Game has deep existentialist themes and a 10/10 ass

>Game has deep existentialist themes and a 10/10 ass.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game has deep existentialist themes and a 10/10 ass.
>Game has deep muh edgy themes and a spot on the worst games of 2017 list


>>Game has deep muh edgy themes

While the themes of Automata -are-largely existentialist, that's sort of an oversimplification; the game deals with much more specific ideas.

>gamers think their game is deep

>deep existentialist themes
Weebs truly are the dumbest animals on Earth.

Just as it should be

>Game has deep existentialist themes and a 10/10 ass.

please explain the deep existentialist themes to me...

Existentialism is for fedora subhumans.


Is this a brap thread

>game is depressing and gets boring really quick

>a-ayOOOOOO wuz dat echintalim bullshieeeeeet you talkin' bout nigga does it have chikum in it??

Dae think that 2B's ass looks too soft and not firm enough?

I do

Now that's an honest to god opinion on a Yoko Taro game

>too soft
No such thing

Yeah, 2B's ass probably should be firmer, synthetic skin and all, but it's a damn nice ass all the same.

butts shouldn't be soft
soft is flab
soft is grease
soft is flaccid

they should be firm and muscular

Taro said their skin is soft and warm to touch.

False dichotomy

That's some impressive control of own ass. Also checkin' em.


Well well looks like I found my partner for tonight

I really want to impregnate 2B and im sick of being told I cant. I don't care if shes an android I'd rather die trying to create life with her.

I've always liked asses that jiggle with fat, but I believe that there should at least be some actual substance as well, so that they aren't simply being pushed around without any resistance whatsoever. Can you see where I'm coming from?


I kekked how she went full on groping and touching when she relaxed her muscles

Nice ass though.
Also this

the trips have spoken

>game spouts melodramatic pseud drivel and contains writing only an autistic manchild could resist wincing at but pathetic virgins defend it because it has fapbait and their only other frames of reference are anime and other nipshit

the absolute state of Sup Forums
the absolute state of japanese video games
where the fuck did it all go wrong?

What's the matter? Too deep for you? Try Cuphead that sounds more your speed.



Daily reminder Nier's actual gameplay is mediocre and waifufags are the only reason Sup Forums is still talking about that waste of time.

Do people just make these threads to get bait responses

whats the best way now to farm money in this game? someone said on gamefags you could buy 99 thick dictionaries and resell them, but it only lets me buy 9 at a time now so i guess its been patched

in b4 nier fag has to make a shitty action rpg game look good by comparing it to botw an adventure puzzle game.


now that's a good ass

People only really started shoehorning intellectual and philosophical themes into art and literature in the early 20th century because industrialization and mass media society made art more and more accessible to normies and artists felt like they needed a way to keep them out. Also, artists had to continue to justify their existence in a world that was increasingly dominated by science. In other words, it's all a scam.

"In place of a hermeneutics we need an erotics of art."

tl;dr shitposting about 2B's ass is a better use of your time than whatever """deep""" themes you got out of the story.

100% state of Sup Forums

I want to impregnate 2B with my black sperm

You ever just wanna bite into something?

>Wake up
>Remember that 2B isn't created yet
>Go back to sleep
Why the FUCK don't I have an android's 400 pound ass on my face right now? What the hell have humans been doing since the dawn of creation?

>chicken legs
Wouldn't even look at irl

Why would the handsome people of Sup Forums wasting their precious time on fitted women?

Finally the picture is related to the topic

> a girl like this would give a single fuck about you

Virgins don't know any limits.

Existentialist this.

That girl has better legs than 95% of women.

and I love huge tits too, but small perky tits + huge round ass is AESTHETIC


I liked Automata well enough but the amount of cancer it attracted is insufferable.

I'm sorry, Ireland.



>FFXV update done
>Ready to start it for the first time
>Replay Automata instead

It's hard pretending games are worth playing after a "game" like Nier.


Sommer Ray


2b keeps showing off her butt but it's way too big! I hate it!


Doesn't she realize that that just makes my dick harder?

I love chunky jigglebutts!


>create a beautiful girl
>give her a canon love interest and make their story so touching you can't even look at her as at sex object and just want for both of them to be happy
sasuga Taro

More of this pls.


I want to OD on that ass
It's intoxicating to look at

NieR is the worst thing to happen to the Drakengard series.

Sup Forums in a nutshell, hate games like Automata but praise BoTW and Horizon, both piss poor compared to a lower budget game. Automata is first place.

sauce right now

Why do sc/u/m get so triggered over Nier Automata being a story centered around 9S?

Same here.

Good taste.

Found the third world poorfag butthurt his monopoly money can't afford a console.

me in the back

To be honest? Dropping Sawako Natori and Fujisaka Kimihiko was. Taro's a lazy drunkard who takes all the credit.

A dumb ugly whore with a butt WAY too big!

>my top 5 has both the game with the best looking female protagonist and the worst looking one
The ass is just a bonus.

The game is literally a critique of a branch of philosophy. And existential horror is a big theme.

According to Kamiya, Taro single-handedly saved Platinum Games though :^)

riiiiiiiiight and you just need to read the item descriptions for the deepest lore

damn I hate you delusional fagets

The fuck you on about?

The philosophical themes are tackled on the main plot, not on the item descriptions.

I would just do her doggy style while she wears a paper bag.

don't like reading user?

nier is about as philosophical as dark souls has coherent lore

I am now monitoring this thread. Keep me posted.

I want to ***** 2B!

I don't think the game could have made more obvious their statement regarding nihilism.

But apparently, humans will find a way to miss the point.

user, you're under the assumption he played the game and didn't get all of his opinions from Sup Forums before getting his hands on it.

Not to mention you can interpret the game under marxist philosophy, though I'm not sure if it was Taro's intentions or just the fact you can interpret pretty much anything under marxist philosophy.

>implying the game was about anything other then dat ass

you must have at least 3 dicks up your ass, right now

I want to tickle her cute soft smelly soles!

feet only smell bad when people never take off their shoes

don't tell me you're wearing shoes inside right now

Have you ever seen 2B without her shoes?

Her cute smelly feet fester in her shoes all day and marinate in her sweat!

amerifat degenerates with wooden ass floors

You either didn't play the game until the end, or you're dumb beyond any repair. Because I don't see how someone coukd get through ending E and NOT get the anti-nihilistic message (it's present throughout the entire game but Ending E rubs it into the face for the retards).

Or, the most likely hypothesis, you're just shitposting. Rethink your life if that's the case.

she doesn't sweat because she's an android