This is someone who browses Sup Forums

This is someone who browses Sup Forums.
Say something nice about him!

He looks like someone who browses Sup Forums.


i dont think qt goes on Sup Forums anymore

he is the kind of autist who says "ayy lmao" IRL constantly.


I liked qt until I realized it's not at all an act and he is a genuine fucking scumbag.

He definitely used to years ago, no idea if he does it now.

4chinners can't be succesf-

The fun is that it is obviously not an act and he doesnt give a fuck about any of these retards giving him money to play league of legends

ya that looks about right

Why this ugly bastard has so many followers?

he was a pro league of legends player and can be funny from time to time

I wish I could make even 10% of what QT makes a year, even if it is taking advantage of reddit tards streaming league of legends.
Fucker is set for life, the few times this year that I've checked his stream out the viewcount is nearly at 30K whereas a year or two ago it was 10k to 15k. Maybe its his time slot that gives him the advantage because he has absolutely no competition in the morning.

When I was told about internet trolls I didn't think they were being literal. Does this guy turn to stone in the sunlight too?

Does this guy still work at a gas station?

He is actually most likely a millionaire by a long shot

>Maybe its his time slot that gives him the advantage
no it's just because he's fun to watch, there's no easy way to get popular you just have to keep at it and if people enjoy your shit you'll obviously grow

I wish he played more with Jared

Alright, I can respect that

>playing ranked a few years back
>the first season I ever really tryharded to get at least gold
>get some shithead katarina on my team who keeps inting and going "i'm gonna get a quadra kill" with his mejai's with a shit score
>call him a shitty retard disgrace as the enemy team ends the game on us
>suddenly get 20 invites after and the two I accept out of curiosity are just calling me a faggot for disrespecting their lord and savior
>they're straight up fuming that I would insult whoever it is they're talking about
>turns out kat was qt streaming on a smurf straight up just inting in low tiers

And ever since that day, I've known that qt and his fans are dumbasses

you don't?

>things that never happened

seems pretty standard to me, he was still being a retard for sperging in gold, and he probably is still in gold

he is top 10 challenger though

I would find you the vod, but this was back in like season 3. He wasn't inting the entire game, but as soon as it became clear we were in a losing position, he just completely gave up and started running in 1v4 going "my quadra my quadra i'm gonna get a quadra."

I'm talking about the user who was sperging in gold

Not the guy you responded to but like a week ago qt was more spamming ad carry xin in like d1/masters and just straight feeding his ass off. He left lane 1/10/2 like 4 games straight before switching to xayah.

I was so accustomed to Sup Forums being retarded that i thought you really meant Qtiepie

oh no you lost a game in fucking gold, guess you won't be an lcs super star now


>one team had more charisma than whole NA lcs these days
I didnt ask for these feels user.

Daikatana is a piece of shit and he should feel bad about it.

I don't care that I lost a game several years ago, dumbass. I'm saying qt is a faggot and his fans are just as stupid as he is.

sounds like you're pretty mad, are you still in gold or are you banned for being a sperg?

I want to fuck Lisha and Emiru

Why is he so popular? He's just some really ugly guy who plays LoL.

He's good and fun I can see why people like to watch him, I can't stand the way he talks though but that's just my personal opinion

>most likely

Look at his house, the property alone in that neighborhood costs like 100k and the building itself is fucking huge. Also he supports his girlfriend.

qt probably makes upwards of a million every single year

He never posted in /vg/ threads.
Hotshot was a regular a few years ago in /lolg/.

> really ugly guy

He looks better than 80% of all people who play assfaggots in tournaments, what the hell are you talking about.

top 5 player in the region, funny as fuck, keeps it real.

let's be real he's only high on the ladder because every pro is in korea now

he has finished in top 10 nearly every season though. hes actually extremely good but he just trolls most of the time on his alt account

qt is the one that made me give a fuck about lcs, then he retires wtf

He was in the /v LoL chat room and played with all the oldfags in /vg before /vg was a thing.

>be a fat ugly nerd who plays video games
>get a hot submissive cosplay gf to dick every night
>literally because you're SUCH a fat nerd that you can actually make money off of it

There's no justice in the world

>plays shit top laner with no escapes
>popular streamer

yeah no way he will get camped there haha
