I sure hope you don't use that word, Sup Forums

I sure hope you don't use that word, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:


stop advertising your twitter

literally whomst?

haha epic thread
fucking normies weeee playing /ourvidya/ wrong kek

Anyone who calls themselves a games journalist needs to seriously reconsider their life choices

Imagine if a movie critic said something like
>anyone who uses the word "cinematography" needs to seriously rethink their life choices
Why is it only video games journalists can say these absolutely batshit insane things and get patted on the back for it?

>Giving a shit about "gameplay" when only thing you should care about is game slamming down DRUMPF via it's intellectual narrative

gamers are dead, k?

Who gives a fuck?

it's true, I used the word gameplay once and all I could do afterwards was stare at the ceiling and wonder where it all went wrong


Because their form of journalism has yet to be legitimized by the medium in a meaningful way. They report on inane bullshit about a game for three years, then do a review, then write about how it is problematic. It's formulaic and almost never thought provoking. Rarely do you find a decent piece on someth inh worth reading. So rarely that I can even think of one off the top of my head.

Thanks, I needed my daily reminder that the kind of people who post on Twitter are fucking retards.

So this... is the power... of games journalism
hint: stop fucking posting his clickbait and his site will go bankrupt. You're just as cancerous as Walker.

I don't understand how one of the worst "games journalists" is in charge of a semi-decent website. He clearly has some semi-competent people working under him but he himself is an absolute fucking jackass shithead. How does this come to pass?

Because game "journalists" are all a bunch of children pretending that they have a serious career in media.

>deletes the tweet, but makes a new one with it screencapped
>plays the "I'm only pretending to be retarded" card
Holy shit the damage control.

Any "gaming journalist" that complains about people using the word "gameplay" needs to seriously reconsider their life choices.

Thanks, I needed my daily reminder that the kind of people who post on Sup Forums are fucking retards.

kys John

*kisses you back*
Ummmf, thanks big boy

hey guys listen
what if instead of making videogames, we make MOVIES

>John is gay
When can I use you as a cum rag?

Fuck off

His whole fucking argument is based on his idea that the word "gameplay" is too broad. The word has been used since forever and anyone that has actually bothered playing games for a while and/or has half a brain knows exactly what it means no matter the game.

the quality of having a ready insight into things; shrewdness.

It's not fake, he deleted the Tweet, but saved an image of it for some inexplicable reason and uploaded it to Twitter. Either way - the guy is an insufferable, sanctimonious faggot and the reason why I don't visit RPS anymore.

Just like his humping over Gone Home was fake, amirite.

See rather than argue the a game gameplay doesn't need to be hard or complex, he acts like a retard and says games don't need gameplay, whats worse is he and every other game journo seems to think a game cannot be exclusionary based on skill level, that every game must be enjoyable at any skill level rather than accept that some games aren't for them. Every game assumes you have two hands and can see and hear yet this isn't a problem but a game requiring you to get good to experience it is a problem for them.

Lmao that damage control tho

I actually agree.

I hate the word "gameplay".

Literal game designer here.
Used that word about 11 billion fucking times in a conference call today. Eat shit, Walker.

>John Walker

This isn't the kind of thing you play away with sarcasm John.


He's not wrong trough, look at the amount of harassment that guy got thanks to cuphead.
gobbers gets offended easily.

>literal game designer
>not needing to rethink your life choices

reminder that john is married to a balding british plumber in a wig

Of course hes mad about the use of the word. He keeps playing "games" for which it doesn't apply like Gone Homo and Firewatch and people keep telling him that.

>an archive link exists

Seriously, imagine going to publisher and trying not say the word gameplay or fun which game journos also seem to hate and see if your game gets funded.

Anyone who writes about videogames being art for a living seriously needs to consider their life choices.

>telling lies on the internet

Scroll down to 7 hours ago.

Which "fake" is he talking about?
Because if it's the image in the OP, he's lying.

Johnnie Walker Second Harvest

ha you think im going to take advice from someone who is named after a drink ?

>Deleted the tweet and now trying to act superior

Good to remind the folks that Walker's 'wifey' is more manly than he is.

There was a false Cuphead review attributed to RPS

Fake news, that tweet is actually referring to pic related.
Feel free to tear this guy's ass apart for the shit he really did say, though. He deserves it.

>Asks people to define "gameplay"
>People define it
>He basically goes "nu-uh that doesn't work" every time
What a massive cunt.

Fair enough.

Game critics are journalists that failed to get into a more recognized form of media or forum autists that managed to rub shoulders with someone with money. Almost nothing they say has any worth.

They're also being slowly pushed out by independent reviewers and they know it, so they keep saying clickbait things in order to grasp desperately on to relevancy.

jesus i really hate this guy. why does he even play video games? this is liek a film reviewer telling a director to only make blockbuster trash because they're a brainlet. why is this industry so shit?

"Gameplay" describes a process of interacting with a game, the only "games" that can't have the word gameplay attributed to them are walking simulators in the vein of Gone Homo, so it's not surprising that the faggots who constantly try to legitimize and shill walking simulators because they often align with their political leanings are the same faggots that are opposed to the word "gameplay".

However: "fun" is an arbitrary buzzword, it describes a completely nebulous and subjective property that has as many meanings as there are people, which makes it completely pointless when trying to convey how something functions or what value a mechanic or feature brings to the game.

>John Walker
Always a good chance to post this

That's a fake article, my friend.

Dude. Read. It's not real.


Of course Sup Forums doesn't use the word 'gameplay'
Sup Forums's favorite games are neptunia, senran kagura and blue reflection.

i still hate him

>Putting gone homo above Myst
This fucking guy.

On one hand, I'm all for making fun of that faggot Walker.

On the other, he's a guy who survives off of basically just making people mad with his terrible fucking opinions, so like, kinda plays into his hands anyway.


he's literally the only non-Kotaku/Polygon journo I will actively avoid reading.

RPS' more recent journos are kind okay, but I still generally steer clear of the site

It's thought provoking alright, for all the wrong reasons.

>tactical aspects of a video game such as its plot

Fucking excuse me?


kys reddit

Why'd he have to respond like such a faggot though? Say "lol that's a fake, retards" and be done with it.

>Why'd he have to respond like such a faggot?
Because he's a faggot, user.

they are not journalists, they are bloggers who like to play pretend.
they did not study journalism but some useless libshit degree like women studies. they have zero integrity and failed at life and as a result try to survive by writing clickbait cancer that generates them $0.0001 per click.

Hot pocket earning MODS on Sup Forums have made a better career and life choice than those parasitic, leeching imbeciles.

Cinematography actually means something though.

So does gameplay, Beta McGlassbeard.

Sup Forums also hates fun and thinks you should stop using it though

>the only "games" that can't have the word gameplay attributed to them are walking simulators in the vein of Gone Homo
False, if it can be applied to any game, then it can also be applied to these.

Who the fuck wrote this definition?

What does it mean?

Reported for criticizing games journalists, a known alt-right dogwhistle.

The new hires have pushed the site towards more RTS stuff and indies without going political, so it's got its own thing going.

Walker is still exactly as bad as ever, though.

The way in which you play the game.

Oddly enough I think you're right, actually.

Not user but gameplay speaks specifically about the aspects of the game that the player either controls or directly influences in the game itself. Distinctly separate from the visuals, graphics or writing of a game.

So, like, the buttons you press?



Do everyone a favor and stop thinking, you're terrible at it.

Gameplay encompasses animation, pacing, mechanical complexity and perceived difficulty in the context of specifically player prompted actions or interactions.

It allows for more nuanced discussion of a game's worth beyond just "Is it fun".

>up for almost 12 hours

Stop posting every little fucking thing you see on twitter

Everything that isn't graphics, sounds or writing.

See, ask for a simple definition, four different answers.

I mean those answers are pretty damn similar. Are you just saying 4 different answers because they used different words to describe the same thing?

They're more or less the same answers. Elaborate your response with more than 1 dismissive line this time so we know you're not trolling.

What does it mean then?

>Tactical apects such as its plot
oh yeah, I love doing exposition cancels into plot twist mixups

t. liberal retard

In 2017, "emotion-provoking" is much more of a priority than "thought-provoking." It makes me want to self mutilate.

They all overlap enough to make them pretty much the same. What the fuck are you on about?

why are you taking screenshots of random twitter posts and posting them on Sup Forums?

>neo/v/ agrees with him

What a retarded statement.

>exposition cancels
I like the sound of that.