Diablo 3 Not At Blizzcon

Diablo 3 isn't even going to be at Blizzcon this year at all. No future announcements, no future patches, nothing.

How does this game still have people defending it? It has never been more obvious that Blizzard could give two fucks less about a game. They've been working on some 2.6.1 patch for MONTHS now. It's a tiny hotfix and spell change patch.

What are people even doing in the game for those who still play it? Grinding paragon?

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Diablo 3 will not be in blizzcon because theyre going to announce the Diablo 2 remaster
....... right?

There's not even a panel for Diablo period.

Starcraft 2 is getting a "What's Next" panel and a "Re-mastered" panel.

There's even a panel for expanding their Battle.net social features if that gives you an idea of how low on the priority system Diablo is for them.

Remember when for their 20th anniversary they did some shitty version of the Cathedral and announced they'd eventually release a DLC character?

Yeah, that should've given people more than enough of a hint.

>diablo is now the darkstalkers of blizArd

Kill me

>people actually think d4 is in the making


a d4 made by this people would be shit anyways, at least we have poe

And yet they still carry along the shambling corpse of Starcraft 2.

Fuck no I hope not. I don't want W4 or D4 to be made by Blizzard Entertainment in their current state.

On another note, who wants to bet they'll announce a mobile game like Candy Crush but WoW themed? They didn't buy that cancer developer company for over a billion to not use them.

The PS4 version's pretty good.

Sort of like the PS3 version of Sacred 2.

What's so different about it? What makes it good?

Did you not get the memo? They halted production of the expansion, and shit whats salvageable into the recent patches and the necromancer patch/dlc. Diablo 3 is unsalvageable, the monetary system that was to support its further development died when they realized RMAH is retarded and ruined a lot about the game gameplay wise. They are more likely to dump ARPGs in general or go the POE approach of aesthetic cash shop with a new diablo or a different IP.

Diablo 3 was a disgrace and a very very shallow ARPG. I hate that i'm stuck with POE and grimdawn, with their funding they could have made such a great game but they decided to jew it up. Imagine diablo 3s polish on a game with depth and support? Jesus.

This outcome has been known for a long time OP. Its a shame that people are only realizing it now.

It's mostly in terms of gameplay. You actually control your character's movement with the stick and can attack with a button instead of having to click everywhere. It doesn't improve the story or anything like that, but it does feel way better to play.

This is the only good thing I have to say about D3. The engine and combat feels amazing. It's fucking sad to see a company like Grinding Gears put out so many patches and so much content with their tiny ass development team compared to a multi-giant like Activi$ion/Blizzard.

They still have a lot of fans though and this was already discussed.

Look at the responses. Look at how much praise the $15 Necromancer got for "only being $15". Blizzard doesn't have fans, they have a cult who thinks they can do no wrong. Even if they shit in their cereal, they would still pay Blizzard for the cereal and claim it's the best Captain Crunch they've ever had.

I play it when I listen to podcasts or watch stuff on Netflix.

Pretty fun.

how is this a bad thing? diablo 3 was trash, anyone who played it was a retard and anyone who actually wants more of this garbage from nu-blizzard is an utter moron
Thank god the series is finally dead, now they can't butcher and tarnish the ip even more, at least it can rest with a bit of dignity

The problem is, gear isn't rewarding. Legendaries rain from the sky and nearly 100% of them are fucking garbage. I remember the adrenaline rush of finally getting into a game with an Uber Diablo in D2 or finding that perfect ethereal Shaco. You could make so many different runewords with rare runes, you could trade items and the lobby was cool.

Diablo 3 is non-stop GR running hoping you get your BiS gear and then hoping you get primal ancient BiS gear. Leveling takes 5 minutes with a power run and the story is so unbelievably bad. Leveling the legit way is fucking painfully boring whether you do the story or adventure mode. They really need to give a proper use for bounties because no one has a use for them.

Oh give them time. As long as Blizzdrones exist, there will always be more of a reason to ruin fond memories of a franchise. I guarantee in the next year, they'll announce another $15 char pack.

I think the reason they say " the future of Diablo" is they're working on 4. That is what i'm hoping. I hope they learned from this mistake and will actually try this time. Their combat was so amazing, imagine if they supported it well like GGG? Would be pretty fucking neat.

At least grim dawn is getting an expansion next week.

>That is what i'm hoping
You want nu-blizzard to work on Diablo 4...? Why? It'll be just as fucked if not worse than Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 needs to die. I really hope they learned from diablo 3, they fired jay wilson so maybe a game not designed around RMAH will be okay? But this is blizzard, of course they haven't learned anything.

There is a chance they might have learned. Also, there is no other AAA company attempting ARPGs, i'd want them to give it another shot.

Also consider that that hope isn't realistic but its still there.

Admittedly the SC: Remastered team just finished their work so they wouldn't be that far along in a remaster for Diablo 2

This isn't a Diablo problem, this is a current market problem.

Look at WoW. People think Legion has the most content of any expansion. Why? Because they time-gated everything behind the mission table or just flat out gated it to unlock on certain weeks. It masked just how little content there actually is. Is it better than WoD? Sure but that's a really low fucking bar to hit.

Starcraft 2 was split up into three parts for $50 a piece because Kotick just couldn't have a mega game with a bunch of missions like Starcraft and Starcraft Brood War. Then they tried releasing DLC for SC2 and no one gave a fuck.

Hearthstone gets some yearly expansion for $20 and people eat the shit out of those card packs. They make so much money from Hearthstone and the game is just some shitty RNG fest where everyone plays the same stupid fucking decks. Seriously, fuck you guys for thinking GvG was a good idea.

Heroes of the Storm is okay. I don't mind playing it when there's absolutely nothing else to do and they've improved it a lot since release. Their team actually gives a shit and listens to feedback (for the most part).

Overwatch - I have no idea. Never got into it but I wish they'd stop bringing OW characters into HoTS because they're annoying as fuck.

>What are people even doing in the game for those who still play it?
I don't know, ask the people, who played Diablo1 and 2, years after the last major update

Maybe because Diablo 3 is shit and worse than the first 2? In Diablo 2, finding gear was exciting. Seeing a unique drop was actually exciting and you'd shit your pants if you saw a Zod rune drop. Diablo 3 has the GIMME GIMME entitlement mentality that everyone needs to see constantly legendary items but almost all of them are utterly useless.

Then, combine that with the fact that if you want to progress in GR or do actual end-game content, you have to use the same boring builds everyone else is using.

why does it need to be repeatedly showcased so many years after release? what makes it different from other RPGs that get wrapped up a year later at most?

there is something on the schedule but its just about the visual effect of the necromancer

>Voices of Blizzard - The Powerful Women of Warcraft 22:45 - 23:45

>So empowering
Maybe next expansion, they'll add a Genderfluid option when creating a character.

>There is a chance they might have learned

People like you are the reason ActiBlizz won't learn.

are they announcing a new ip?

2.6.1 is going to be VERY balanced in terms of different sets. Still enjoying the game myself. Some say everything happened too late, but I don't care. Been playing since 2012

I really hope they add a genderfluid option because somedays I feel like a boy and somedays I feel like a girl and I really want to change my gender as much as I can. I feel like it is very patriarchal of World of Warcraft to make it so that you can only put your gender as one thing and that's it, because I am a demifluid transgender male to female androgynous

next d3 patch is actually making all the builds catch up in terms of power

when is that happening?


If they are going to balance all sets in terms of power... what is going to happen to the sets that are built for speed clearing?

If all sets are the same on power, that means people will just flock to the set that gives an advantage over the others. And really he only two goals of the game are speed clearing and progression clearing, if now one set is able to do both... they're just going to effectively clear any build variety and have one set that can do everything...

Got me too user. Necro was my favourite class in d2. Deep down i knew it would suck but I wanted to believe.

they're gonna announce a 1.15 patch... right?

what's the point of releasing a balance patch if the content is the same?

Woa now I can use a shit set that before was useless... so I need more space in my inventory to hoard more sets...

And all you are going to do is faceroll torment 12 like you already did and push GRIFTS until gems have a 1% chance to be upgraded and you kill yourself.

D3 no can't passively generate profit for them via packs (like Hearthstone) or crates (like Overwatch), so they just let it die.

Shame, I really liked playing this.

I'm in the exact same boat and the fact that HOTS aka ASSFAGGOTS: extra casual version of all things is good when the rest is mostly garbage is incredibly bizzare.

It's just one of those things I don't know what to think about.

Also, they got rid of David Kim and the new balance patch looks promising since they are finally getting rid of the mothership core faggotry.

>How does this game still have people defending it?
Because it's a fun game

>waah why doesn't my $60 game last 15 years

make it free and sell inventory and decent cosmetics, that's how PoE has survived all this years and they're doing great

>an hour long panel for the same woman that voiced every fucking female dragon and Tyrande "how did i make her voice again? a poo-in-loo accent right?" Whisperwind

the only good thing I expect from diablo is a d2 hd remaster. Everything else will be a waste of time

My guess is 2-3 weeks max.

All of the Diablo 3 people are busy packing RNG and infinite grind ala paragon into the next WoW expansion so not really surprised that its not at this year's Blizzcon. I dont think they're done with it though, there WILL be a diablo 4, just a matter of when.

diablo 4 will be announced instead

and wow 2

if they make diablo 4 they'd need to step up their game not only to d2 levels, but vastly beyond because D2 is, as much as I love it, an archaic fucking game
just compare d3 to another contemporary ARPG outside of the narrow diablo clone niche, like dark souls, D3 looks like cookie clicker in comparison, every facet of the game is built around keeping the gears of the skinner box spinning, there's no sense of adventure at all

>havent played d3 in like a year
>buy necro pack thinking im gonna get back into the game
>its gonna be great
>this is a new age for d3
>it's gonna be like reaper of souls!
>uninstall the next day
Only mad at myself really.

>WoW 2
yeah and kill their largest cash whale.... it's not happening unless WoW is bellow 500k monthly subs or something stupid low like that. A new mmo announcement would kill any hype for old WoW entirely.

It would need to be an entirelly parallel project that doesn't mess with WoW's subscriptions, their playerbase is extremely sensible to announcements and it's amazing how much people they can milk with 8-12 month periods of content draught with not even a single bone thrown at them.

It seems like it wouldnt be that hard if you were a competent developer. I mean you have almost 20 years of development in d2 and similar games like poe to see what works well and what doesn't, with some quality of life improvements the game makes itself.

Its not rocket surgery, but the developers think they know what is best and try to reinvent the wheel.

>Thank god the series is finally dead, now they can't butcher and tarnish the ip even more, at least it can rest with a bit of dignity

They moved the D3 team right on over to WoW and gave it the exact same treatment though.

implying theyre not on 300k subs

maybe it would be popular, but assraping billions of mobs per second in irrelevant environments so you can get fat loot to rape more monsters is a bad game model

not that loot chasing is a bad thing, but all other features of the game are atrophied in comparison

>bought the necro day 1
>got to the inn in new tristram

>At least grim dawn is getting an expansion next week.
What did Crate mean by this?

The itemization on GD is so boring.... 1000 new items with such a bland system isn't really going to make me buy an expac.

And while visually the game got the right feel down, the whole palette is extremely repetitive, I get tired of those green corrupted areas so fast, they're everywhere, the whole game is fucking corrupted by this eyesore. And there's very little variation in environments, the cave, the forest, the mountains and the hellish dark place of doom, that's it, maybe add the castle tileset too but it's much more limited than the others.

I tried really hard to like GD, got like 100 hours out of it, but making new characters literally makes me fall asleep after 2 hours of spamming the same attacks and seeing the same maps/enemies etc.

As someone who bought the necro pack how are you still in it? Day 1 d3 purchaser here. I've played every season but it's so samey now I just don't feel it anymore.

I will buy more tabs at $5 a piece. 5 for $25.

I dunno, items seem fine to me. They more enhance builds than add new options, though there's plenty of items & addons that give skills. The gunslinger items that add the ability to dual wield guns, I have a book that gives me a new summon (as a minion master), etc.

Their games have a lot more focus on tweaking the skill tree than pure itemization though, Titan Quest was the same way from what I remember.

Wasn't it just a character and like... a pet for WoW? Any hope of interest I had died the second I realized they weren't actually adding anything to the game except another witch doctor.

Because the Diablo 3 that we have falls more in line with the Snowblind games, yes they are not as deep but that was the purpose, especially with 3 other friends on the couch. Diablo on PC is extremely competitive and deep, and sometimes treated like a second job, and Diablo 3 simply doesn't have the depth or proper design to fill those shoes.

Pretty sure I've heard this since the launch of RoS, that is a very deep hole or a very long carrot on a stick

couch co-op

>what's the point of releasing a balance patch if the content is the same?
That's the nature of the genre though.
PoE is literally the same thing.

>That's the nature of the genre though.
the genre is ARPG
diablo 2's drunken car crash is not a genre

Can you explain how it's different in D2 then? Because that was exactly how it worked back then too.

As far as I can tell, Diablo fans are like Skyrim fans.
I know a guy with now 300 hours spent on his 360 copy of Skyrim, and he's going to buy the game on Switch. I don't get it.

Because it's the sequel to one of the most influential and successful games of all time and it was total fucking dogshit. They missed pretty much EVERYTHING about D2 that kept people addicted to it for years and years.
They made loot boring, there's no point in leveling up new characters of the same class.
Activision-Blizzard has been lead by their crazy addiction research to thinking people just want to chase higher and higher numbers. Hence wow and d3 just being number grinding simulators now.

It's understandable, no one know what the fuck accent Tyrande is supposed to have. Shit is up there with Halley Berry's artificial accents she had in the late 90's/early 00's.

>7 days to grim dawn expansion

>4 super bosses

Is there another ARPG massive as PoE?With trade and shit? I'm just burned of PoE but I could play an alternative

I don't get the fun in playing arpgs with no multiplayer and trade


>October 11th
oh shid

don't buy this shit. trust me.

Already did and hit level 85, it's good. trust me.

Nice bait you got there

Diablo should be abandoned. They should make something completely new.

I play all diablo style games solo self found, so PoE was interesting but I lost interest after beating the story.

Grim Dawn is fucking great solo though.

>There's even a panel for expanding their Battle.net social features
They fucking better include an "Appear Offline" option for fuck's sake.

they need to just hd resking diablo 2 lod, slap three new acts and classes on to the game, polish battle.net with modernized chat functions for the lobby, reimplement warden in a new state to destroy duping and call it a day

no bullshit, i guarantee it would outsell any other crap they could shit out and it would be 10x better

This desu. At this point Diablo 3 raped the lore so hard with its dumbass anime tropes that there's honestly no salvaging the story at this point. Diablo 3's failure, not even from a gameplay perspective but from a writing perspective, has effectively strangled all of the life out of the franchise.

Honestly, it's like if Tolkien released a book after Return of the King where Sauron magically comes back to life, teleports behind Aragorn and kills him, fucks Gandalf in the ass and then gets beaten in single combat by Frodo. It would completely ruin all of the other books even despite their own value. That's exactly what D3 did.