I just realized that the weather is system is based on the location rather than being completely random, I feel tricked

I just realized that the weather is system is based on the location rather than being completely random, I feel tricked.

Its both. There are random weather occurrences but some areas do have specific weather for specific reasons.

Reminder that this is the most overrated blundergame since MGS V.

It's not 100% location-based. It's still random, just different areas have propensities for different climates. You won't see snow in Death Mountain or the Gerudo Desert, obviously, but clear days and rain are both possible in that jungle area.

By what metric?

Well yeah? Of course it's based on location.
There aren't going to be snowstorms in the deserts or sandstorms in the lush vegetated areas obviously.

>go outside of tarrey town
>it's starts to rain, heavy thunderstorm
>run back to tarrey town to seek shelter
>it's suddenly sunny again
>run back out, it's suddenly raining again
Immersion ruined.

Goddamnit please let this image become irrelevant. Stop crying

Dozens of 10/10s and strongest GOTY contender so far

still always rains exactly when I need it to not so fuck it

>based on the location
yup, you can even observe rain clouds from the distance

The disparity between the initial praise and the true quality as revealed by time.

>raining while climbing
>literally just have to put down the controller and wait for the rain to stop
that one flaw made me so mad at this game. it's a fucking joke.

Are you talking about BotW or TPP?

>literally just have to put down the controller and wait for the rain to stop
Too complicated for you, baby?
Make your mind up

>not using revali's powerup

>it's become this easy to make ninten-drones have autistic tantrums

i used them all and they were recharging, or i didn't have it yet.
either way it's a shit mechanic and shouldn't just put a wall in front of your progress because something's a bit wet.

You could just power up your stamina and power through the rain then

>create beutiful world
>its raining 60% of the time

jesus fuck I was hoping I would get an item to unfuck the weather it rains too much jesus fuck shit cunt it's not even a challenge just a hassle and ruins the scenere fuck you

>and shouldn't just put a wall in front of your progress because something's a bit wet.
I have never been rock climbing in my life

>i used them all and they were recharging
I lack self discipline and basic resource management skills

So you're saying that you don't want the game to challenge your progression regardless of how realistic it is?

it doesn't rain nearly as much in real life you cunt

>climates are all the same
>In a fucking fantasy kingdom no less
Hyrule isn't even on our Earth.

rain isn't a challenge. it's not fun to mash a for even longer to do something that could've been done faster.
some enemies while climbing would be fun.
some sort of time limit to speed up how fast you get up the mountain would be fun.
some water that just stops you in your tracks is not fun.

it'd be like playing gta but randomly while driving you'll just stop still and won't be able to move for 5 minutes. gee what a challenge, how fun.

>An entire mechanic should not be used at all, regardless of how fun it is, so that it can fix an already broken one

>it'd be like playing gta but randomly while driving you'll just stop still and won't be able to move for 5 minutes. gee what a challenge, how fun.
If it was justified in universe and was balanced appropriately there would be literally nothing wrong with that.

Being soaked with water in real life would hinder your movement too. You'd be familiar with that if you ever left your autist nest.

I dunno, I tend to stop climbing in a straight line when it starts raining. There's almost always several ways to the top of anything so, if it starts raining, I'll just have to find a way around it. I think of that as a challenge. Or just use Revali's shit and get up that way. Or briefly light up 4 camp fires to give yourself enough of an updraft to get higher up.

maybe just stop leaving as it starts to rain? lmao you switch haters will grasp at anything

I swear, this Zelda is so ugly. Even SS Zelda is better.

>tfw BOTW replaced MGSV as my favouriteist game

It's crazy how many pep are retarded.

If it's raining just make a campfire and you can skip the weather. Just find somewhere sheltered, even an alcove in a where cliff face halfway a mountain is fine. Just drop some wood and keep a flame sword handy to light it.

Or just use the super jump ability once you earn it.

No problem with using Ravali's gale, but there is a problem with burning through all 3 like a retard when you don't need them and then complaining that you have none left when you do.

>I ate all my hot pockets on night 1 of my survival situation and now I'm hungry on night 2.

So unfair right?

No height in the game that can't be scaled with proper preperation and smart use of Ravali. Even in full downpour.

The reason you can't climb in rain is the rocks are slick, it has nothing to do with your clothes being heavy from rain.
The mechanics isn't "balanced appropriately" because it isn't a mechanic to play around. It is only a hindrance and people complain about it as the #1 fault of the game from what I've seen.

Didn't the description of the climbing gloves say that they were anti-slipping or something like that? What's the point of the set then?

Shitposters aren't people.

>Being soaked with water in real life would hinder your movement too
It doesn't though. I've gotten drenched from rain a lot and it never hindered my movement other than being colder and having the clothes stick more to my body. How do they hinder your movement, /out/doors expert?

driving in gta is explicitly designed to be fun. something that stops that (not challenges it) would not be fun. by definition it would be restricting the amount of fun you had.
rain in gta creates a challenge because it changes the driving. it doesn't stop it like botw stops progression.
if you don't like fun then good for you but i prefer to enjoy my games.

>games need to be realistic meme
>autism buzzword
now i see where your deluded, stupid opinions come from.

Patience is every bit a valid metric to measure player skill as any kind of combat mechanic.

And the point is that will hinder you and that's completely regardless of how much "fun" you think it is. You can't decide not to b effected by the elements just because you deicde it's not fun.
and that's how you raise a generation of coddled cucks. The generation who grew up with Breath of the wild as their zelda will be far better equipped to face the trials of the world than any prior generation.

>valid complaints mean you are shitposting
This is why people don't like you nintendo fans. You can't see objective criticism for what it is. It's always a personal attack to you. Always.

>rain in gta creates a challenge because it changes the driving. it doesn't stop it like botw stops progression.
How so? The rain does change how you climb because it forces you to utilise slopes more, find alternate routes upwards and use other means to gain height.

You understand no-slip doesn't mean immune to water in the context of precarious handholds, right?
>The special no-slip gloves help you use your energy more efficiently to facilitate nimbler climbing.
>help you use your energy more efficiently to facilitate nimbler climbing.
A side effect of this is that it is indeed easier to climb during rain because you travel farther and use less stamina.
You'd be more convincing if you didn't trot out blatant console war language so quickly, shitposter-kun.

Wet clothes get heavy and restrict movement when they cling to you.

glad im not the only one
since I use CEMU I just tab out and watch youtube until its done

How fucking sad is it that you autists are throwing a tantrum over this? For once you don't just put talent points in the Mountaineer talent tree, you actually learn through experience. This is what games should be like.

It's quite literally fucking pathetic. People bitch and whine about the simplest and most realistic mechanics in any game. I'm shocked they aren't complaining they have to cook food to eat it to restore health.

>i prefer to enjoy my games.
A virtual world should encompass every aspect of life. Positive and negative. To hide under your blanket of fun is cowardice. Pure and simple.

The weather was pretty lackluster to me. I guess it's neat that it exists at all, but besides rain being semi-annoying and having to unequip metal equipment during lightningstorms, it's not a big deal. Where's the extreme weather events and disasters? Meteor showers, tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, locusts, etc etc. It's a fantasy setting so they should go wild. I know the game is already very big, and that's part of the problem. No specific element of the game is developed much at all. Hopefully the sequel(s) will properly build on everything.

unless there are no slopes and/or you don't have the resources to brute force it.

for a game that focuses on exploring it sure does try hard to stop you from doing that early on.

also the climbing in botw is not meant to be as fun of a mechanic as driving in gta. it's not some complex behemoth system where you have all these options- you move a set distance in a set direction- unless it's raining in which case you barely move in any direction.

this is a botw thre-

>for a game that focuses on exploring it sure does try hard to stop you from doing that early on.
Welcome to the jungle, kid.

>criticising BOTW
>switch hater
man someone's defensive. you do realize it's on the Wii U too, right?

i don't like the rain in this game because the rain in this game is hard

Rain is a challenge because it forces players to rethink how they will approach an area. There is literally no place in game that you can't access just because of the rain. Literally none. Not even the top of the lanayru cliffs are unreachable. You being too lazy to find alternative methods of getting up a cliff and choosing to just sit and wait like a retard is not a flaw of the game, it is a flaw in your brain.

The only bigger cuck on the planet than the Switch owner is the Wii U owner.

Typical nintend rones

>it sure does try hard to stop you
I see no evidence of that.

How many layers do you need to wear for the weight to become significant?

The full climbing gear bonus should have just made you immune to slipping due to rain. By that point you'll almost have certainly encountered rain enough times that it's no longer novel, and being able to 100% overcome an obstacle (you know, like in most Zeldas) would be satisfying.

I mean, weather works like that in real life too, you know?

cry harder

If you're absorbant materials then one layer will do it.

>To hide under your blanket of fun is cowardice.
you mean to hide behind the thing i want most out of games?

>A virtual world should encompass every aspect of life
i'm sure the game would be a lot more fun if when hit you would not be able to move at all for 6 weeks because you were healing.

No it does not, Tarrey Town should be raining as well. I mean I'm talking about the entrance to Tarrey Town here, I even saw it raining there as I'm heading back but as soon as I get close, the weather clears up and it's as if it never rained.

fun fact: every flaw in this game is subjective.

A perfect simulation of the real world is the end goal of this medium.
Also can't criticize a game because it doesn't make concessions towards your personality flaws.

Where are these areas with no slopes though? You're definitely not talking about any of the mountains since they're all designed to have slopes. Not having resources is also weird considering you can get firewood from any tree that can be cut down and flint from any ore deposits. I can't imagine you not having any unless you're still in the Great Plateau. Which would make it weirder still since there aren't any cliffs with zero slopes there either. And all of this is made weirdest, now that I think about it, since you can plop down a camp fire and fast forward to a time where the rain has already stopped at any time.

I get that you don't like that your progress is being hindered by the rain while climbing but there are a number of alternatives to it that you seem to be forgoing. You can look for slopes, you can create updrafts, you can use Revali's Gale if you have it, you can wait it out, you can fast forward to when it stops, you can circle around to look for ways to walk up instead of climbing up and so on.

>A perfect simulation of the real world is the end goal of this medium.
6/10 would b8 some

>he doesn't live in Britain

>you can plop down a camp fire and fast forward to a time where the rain has already stopped at any time.
not if it's raining.

>another mechanic that can fix a broken one can't be used in tandem with the broken one
10/10 best game

>not if it's raining.
Find a cave nigga
>If I don't like a mechanic then it's broken

>>literally just have to put down the controller and wait for the rain to stop
I mean you could do that, if you really, really hate climbing.
Or you could just continue climbing because in 9 times out of 10 rain doesn't actually prevent you from climbing to where you want to go. Even without having upgraded your stamina.
You just need to take the most stamina efficient paths. If there are inclines that aren't wet, take them. And pace your climbing so that you always do the leap right before you would normally slip.

Rain doesn't stop you from climbing.

I'm not sure what you're even complaining about. Rainfall can miss places in the real world, and games generally simulate areas discretely rather than running the entire world concurrently.

Yes you can user. The camp fire goes out in like 3 seconds but you can interact with it before that. Did you even try? I create updrafts in the middle of pouring rain using 4-5 camp fires with this trick.

>Rain doesn't stop you from climbing.

The literal state of anti-BOTW cucks. Seeing them get BTFO time and time again never fails to entertain me. Keep crushing the cucks lads.

>no cave
>forced to put down controller and wait
what an excellent mechanic.

>Not liking the chad lunge bonus that the set already has

>I am too dumb/blind to see the cave
>so there is no cave

End your life now before you embarrass yourself any further.

>has had it explained to him dozens of times that you don't need to wait
>keeps saying he has to wait

How does one human get this autistic?

climbing is a means to an end and isn't explicitly designed to be fun.
you want to see what's at the top of the mountain so you climb it. you don't climb it just for the climbing mechanics.
so why put a severe restriction on a means to an end? it's exactly the same as the stamina meter from ss. it's there purely to restrict you from using a fun mechanic too much.
in botw's case, rain restricts you from exploring- the entire focus of the game.

I really don't know how to explain it to you anymore. I suggest you go to Tarrey Town during the morning and see it for yourself.

how about check the fucking sky before attempting some huge climb?

>Or you could just continue climbing because in 9 times out of 10 rain
There's one (1) thing you can do to stop slipping in the rain and it involves a near glitch so that leaping doesn't link directly into a slip.

you really should be more honest

>The full climbing gear bonus should have just made you immune to slipping due to rain.
Why? That'd be incredibly anti-climactic and give you no benefit whatsoever when it isn't raining. And believe it or not, that's the vast majority of the time even if you might feel otherwise.
>By that point you'll almost have certainly encountered rain enough times that it's no longer novel
And also by that point, you'd likely have enough stamina familiarity with how climbing works, that rain would no longer be an issue. And with the climbing gear bonus, rain does become even less of an issue. Because it actually makes you better at climbing by being more stamina efficient.

No, I understood what you're describing. I'm saying I don't see what you're complaining about. There's no rule that rainfall be uniform in the real world, and video games often segregate town and wilderness simulations.

>there is a cave everywhere in the entire game because i said there is

Horizon Zero Dawn is much better than this menu opening simulator shit that is zelda.

Not him, but you're dumb as fuck my friend.

>in botw's case, rain restricts you from exploring- the entire focus of the game.
But it doesn't because there are so many alternatives to either circumvent the climb or the rain.

Slip down a little bit.
You're up.

Or alternatively.

Slip down a little bit.
Slip down a little bit.
You're up.


>a near glitch
Not that user, but you should take your own advice you pathetic faggot.
>hurr durrrrrrr
Go fuck yourself.

I'm not really complaining, just a minor annoyance from my own autism.

You are never more than 20 seconds away from a sheltered area no matter where you are in BOTW.

*if you have the resources
and the way you acquire those resources is severely restricted by rain.

Even if I go fuck myself, that wouldn't make you any less dumb as hell, friend.

You know u can drop a piece of flint near the wood and hit it with a metal weapon to light it right?

I haven't played HZD because I am not a cuck, but I will say that even if every gameplay element was 10/10 (which I doubt because everything I have seen makes it seem like generic open world trash) the SJW elements would still render it a far worse game than BOTW.

Actively trying to usher along a genocide of a race is a far worse crime than any bad gameplay element in zelda.

>overreaching this desperately after the original poster already commented

Be prepared then you massive retard. Flint and wood covers the entire map. No excuse not to have some on you at all times in case for rain storms.

Name ONE (1) location in Breath of the wild where rain would force you not to go. There are none. You don't even need resources, you can go in butt naked with 3 hearts and base stamina with no food/potions and still reach 100% of the explorable map.

>and the way you acquire those resources is severely restricted by rain.
How so? You just go cut a tree and find some flint. Even easier if you have a flame weapon. I also have trouble understanding how you play the game to not have the resources to make a camp fire on hand.