the superstreet?
don't try to correct me when we're both right
>not even a thanks
i think everyone already have dota 2
bots aren't programmed to say thanks
damn those bots i need my free gone home keys gibs me dat
Fuckin bots stealing my daddy dating sim keys REEEEE
last time we got 3 games i wanted for months
hope we get some nice games this time as well