This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs...

>This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

dullahan a best

>playing shit games AND being triggered by them

I loved every second of vampire and iron man but dear god the rest was shit
Two generic awkward shy girls and one that's so irrelevant she doesn't even get any porn

Season two never.

Vampire a best.

Do people like this show simply because it tells a story about the nice guy attracting chicks? They don't even date.

- has a male protagonist that isn't a whipped manlet fuckboy for once. vampire is also a great one
- good character interactions
- explained the world and setting well
- not full on wacky random SoL but not melodramatic either
- I guess the rest of the characters also hit the spot on some people's fetishes
Not a revolutionary show or anything, it's just enjoyable enough to watch

I liked the vampire too, but the main character is the definition of a nice guy and the relationships don't go anywhere. I guess I'm just tired of these shows.

>actually getting mad at shit like this
Who cares. Why does the way different people live their lives bother you?

It's about his interest in studying these species, not relationships, no?

Studying the species is just an excuse for his limp dick. It's a romantic comedy without romance and barely any comedy, same as always. The main attraction is the female cast.

It's comfy with a hint of strange. Like Flying Witch.

This, I want vampire gf

foolish dumpire


casuals dont know what the slice of life genre is stick to toonami kids

I'm not bothered by the inclusion of this diclaimer i'm amused by it. What a corporate way of writing fuck off.

>not Succubus-sensei

Succubus and Dullahan are the absolute best.

how did this pass under the SJW radar?

Apathy and lack of ostracizing freaks has been one of the downfall cornerstones of every kingdom ever.

That doesn't look like Marx at all, how do you fuck up that badly?

It's not slice of life though.


Mad fags getting upset about everything because they aren't happy with their lives are just as dangerous.

SUCC-sensei a best

so thats why it turned out horrible

>practically no good doujins of those two together

dullahan looks like a complete retard with her face in that chest harness thing.

You had to read the in-game encyclopedia to see it, and SJWs can barely manage to read past a Facebook post's sensational headline on a good day, let alone that they don't actually even play video games anyways.

Glad this shit flopped, it was blatantly manipulative with the waifubaits.

Take a look at society, then think about how this idea of "diversity" and "social justice" has shaped the mindset of many people, affecting laws and entertainment industries (including videogames). That message is a sign of how sjws are starting to impact the industry. This will change the qualities of videogames in many aspects, which is something that should concern you. I don't understand why it doesn't bother you, after all what others do always affects everyone directly or indirectly.

it's fundamentally a type of McCarthyism that has affected the game industry first, and the most. It's spread to FOSS and tech industry. It will continue to consume until the spell is broken and the terms "diversity" becomes widely known as simply political rhetoric.

> gender identities
> more than 2
> sexual orientations
>More than 1

I honestly haven't seen this change sjws and diversity have brought, outside of the internet.

Vampire carried the show so hard it's not even funny.

And I'm sure being outraged on an anonymous wapanese imageboard is really doing wonders to save civilization.

Dude, imagine putting her head on a shelf, then fucking her headless body while she watches. It's like cucking yourself without the actual cucking

Please don't start threads by using my wife as bait.

>>This work of fiction was designed, developed, and produced by a multicultural team of various beliefs, sexual orientations, and gender identities.
Look how diverse they are it's beautiful

No, they like it because it's an engaging what if scenario where mystical beings and their powers affect normal humans in weird and funny ways set in a moderate down to earth tone.