Consoles TOTALLY don't hold gaming back

Consoles TOTALLY don't hold gaming back...


No, you can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometime you find
You get what you need

> implying any dev could afford to make AAAgames for the pirate and steam-sale race

It's amazing how none of this has been true for more than a decade now.

>trying this hard

>wanting a walled garden ecosystem controlled by a single corporation
>plus all those outright lies
holy shit consoletards are retarded


consoles hold back games technically but they also fund them. without the money consoles bring in we'd be stuck with PC exclusives that sell a few hundred thousand units at best.

t. pcfag

>the death of bloated AAA cookie cutter talentless hacks would not be a welcome development

That's also why we get the same shit over and over again

ya id love if the industry was exclusively littered with shovelware and indieshit.

Doesn't matter, people will continue to buy into this shit despite whatever impact it has. Its like telling a smoker they're going to die from it, they don't give a fuck. They're shortsighted and childish(which makes since really).

The only solution is for children to stop being the main demographic and that is impossible. You can't expect kids and normies to care enough, they're entirely swayable by marketing and console war retardation.

I'd rather have fewer, better games than the ocean of console garbage we get nowadays.

You just prefer it to be littered with shit like call of duty and uncharted

Name literally one (1) good AAA release since F.E.A.R. 2

This is a TL:DR for why console companies should just make PC operating systems and sell a cheap prebuilt that games optimize towards. It would be perfect, the problems of PC are negated and you get to pretend that theres still a point to console wars.

PS4 and Xbone are just terrible prebuilts that have their operating systems and imprisoned games attached. Thats all you're buying and its all in an attempt to monopolize and control the industry. For those with the memory of a goldfish: Sony and microsoft want horrible things for the industry.

No it's not, it's a fucking dumb bait pic and PC doesn't need shitty closed ecosystems.

Is this bait replying to bait?

Red Dead Redemption

PC release when?

On the flip side consoles were also a significant part of NV's sales
>As of November 8, 2010, the game had shipped 5 million copies worldwide,[83] achieving revenue of $300 million.[84] Electronic Entertainment Design and Research, a market research firm, estimates that the game has sold 11.6 million copies worldwide by 2015.[85]
Steamspy claims there's about 5 million owners of NV on Steam (about 600,000 bought it and never installed/played it), that's after 7 years of the game being available to buy. It's also been very heavily discounted on Steam since then too; I got NV in 2013 with all the DLC for like $7.50. To reach 10-11 million sales, a majority of them were likely console sales, and a substantial amount were sold at $60.

Not that this refutes anything in the OP, though. Consoles absolutely did hold the game back, it's just clear why they made it for consoles in the first place. This strategy doesn't always work out. XCOM Enemy Unknown was planned for consoles at the start as a way of helping pitch the game to 2K, and it turned out to sell poorly on console and excellently on PC. The result was XCOM 2 being PC-focused with a shit console port put out 7 months later, and that sold even worse than EU so it's likely XCOM 3 will never get a console port.

NV is available in a lot more places than just steam.

Console players can't handle strategy games

meanwhile the most popular PC games are undertale and cuckhead


Right, but without data from them we can't say how much they added to PC sales. I'm going to hazard a guess and say $30-60 physical PC/Amazon sales didn't number in the millions to swing the balance in PC's favor.