Was introducing the "Xbox Play Anywhere" feature a mistake? Were they wrong to do this?

Was introducing the "Xbox Play Anywhere" feature a mistake? Were they wrong to do this?

I see no point in buying an Xbox One whatsoever since that announcement so yeah

PC & PS4 for core experience

Yes man ms giving you complete backwards compatibility and two copies of your games to play on console or pc is a shitty deal for consumers. Excuse me while I play re-remaster deluxe turbo 4.

Nah it meant I could sell my Xbone, thanks MS

No. All the console best sellers are multiplats. They lose very few sales by doing this, but can expand in the pc market

It's a great feature and doesn't hurt the Xbox in any way. Buying a game off of the Windows 10 store still gives Xbox division money. But of course, Sup Forums's exclusive autism means this is a shit feature because m-muh console wars muh golden face

I like their new approach of focusing on selling software instead of pushing hardware. They make the BonerX for people who are too dumb for PCs and rake in revenue there as well as with the games while also opening up the games to be bought by people who wouldn't even contemplate getting a console for a handful of games either. Being consumer-friendly these days also earns them a lot of good will with their customers. it's the single right thing they've done so far, now they just need more games because god fucking damnit, they just keep on cancelling shit and have almost nothing interesting except for third party games.

Well they were wrong if they wanted us to buy an xbox.

So few people buy consoles for a few games they don't care. They get way more money from the windows store.

>now they just need more games because god fucking damnit, they just keep on cancelling shit and have almost nothing interesting except for third party games.
E3 2018 my friend. Literally all of their upcoming exclusives will be out by then. They'll HAVE to announce all NEW shit. Meanwhile there's a chance that Sony will be showing all of the same shit AGAIN at next year's E3.

Buy their stuff on console or PC, the money still goes to the Xbox gaming division. Microsoft doesn't have to support one over the other, everything now works on both no matter what your preference.

The windows 10 store is annoying as fuck

What did Papa Phil get for us Xbros?

Cuphead: anime

They make most of their money from game sales anyway. Scorpio is getting sold at a loss. This is good for them and consumers. Based Microsoft.

PC platform gets fewer sales than console. Check out monster hunter world when it launches.

He said the same EXACT shit before E3 and guess what he got us..... Code FUCKING Vein and it was a multiplat on top

Fuck this hypeman, all he knows what to do is talk the talk

Yeh but Microsoft is in both businesses, so why not support both? Only retarded fanboys care instead of seeing it for it is: bigger playbases with crossplay and more money going into gaming.

Look at what's going on with minecraft right now, that's the future.

They dont, they have consoles so that people who are too poor for a pc can still buy thier games

>all he knows how to do is talk the talk
Yeah let's just pretend he hasn't completely turned the Xbox brand around from what it was when Mattrick left. I'm sure you'd do a much better job, right?

>So why not support both
Because you are halting any reason to buy the console over the main competitor console.
And you are also halting the PC thing they have going because it is competing with Steam.
I am not confident they can do both right.

He got Monster hunter world too. Xbone version is even launching at the same time as PS4 version (not delayed like on PC) He also got shitty shovelware like Valkyria revolution and the upcoming sword art online game. No idea why that shit is coming to xbone and actual good games like Nier automata, when the prequel was on 360, and Nioh, when Team ninja used to be hardcore xbots, aren't.

nice evidence you have there nigger lover

They should ditch the console and turn the fucking useless "Xbox App" on Widnows into a Steam clone. Xbox name stays alive, just stay in the software business.

>what it was when Mattrick left
That guy actually brought the system games and didn't try to create a persona as the good guy while doing nothing. This year would have been horse garbage if cuphead never came out.

For most people it isn't a choice between PC or console, they are two different markets with different audiences.

>They should ditch the console

>giving Sony a monopoly on the console market
no. Arrogant sony is in full force right now. Do you have any idea what they'd do if they were the only ones making consoles?

Nope, nothing on Windows Store would have sold Xbox ones anyways.

Xbox exclusives stopped being worth buying a system over around the time Halo 4 dropped.

You have no idea what you are talking about. They've made it so buying a game for Xbox also gets you the PC version. That doesn't somehow push people towards PS4. Imagine all you had was a decent PC, but you wanted something to use from your couch on your TV. If you've already got a solid library of titles from the Windows store that will also work on an Xbox, chances are you're gonna get an Xbox so you can play those games on your TV. And no, don't go sperging out about running a long HDMI cable, most people don't want a cable stretched across their house, and that still leaves you with the problem of controlling your PC from another room. Steam Link is an option, but there's a quality drop and some slight input lag. But if you have an Xbox, the games just run on that and work fine. It's the simplest solution.

This also works in the other direction by encouraging Xbox players to install Windows 10 so they can use their games on their PCs as well. Microsoft have effectively created a unified platform between their console and the PC. That's pretty neat.

>ditch one of the most profitable MS divisions
The Sup Forums neckbeard pc bubble is truly deranged.

I dunno 'my friend', I think I've been waiting on Crackdown 3 for almost 4 years now. Seems like it's always coming out in the next 6 months or a year. There's nothing from the Xbox brand to really look forward to currently since Sea of Thieves isn't substantial and is more of a party game, Crackdown 3 apparently will never release, Fable is cancelled, Scalebound is cancelled, etc.

>He got Monster hunter world too

how do you know that was his doing though and not just planned by capcom?
do you like making shit up to make your boy phil look better?

Oh child, you are so silly. He's the man who introduced the Xbox One as a mulimedia device that happened to play games, and required a Kinect and a constant internet connection. Did you just forget about that?

Sometimes you want to play a game on the couch

Never ever ever!

consoles should be primarily multimedia devices and game playing platforms secondarily

Don, get out of here you crazy bastard!

don't talk to me again you filthy peasant

>For most people it isn't a choice between PC or console
No it is not. And this is why Sony is winning this gen.

>That doesn't somehow push people towards PS4
Yes because people don't need the xbox to do it so therefore PS4 become more desirable. PC + Console is the most typical combination of gaming platforms that people own. Not Console + Console.
>Imagine all you had was a decent PC, but you wanted something to use from your couch on your TV
Then you hook up your PC to your TV.
>Running a long HDMI cable
You don't need that either.
>controlling your PC from another room
Most people keep all of their gaming devices in the same room.
>It's the simplest solution
It isn't more simple to buy something redundant and no one wants to do that.
Instead they would rather just buy a PS4 (as is evident by the sales so far) and enjoy that line-up of exclusives in addition to what they can get on PC.
>Microsoft have effectively created a unified platform between their console and the PC. That's pretty neat.
This is the most obvious marketer post i have seen in a while. But no one can be this stupid.
They are shooting themselves in the foot with this if they want people to actually use the xbox as their main gaming platform. No one with a PC would ever buy an xbox over a PS4. It would be the most redundant purchase possible in this industry.

It probably cost some console sales but bought more goodwill with consumers than those were worth.

You are overestimating the influence PC has on the mass market. Little Johhny isn't going to be begging mommy for a gpu processor this Christmas.

>you can't play PC vidya from the couch meme

fuck off retard

>(as is evident by the sales so far) and enjoy that line-up of exclusives in addition to what they can get on PC.
Why don't you look up the best selling ps4 games? Well over 90 percent multiplats you delusional memester

You can't deny the appeal of just sticking this box under your tv and not having to worry about buying and tinkering around with a gaming rig with countless settings, performance options, accessories etc etc.

>hooking your PC up to the TV
pure plen mode

No. I'm never gonna get an xbox and I bought gears 4 and forza from them at the store

Its good for when they stop making hardware and instead make xbox an OS for PC

>No one with a PC would ever buy an xbox over a PS4

Except for the fact that PS4 has garbage multimedia functionality.

>I don't want an xbox
>I bought their stuff anyway

That's what they want, you're adding to their cash inflow.

This thread makes it seem that owning a PS4 is pointless as well. PC + Switch is the true master race.

I don't mind. That's what I want so I'm rewarding them. I'll also get crackdown three and any halos that come

And why should consumers care about that, if we gain from it? Don't think like a corporate exec.


why would microsoft make an OS to compete with their own OS
are you retarded?



Xbox is a small part of the Windows user. Why would they split their own market and userbase in that way? They'd make less profit.

Nope he will be begging for a Nintendo switch for mario or a PS4 for star wars battlefront.
>Well over 90 percent multiplats you delusional memester
The PS4 exclusives alone have sold at least 53.11 million copies out of approx 407 million
That is significant.
Regardless the publicity is in Sony's favor.
Pc has the best of that.
Because they don't want redundancy.

>KB/Mouse support coming to Xbox
>PC games coming to Xbox
>Xbox games coming to PC
>biggest playerbases with crossplay
>everything you own works on both

Everyone wins

I sold my Xbox because of this too, now I don't even play Microsoft games.

Yeah, he'll be begging for a console not a PC. That's my point.

>was PS3 user last gen
>Bought 360 near the end for cheap so I can hack it and play the exclusives I missed out on

>MS is doing some surprisingly good Xbone bundle deals
>Have no urge to buy it because the Xbone doesn't have enough exclusives to make it worth it when the xbone does get hacked

>Pc has the best of that.

Not since MS killed off Media Centre, no

>Having shit internet

What's it like living in Brazil?

>Media Centre
They have so many other better alternatives that are easier to use than Media centre so that doesn't make any sense.

But not an Xbox.
Maybe in America because it has some branding power. But everywhere else in the world it will flop hard.

wow you really are a moron

name one that works with cable TV

Media Centre was garbage user. Why would anyone want to use that? There are so many better options.

That would be the smartest move for Microsoft. Make mouse and keyboard usable with crossplay. Then sell shit like cod on there so the pc players who are interested can play because no one cares about cod on steam.

yes it was it put more heat on them to try to push windows 10 harder instead of just giving pc the 7th gen treatment

Such as...?

>name one that works with cable TV
Irelevant as is evident by the failure of Xbox one to catch on with a monopoly of that feature.
Regardless if you buy a capture card for your PC it will come with the software needed for that.

What the fuck was the point in him going to Japan again?

Seriously, I need to know. In hindsight this looks like he just took a glorified holiday and used it as a tax deductible as part of their marketing budget.

id like to know how a Xbone isnt basicly a windows 10 machine?
hell even Steam machines have more exclusives, just put windows 10 on it and you have both the Xbone library and Steam
what is even the point of this '''''''console'''''''' existing

I use Kodi currently.



>if you buy a capture card for your PC
But then you're hooking your PC to your TV, which is always a compromise thanks to reliance on KBM

>one cant support Microsoft as a publisher
MS used to publish good games, but their consoles are useless
if they go back to the early 2000's style MS games they'd be golden

Kodi doesn't do cable, and it's a garbage UX

That's a different argument to the one ITT, which is over whether PC support from MS was bad or not. You seem to think the mass market has gaming rigs which is hurting console appeal, I think that's bullshit.

>But then you're hooking your PC to your TV, which is always a compromise thanks to reliance on KBM
You don't need to use a KBM for your PC. Capture cards come with remotes and you can even buy other remotes that can be hooked up to work perfectly fine with it.
And my statement was that it was bad if Microsoft wants people to buy an xbox.
>You seem to think the mass market has gaming rigs which is hurting console appeal, I think that's bullshit
It may be for the US. But even then the xbox has to compete with PC and PS4 without any real exclusives.