Is there a worse franchise in all of vidya?

is there a worse franchise in all of vidya?

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All of them

>I can't play it so it's shit

Ape Escape and Gravity Rush combined



>Broken autism simulator
>Broken tripping simulator
>Broken magic hands simulator
I really can't think of any franchise more consistently shit than smash.

i can emulate every single game :^) too bad they're too shit and not worth the harddrive space

>Being upset that you don't own a WiiU
Moment the Switch gets Smash anything I bet I'm gonna see a fuckload less >Tr4sh posts around this board.

imagine having an opinion like this, where if you tried to share it with normies they wouldn't even laugh they just wouldnt talk to you ever again

>b-but muh JRPGs

I'm upset that I bought a WiiU for tr4sh and it ended up being the shittiest smash title to date

if you think normies don't see playing smash as autism encapsulated i don't think you've ever left the internet

Yeah dudes grapes are the fucking worst. They're so fucking sour.

normies played nintendo growing up

>Not a good comp game like melee
>Not a good party game like brawl
>The only interesting new mode is confined to the 3DS
>Have to put up with constant nonsensical balance patches like charizard nerfs
It just wasn't very good.

when they were children you sperg. do you still play with hot wheels?

Yeah maybe because you have no friends. Because people will always be up for Smash.

>Not a good party game like brawl
>A good game
>Let alone a good party game
>Implying 8 player smash alone doesn't destroy Brawl
>On top of the fact that Smash 4 plays much better than Brawl and has a more fun roster of characters in terms of movesets
>And better stage selection
Sm4sh is also going to be a more enjoyable competitive experience for anybody who hasn't been balls deep in melee for a decade at this point. Especially considering the number of characters that are viable absolutely demolishes melee.


i'm sorry your friends smell like shit and probably made mashed potatoes in school

>normies weeeeeee

>up tilt up tilt up tilt up tilit up tilit
>sick combo breh i love our technical game lamo

The absolute state of you

Charizard got some pretty significant buffs since launch, not sure what nerfs you're referring to

bing bing wahoo

sony smash bros

this desu.
They know the court scenes are so dull they have to try and add mimi games to make them fun.

>dick comes out of his navel

at least they knew their shit childrens game sucked and stopped making it

Does PlayStation all stars have a fanbase?

wouldn't know i never played it
And i thought SpikeXKat was bad.

fucking hell. what is it about this type of game that draws the most autistic people out of the woodwork

>Console fanboyism
>Crossover autism
>Each character is meant to represent a different type of appeal to a certain audience, which is also why they don't really fit
Is that it?

can't wait til sakurai fuckin croaks and we leave this shit genre behind. bring back power stone there's no way the community is this bad.

Who owns Power Stone, anyway?

whoever does needs to dragged into the street and shot for sitting on it for years

Uncharted/TLoUncharted easily.