These are the guys making fun...

>These are the guys making fun, challenging and rewarding video games based around maximizing the three true pillars of good game design (gameplay, sound design, art design)
>Nerds are the ones making shitty shovelware that exists for no other reason than to make political statements and attempt to push video games even further away from their roots

How did we get to the point where chads are the ones with vidya's best interests at heart?

Chads are better at everything. Kys nerd.

because the nerds you are mentioning are the ones who jumped on the nerd trend when TBBT was aired

Nerds are the ones desperate for female approval even if it comes from man-hating SJW feminists and trannies.

You guys better watch out.

Because the "nerds" you're talking about are mostly just jews that are drawn to games purely for the financial and political propaganda aspects. They view games as disposable, interchangeable products.


Chads are naturally better at everything. They just just had no interest in Computer nerd stuff until lately so now they come along and use their superior chad abilities to surpass nerds at making video games.

John Carmack is a Chad in Xaviers clothing.
Fucker even had to google how to wipe a hard drive.

They are handsome and bigger and stronger than me :3

>How did we get to the point where chads are the ones with vidya's best interests at heart?

because by now, all the respectable and skilled nerds have left vidya in favor of something more respectable. tech is big.
the ones who were shitheads or retards got left behind and ruined vidya.

I only play Japanese games

You sure implied a lot of a mediocre contra clone with uninspired art and sound.

No joke, wish I could support these guys on PS4. I can run it on my PC but it's just not the same.

We didn't, you're just a clueless fag who only plays whatever fotm Sup Forums/ecelebs shove down your throat

I thought chads just played madden, fifa and skyrim

It amazes me how Sup Forums is a board of people who hate their hobby

>virgin kickstars some indie garbage pixel game
>runs with the money, subpar results, game is trash twitter full of politics

>chad makes a indie game
>mortgages own house
>uncompromised vision
>no begging for kickstarter donation
>game is a genre defining hit, instant classic and perfect in execution and style

Chad all the way baby

Do you think these guys are millionaires by now from all the cuphead sales?

Steam tends to assfuck indie devs on sales so they are probably only seeing a pittance out of it

The game on Steam alone has brought in a few million dollars, yup. And thats after taking out Valve's cut.

because nerds arent a thing anymore and havent been for a long time
the looser kids are into anime not d&d or comics, they are passive as shit and tend to have token girl who rules them like a queen
they also have shit taste and just watch the crap that the others watch because they have nothing in common and without anime its back at not having friends

>sound design

>make run & gun game
>weapon makes a quiet tickatickaticka
