Why was best character also the mastermind?
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I wanted to hug Gonta at the end of his trial. No kind gentleman like Gonta deserved that fate.
Is there a single human here who knows what the fuck ReBirth is?
A Reminder that Kyoko is the best girl
>V3 where everything is the same except instead of Himiko becoming more positive to honor Tenko she just fucking snaps
REMINDER that Saihara is a SLUT that BELONGS to EVERYONE! He is PUBLIC PROPERTY! His favorite acivities are ROUGH, PASSIONATE ANAL with Miu and TIGHT, KINKY BONDAGE with Tulpaman! Here's a list of what EVERYONE ELSE does with him:
>Angie loves jumping on his dick for Kamisama, getting divine inspiration through his cum all over that pussy
>Kaede tenderly loves him- sexually
>Tenko loves to roll around with him- literally- and end up with a dick in that tight ass
>Ouma loves riding his dick in handcuffs after he made him chase him down and throw him to the floor like a real cop
>Himiko likes making magic by making that cock disappear down her throat
>Gonta uses him as practice for being a real gentleman in bed, with Saihara acting as a true lady by taking it
>Kirumi likes to clean up his messes- with her tongue
>Amami loves when he calls him oniichan, muffled by his dick in his mouth
>Kaito uses him as extra weight during pushups, and then flips it around on him so he can push right up into that ass
>Someone has to handle Hoshi's balls, and only Saihara has the slut experience he truly needs
>Maki dishes out the pain to everyone, so naturally she needs Saihara to fuck her hard and kill that pussy
>Tsumugi gets the oniichan she always wanted in her mouth, pussy and ass, in that order and in a row
>Kiibo gets to hold his hand.
Don't anyone fucking lie. If you browse Sup Forums then the only girl worthy of you is the weeb mastermind.
I heard it was an April fools prank
Post more best boys art please
Was this the best execution theme to date?
>nobody shipping Maki x Himiko
Truly the cuckest of the cucks gather here, neck yourselves.
Danganronpa but it's The Breakfast Club
I thought the mastermind was the NEET.
>Kaito constantly asks maki if she wants to go on a date
>Maki always declines, but secretly loves him
>After rejecting him 20 times, Maki finally finds the courage to confess her love to kaito
>Kaito apologizes and turns her down
>Maki asks why the sudden change of heart
>Ouma comes out in nothing but his shorts and asks kaito who's at the door
>Maki commits suicide
The best boy and the also good boy.
But user that wouldnt be a harmless prank
Fuuuuck it's so good. When are they gonna end this cash cow the right way with a dance/rhythm game a la persona dancing all night
Anyone else felt like the music was weaker in drv3?
I want Kaito to tell Maki that he wants to try fighting an assassin
I want Maki to agree while she chuckles and closes her eyes
I want her to suddenly feel a punch at full strength in her gut
I want her to see Kaito with his fists ready as he tells her to not let her guard down with a grin
I want Maki to go ballistic and beat the shit out of Kaito until he cries
I want Maki to later go to Kaito's room to find a sniffling and bruised Kaito
I want her to muster up all her courage to stutter out an apology
I want Kaito to start laughing much to Maki's surprise
I want him to ruffle her hair and tell Maki that all his physical pain is healed by her kind and genuine words
I want Maki to silently pout and blush as he keeps patting her head
>Maki commits suicide
I wanted this to happen
YOOOOOO makes everything good.
But I liked Bugs Panic as well because I had actually heard the song it sampled beforehand (Dhurva Aliman - Bottom of the Sea) and was surprised to hear it there.
Thanks Ace
A bit. Beautiful Lie was good but on average the soundtrack wasn't as good as before, wasn't absolutely terrible tho.
>the season when the bane wannabe broke someones spine
Is team danganronpa running out of ideas?
I want to brutally facefuck Himiko. Picture it: I'm on a nice dinner date with her at her favorite fancy restaurant, the kind that she can only go to with her magic gig paychecks. I take her into the men's restroom with me pretending like we're going to have a little mutual fun. Nothing too extreme! We step into a stall and she turns to cuddle me when suddenly I jam my fucking cock into her little mouth and thrust back and forth as it becomes slathered in red lipstick. An inky black mixture of tears and mascara trickles down her face as she slowly accepts her predicament. What an ugly sight! I'll tell that bitch she looks like the Joker and cuff her across the face. She tries to scream, but it's not too easy to talk with your mouth full. When I'm ready, I fill her throat with my seed--it would be ungentlemanly of me to take her to dinner without feeding her! When I'm finished, I won't clean up after myself. That little skank can stay in the men's bathroom for all I care, trembling on the floor, semen dribbling out of her mouth. Who knows, maybe if some other guy walks in he'll appreciate it. One man's trash is another man's easy nut.
And you know what the best part is? It won't be the last time I do it. She'll come back to me. That little slut needs to feel used; needs something to suck on. The stupid bitch thinks that my dick is the only thing that can set her free. I guess the only way she could ever really get over her problems is if she got herself a daddy. Oh well, you know what they say: a shoulder to cry on becomes a dick to ride on. See you next date, Himiko!
I want to start a family with Miu
Blood for the blood god! Pray for the Island God's daughter, Angie!
>Not the season where the Ultimate Pilot shot the victim before tossing him out of the plane
Guys what are we doing for Kyoko's birthday in 2 days? We haven't prepped at all!
DR is all fujos.
No one gives a shit about the yuri.
I've already got a surprise party planned for her. You guys just need to get your gifts ready
Holy fuck spoiler the last one you degenerate
>sperging over maki x saihara
You're not really convincing me right now...
How so? I think it works for the Psycho Cool theme that's part of the aesthetics this time around. It has a very chill feel for the most part (Like when you compare Box 15 to Despair Searching to see the difference). But that's fine if you feel that way, since everyone has their preferences.
>Hajime born on January 1st
>Chiaki and Chihiro born on March 14th
>Junko and Mukuro born on December 24th
Let's rank the killers
Great tier:
>Sakura, obvious
>Gundam, admitted to his crime long before the trial ended and only resisted because he didn't want to be a hypocrite
>Chiaki, as much as I dislike her, she did nothing wrong
>Kaito, can hardly be seen as a murderer
Good tier:
>Mondo, gave up once he got caught, wouldn't kill in his right mind, knowing that he would kill all the others
>Kaede, while she fucked up, she at least went to the trial and didn't take up the offer to get out
>Gonta, got manipulated and was in zetsubou, regrets his actions
Decent tier:
>Leon, didn't know he would get everyone else killed, was targeted and panicked
>Teruteru, used killing Hopeman as an excuse to see his mother again
>Peko, had no reason to kill, but did it because she misunderstood Kuzu's wishes
>Kirumi, while she tried to lie her way out of her sentence, she at least murdered for selfless reasons
>Tsumugi, did everything wrong, but she managed to create an interesting case and deserves credit for managing to blame it all on Kaede
Shit tier:
>Celestia, literally did it just for the money and selfish reasons
>Mikan, shitty motive, shitty case
Meme tier:
Dude Despair Lmao tier:
>2 girls 1 guy survived.
>Fujos on suicide watch.
>anal with Miu
How is he supposed to give her a child with anal?
>The moment when the autist drive cosplayer killed someone in the elevator
Man that season was just a movie reference circlejerk
Moogie shows her dominance!
Hello to you as well
got any more Mukuro and Makoto?
>shuichi choose kaede as his waifu for her godly handjobs
Why do blood type Bs always die first.
Shit tier cunt who acts all high and mighty as if the way he did stuff was the best way to do that
I liked him till that case too
Miu's pussy juices
t. Nip
Nobody fucking cares about blood types outside of Nips
Who can forget the infamous season 34 where the kids bought the lie that they were the last surviving members of the human race and decided to start repopulating rather than killing.
Damn, one day off from Hiyoko.
>none of the other kumas made it in
>still have no clue who the fuck was in the end
It was either him and Nekomaru fighting it out or everyone just starving to death. He just happened to win the duel.
I kinda wish these weren't so easy to miss, i only knew that it existed because of a user.
>Nobody fucking cares about blood types outside of Nips
go talk to an Army Corpsman
what's that pic
Is Miu the only character that directly gives Shuichi their panties?
Patrician ship
Don't talk shit about our favorite chuunibyou. Gundham is a pure soul.
It cemented Kokichi as worst character.
I hope you're well. Enjoy Kyoko's birthday in the future.
I think so
>get confused by the save options in the bonus games
>leave the game withou saving
>2 hours of board game progress lost
truly the best chuuni
I didn't expect it to happen after case 1.
How am I doing Sup Forums?
I agree!
If he didn't do what he did everyone would've starved to death. Also it's not like he sneak attacked mechamaru, they agreed to a fight.
Scrums are easily my favorite minigame in the series. Nothing more satisfying than getting all your arguments first time around and that sweet Full Counter that follows.
That actually sounds cool. kinda wished that happened now
it's already suspect
If he wanted to save everyone then he would've either killed himself or confessed to the murder immediately, we've been through this before.
Why does no one like him?
Nah, it's my favorite.
>what's that pic
v3 first trailer
Yup, also canon.
Danganronpa Carnival Phantasm when?
Not bad not great. Ibuki is a meme waifu
so we have no idea who that was or was that scrapped
Are you kidding? He's one of my favorites, shame he died so early, I pegged him to live to the end. I think V3 is the first game where I've only gotten 2 of the ending survivors besides the protag correct. The rest you can very easily tell who is gonna make it to the last trial.
Hopefully soon
Kind of bad but they're my honest tastes
Eh, Ibuki is just so genki, I can't (and don't want to) resist her.
And Maki is great as part of Main Trio
>Great tier
>An unintentional murder
I'm curious. The case itselft is awesome, but Komaeda fits better for the role of killer than Chiaki.
He was too smart and mature for DR game.
He was really likable.
V3 might be my favorite in the series despite the shitty ending
>And more
what did they mean by this?
There's no guarantee that Monokuma would've accepted suicide. He did say that it was him before the trial ended, and he probably would've confessed outright if everyone blamed someone else. But from the videogame standpoint no one would like to skip a trial.
Is this your OC OP?
He was too cool for DR
it would still be better than META, LIES, HIKUSHON
A true bro, he had some pretty cool mentor-like dialogue with Shuichi.
>still no porn of these two together
He confessed TWO HOURS after the trial started, and only confessed because he was found out. If he truly wanted to save the others, he would've done it immediately.
>Ibuki first place
Jesus Christ man
>Komaeda and Kaito in the top 3
At least you have some good taste for men
He's not bad. I'd like him more without the goofy chibi design, it doesn't suit his character at all.