This kills the Souls series


Not really. Looks fun, I will buy it when it comes out, but I does not seems like it will do anything to Dark Souls. Looks too much like difficult for difficulty sake.

i don't know who's trolling who anymore

Souls series already died with DaS2

>pc version confirmed
Never ever they said.

The Souls series killed itself, and was never difficult.
That said, Nioh is incredibly easy and much easier to break over your knee. Still quite a fun game, though.


I hope you guys enjoy it. I just really don't like the prospect of PC players shitting up the discussion and fanbase like Dark Souls had to deal with.

Bloodborne and Nioh were smaller little niches and I liked them that way.

>ps4 betatests
>pc gets definitive version


Fuck no, Nioh was spammed in every Dark Souls thread for months. The fanbase has always been garbage

PS4 already has the same "definitive" version. With the Pro you can go 4k and 60 FPS and everything.

False flaggers. One in particular if I recall correctly, was extremely autistic and spammed his webms. Don't be so stupid that the actions of one or two people can affect your opinions like that.

Let's be honest, though. As much as I like Nioh, its discussion is always short-lived. There won't be much left to ruin.

How do you get stronger weapons after the main game? Everything in the dlc is kicking my ass and im not getting anything better than what i have already

This kills the Nioh.

Every new NG+ cycle has stronger equipment from the very beginning, if you have trouble you're better off playing the new mode for better loot and more amrita gains.

Yeah, I guess.

But we all know Nioh has a greenlit sequel that will come out soon enough and once there's an ongoing series? We're fucked. Remember: They even took time to merge Nioh and Ninja Gaiden's worlds. We might even get something like a "Nioh Gaiden" game.

Get some divine gear from NG+. I usually have the smithing texts to forge a set of divine armor when I get to NG+

Better gameplay
worse atmosphere
Better mechanics
worse fashion options
Better story
worse coop

Its a better game imo but it suffers in some key ways normies hate. Its DLCs are also pretty brutal coming from the end game and really wanted you to fuck around post game.

>Better story

Maybe if you're already a Sengoku era scholar, but the story is a complete mess otherwise.

Difficulty in Nioh is pretty weird.
Beginning of the game is pretty easy
Mid game is kinda hard
End game is either hard or easy
Post game is spongey as fuck and DLC bosses are much more aggressive and painful.

Beat the first two DLCs besides Maria i'm saving for later and shit was rough as level 140 with regular divines. Gonna go to Demon mode first.

ok ill try this

It was designed for Japs. The characters and story are extremely well known to them. I'll assume you're american and compare it to stories of the revolution and civil war. You guys know a bunch of stupid horseshit about that stuff. Same deal.

The story isn't great but its still better then Souls story. Now lore wise they're about equal to me atleast but story Souls games have almost no concrete story.

I also hope that. But I do not think BB or Nioh was all that niche, BB sold PS4 - I'm a PC guy, but almost bought a PS4 just for that - and Nioh was spammed to hell and back when it came out. The hype died quickly tho, so now we get it to give it a second life, as it happened with the souls series. The fanbase was toxic and has always been. Bringing it to the pc did not changed that. I mean I love DS, but some people are elitist fuckbagas about it, you cannot love a game more than tem, and also they are better then you anywhere. It's just how fanbases are, has nothing to do with the consol choice.

I hope it's a good game, I've seen cool stuff, but not really convinced of the quality yet.

>nioh was forgotton when it came out on PS4
>it will be forgotten when it comes out on PC

Face facts, this game will never ever be relevant like souls.

It's too late to make threads now user. You'll never make it to Way of the Nioh. No matter what platform you play it on

That is true. I forgot there was talk about the future of Nioh as a franchise. I'd really like to see what they do next.

Nioh Gaiden sounds dangerous though. The Jin Hayabusa cameo was an amazing detail I loved, but I don't want one of the series to cannibalize the other or try to make them more similar.

more like:
>PS4 fags praise it like the second coming of christ and the end of Souls
>it is medicore
>no Nioh threads anymore
>PC confirmed
>Nioh threads shitposting
So after Sonyboys shat on PCboys it is now the other way around with the same outcome?
Fuck you, niggers

lol no we dont

>. I forgot there was talk about the future of Nioh as a franchise.

It's been a massive blowout mega-hit as far at KT are concerned. Best success they've had in years and years.

> I don't want one of the series to cannibalize the other or try to make them more similar.

I understand your concern, but a NG game where Ryu or somebody teams up with William? Two playable characters in a generally traditional NG type release? Maybe Nioh continues on as it's own series but the next game is a prequel set during Nobunaga's reign of terror. Remember, Tenkai killed him because he had Amrita based plans for world domination.

Games easy as fuck until you hit Way of the Demon, which is NG++. You only continue at that point unless you actually are there for the challenge. The game is clearly separated between "difficulty for enjoyment" and then "difficulty for people who like to overcome difficulty" in these NG+ states.

Oh, he'll make it alright. The only problem with the higher difficulties is that they pigeonhole you into Critical LW builds, but they're doable.

And if an alt-history revolutionary war game came out in Japan and founding father names were thrown around willy nilly with no regard to the overall plot or pacing, I'd understand if they didn't like it. It's not good storytelling, even if it does give nods towards interesting aspects of Sengoku history like Akechi's supposed ties to Tenkai.

So I have to beat the game twice before I get a serious challenge?

Mediocre games get threads, see Nier Automata.

The shiposting of Nioh will die out eventually when they realise the game sucks as well

The game is plenty challenging up until then. There's just a sharp spike at that point where you need to be skillful and minmaxed.

>critical LW builds
You don't even need that. And LW stops being viable when enemies start getting affixes that deal with LW in WotD and down in the abyss. Critical LW has always been the "default" option for people who didn't optimize their gear or tweak their weapons.

In NG you have to beat the main story missions to progress, in NG+ and forward you only have to beat a certain # of missions to progress, so you can do the side missions and content to leap forward quickly if your gear and skill can handle the new enemy types and mob placements.

>Mediocre games get threads, see Nier Automata.
but I like Nier

DLC is on sale right now. Should I get it?

You have a Lucky Tanuki?

>PS4 fags praise it like the second coming of christ and the end of Souls
Pretty sure that stopped immediately after people started working their way into the non existent endgame.


>Two new weapon types
>A bunch of new enemies types
>Three new regions with tons of missions
>More guardian spirits
>Remixed enemy placements to include DLC exclusive enemies.

Yes. I also have a Visitor's Dragon Kabuto. I might even have a couple other JP DLC helms.

How does it feel to know that Lewis Grahams demands of Koei Tecmo came true?

That's nice. I've only ever gotten the Visitor's Dragon Kabuto because revenants had it a lot in Demon King Revealed for some reason.
Is it possible to get it from revs still? I heard there was a lot of fuckery with the rev drops.

I have no idea. I stopped paying attention right around DLC1 and decided to check back in after DLC3. Played the alpha and beta though.

Not close. Level design is laughably simplistic, the enemy variety is very limited and designs are nothing to write home about, comparatively lackluster animations. Really the only thing it's got above it is combat, but no one plays Souls titles for the combat.

>PS4 already has the same "definitive" version. With the Pro you can go 4k and 60 FPS and everything.
And you get to pay for PS+ if you want online. Lucky you.

And you get a controller with a 4 hour battery life.
Seriously this is one of the major annoyances I have with my PS4 now after playing on Switch/PC for a while.

I wonder if I'll end up getting one.
Would you mind killing yourself quickly in WotStrong A Request for Ginchiyo to check? Only if you don't mind, of course.

I actually can't right now. Somebody else is playing on my console. It's my GF. You don't rank above somebody who blows me on the regular.

That said, I'll try to share this sometime in a future thread. Look out for me.

>PC version will have fewer players but 10x the hackers
>will have performance killing DRM
>will be an absolute shitshow of a port that runs worse than the console version
>will destroy any future discussion of the series with toxic PC players whining and shitting up threads
Just like Dark Souls. Nice.

>>will destroy any future discussion of the series with toxic PC players whining and shitting up threads
What discussions?

user is just salty, pay no mind

The community is going to be dead anyways. I doubt even 5% of the community right NOW is on Way of the Nioh.

Has KT ever used DRM before?

Hahaha no it doesn't.

It's a good game in its own right. But it's still got nothing on any of the Souls games. Even 2.

I'm glad you PConly fucktards are gonna get to play it. You'll see.

Ps4 Pro will run interpolated 4k at 30,or 1080 at 60.

>You don't rank above somebody who blows me on the regular.
Give me a chance *wink*

No worries, man. It was already selfish enough of me to ask.
If you do decide to drop it at some point you could leave a message in the general. The more people that get it the better.

well, i for one feel the need to discuss the fact that YOUR SKILL AGAINST ONI IS IMPWESSIVE

I feel like it was different enough to still have some identity over shit like lords of the fallen but some aspects were really flawed. Like not enough regular enemies in the base game, weapons being all the same when they're from the same family and the randomized loot. When they make a sequel I hope they improve on those things and maybe some more level variety would be nice.

there's definitely goinng to be a suquel seeing as how it was both critically and commercially successful. hopefully they learn from their mistakes, this is the only souls inspired game worth playing. perhaps that's because they didn't try on sell it on being aa souls clone alone like LOTF/the surge

Given how the weapon system works I don't think that would be the best idea. It would probably mean that some skills become tied to specific weapons or the skill's behaviour is changed by a modifier in the weapon.
I don't feel that Nioh really needs to have each weapon within a category have it's its own spin. The movesets are already pretty big and developed.

It's true that that makes it so that, along with random loot, weapons don't feel special, but I don't feel that's the solution.

Why is the story in Nioh so fucking minimal? Give me a fucking reason to get through these difficult as fuck stages

I wish the souls fad would die already.

Not with that bosses and short levels.

Not even the same kind of game, nigrar.

I think with the difficulty settings you already have enough of an identity to warrant special movesets for different weapons. Like, make normal mode bosses drop specific weapons and then for each difficulty setting after that you give them a higher rarity drop of that same weapon. The last difficulty would have each mission on the highest level possible and they would drop the highest level of each weapon, that allows you to have every weapon viable, get rid of all that garbage random loot that drops and allows you to still play with the one you want because it's the highest level anyways.

You guys don't get it. Nioh will come to PC in November and most likely outsell Dark Souls.

It's genuinely one of the few games I am excited for in years other than mountain blade bonerlord.

>pc gets definitive version
ps4 also gets definitive version
enjoy your hackers and cheater friends


>Nioh will come to PC in November and most likely outsell Dark Souls
I doubt it will sell more on PC than it did on PS4. What people forget is that sony was the publisher for the original game, KT themself had alpha / beta builds and there was hype around the game. It only sold so well because everything went right for it, now it's basically a rerelease. Sure, it will sell fine but nowhere near as good as it initially did.

Bro, I love the japanese theme, and the hard as shit combat. You know who does not? The majority of the PC audience. They will buy it, die a few times very hard, then refund.

glad this is coming to PC so all of you can also be disappointed with lack of level design and enemy variety and shitty loot system. which fucking sucks because the combat is fun with more depth than your average from game.

not much of a difference to the dark souls release except that there are now many more people hungry for this kind of game on pc and it also has the weeb bonus plus a pretty damn good twist on the arpg gameplay with an actual story

But Dark Souls 2 was the best one

where do you think they store their waifus? certainly not on consoles

>not much of a difference to the dark souls release
You mean, except for sony not being the publisher and there not being a beta / alpha where they asked people for feedback.

I think one idea is that unique weapons could come with skills only that weapon could use or maybe a special model/living spirit to set it apart from other weapons even if it shares the generic moveset.

what's wrong with the level design?
if anything it's more honest than the dark souls weird level transitions and overall makeup of the world

but yeah, the loot system and op items etc. kinda kill the game in the long run


I get your point, but I hope most pc people that like that kind of game know Nioh anyway and waited for it to come to pc instead of buying a console for 1 or 2 games, just like me.

>You guys don't get it. Nioh will come to PC in November and most likely outsell Dark Souls.

I doubt, honestly

>make a ninja gaiden weeb game full of combos and stances like they always do
>add bonfires
>suddenly it's a soulslike
jesus fuck kill yourselves

i really didn't like them restricting/changing previous areas to use them again in other missions. plus i'm more fond of the open world from DS1 as opposed to the segmented areas in ni oh. i still liked the game but i was kind of salty for falling for the hype and buying it full price. i hope it's popular enough to warrant a sequel, the bosses and combat mechanics/skills were a blast.

I really liked some of the levels like the cemetery with monsters constantly jumping out from just out of sight, the big mansion with 3 separate paths and all the stone soldiers in the basement, and any stage with cool traps or cool wallman shortcuts. And I really loved thematic levels like the big ships staging an invasion, ninja castle, or umi bozu's drowned manor.

But there were quite a few stages that were just brown caves or flat plains that don't have anything going on. A lot of the "destroy the crystals" levels were terribly boring. And levels really lacked decoration and visual interest similar to The Surge or Lords of the Fallen where everything looks the same. And worse is when a subquest level was just part of a level you've already beaten but with some doors locked.

I can see why you felt disappointed
if I had the choice I would want an open world too, but one that is more coherent than cities under castles under mountains, i.e. an open world like in gothic with the nioh combat

Lots of people like Nier as a series, and that's fine.
But then, most of the people who like the series also know that they aren't good games.

I see now what you mean. Never played Nioh, just watched the first few levels on youtube and just figured that the fighting seems even more fun.

I really don't get why the devs can't use their assets a bit more creatively. The hardest part is creating them, so the least they could do is create a few more things with them.
That was also the most disappointing part about the surge for me. The surge was a

i fully agree, which is why i'm on my 3rd playthrough of dark arisen

The placements and enemies get a shitload of changes as you go through each difficulty. Not to mention Twilight missions.

So apparently it's at least fun enough to play that far. I just hope they don't fuck up the controls on pc - ironically the one thing that the Surge got perfectly right.

>"Yokai Realm with Companion"

Is the best shit ever. It's basically shared co-op where neither player is more or less important than the other. Once you're in NG+, you can progress entirely in this game mode. If your fetish in Souls multiplayer was long lasting co-op sessions where you clear an entire level and every bonfirebefore killing the boss, this shit will be your favorite stuff.

>minimal story
>difficult stages
Unironically git fucking competent, soulscuck.

I felt like The Surge was getting pretty close to a good game. In another 5-7 years their third game is going to be killer and everyone is going to talk about it like people talk about Souls and Nioh, not just because a garden doesn't bloom over night and Rome wasn't built in a day.

>you now remember all those "Bloodborne put them on suicide watch, Nioh dug the grave threads"
>you now remember the autistic webm spammer that would post 5 nioh webms in a row every dark souls 3/sony shitposting thread
>you now remeber someone actually made a shoop of the cover saying "NeverEver" witha goldenface on Geralt clone
Sonybros deserve every bit of scrutiny they can possibly get

The Souls series was over before it came out. And oh boy, did it fail to even compare.

shut up faggot, we were having a perfectly fine conversation about the game before your shitty consolewar bullshit came in. go back

Report him. Console wars are against the literal rules of the board.

Except it didn't?

You only think that because you're so entrenched in your brand loyalty bullshit you automatically think the discussion is of higher value among sophisticated sonibroni connoisseurs like you, m'lord.
What a retarded faggot, lmao.