What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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New Fallout confirmed?
Developing Fallout 5
Fallout 3 Remastered
quit playing games with my heart user
Nah it's gonna be Fallout: Subtitle on the 4 engine.
Isn't Avellone a freelancer now? I know he left Obsidian
He left but said he was always open to working with obsi again
He probably joined Bethesda after Shitidian canned his ass.
'Freelancer' confirmed for a new protagonist title.
Post yfw the next Fallout game is Top down
He did co-write Prey so maybe they hired him to write a new Fallout.
Chris Allalone is writing for a Fallout: Subtitle game
And it's NOT developed by Obsidian
You heard it here first
He's joining Bethesda. I know he wants it.
He left of his own volition.
Fallout 4 enhanced edition VR
but this also can mean he joined up with bethesda to work on the next fallout.
>implying it isnt VR
>Shitidian canned his ass.
Avellone wasn't canned, he quit. Consulting is where the money is
That's not how Bethesda / Zenimax works, if they ever put a third party to work on a game for them it's because they have plans on buying that third party company. New Vegas was a happy accident and Obsidian got lucky enough to make such a good game that it didn't appeal to casuals, resulting in that 84 point score in Metacritic, causing Bethesda to lose interest and disowning New Vegas in the process.
yeah I suppose so
>Bethesda letting anyone pull the Fallout franchise away from the normalfag shit pool it has become
Stop fooling yourself.
Avellone isn't a third party, user. He's a contractor and can easily work with Bethesda as they do employ many seasonal workers to work on one game only to end their contract afterwards.
>d he was always open to working with obsi again
Is it a new epic meme obsidian drones trying to spread?
He literally openly burned all bridges like a fucking manchild. I actually was schocked because didn't expected something like this from adult person with experience
Too many buttons, too confusing for the general audience, plus you can't have that UI on a console.
But judging the writing based on the PC's reply, it's on point with Bethesda's shit writing.
He and the others left their meme albatross company and quietly joined Bethesda. They now enjoy far more resources, get to stay with their iconic series, and won't be the subject of petty diabolical corporate rivalry (the 85% bonus debacle)
A man can dream, user.
He probably just liked that image.
Say you're right, would Zenimax and Bethesda give them enough freedom to produce something good?
Main antagonist name is Judy
No. But even Bethesda knows they need better writers at this point. Mite as well hire some of the better ones.
That's so damn ugly.
What did he mean by this?
Look at Wolfenstein. Look at Dishonored.
Bethesda would not allow them a fair political dichotomy as seen between NCR and Legion. It may be written well but you can bet it will be an in-your-face vehicle for Beth's politics. That's a big issue, too, because political intrigue is a major selling point for Sawyer/Avellone, etc.
You can also bet that if they have one, Bethesda has gone and contracted the full set for a new game.
is she in a barrel full of jizz from those 5 guys?
>Why is a AAA dev hanging out with a nobody like Zoe Quinn who is only famous for being a promiscuous whore fucking 5 different guys while cheating on her boyfriend
I'm at a loss..
Wow, he honestly seems to dislike Obsidian by outright denying that he'd ever work for them again in any capacity. Can't say I blame him, but to come out with it like that from someone who even sees the positives in a trainwreck like FO3.
>Wasteland 2 humor
When Assassin's Creed can get decent 2D spinoffs, so can Fallout.
It's mobile
wtf i hate Chirs Avellone now
That he's an angry cat
according to someone close to Zoe; she's fucked over 80 men in the industry.
According to me your mom has fucked over 200 men in the industry
>whiteknighting zoe
are you one of the 80?
He's seen the first-person light and never wants to develop another cheap top-down game again
Your number's bogus, user. It's far more according to my dad who works at Kotaku.
Well thats disgusting.
that number was from over 2 years ago so I guess it's considerably more now
No I'm one of the 200
Wolfenstein is literally made by Swedes. Bethesda literally allowed NEw Vegas to have the kind of content it had, there's no shadowy cabal of Jews pushing every Beth-published game to have librul gay commie agenda. Only a shadowy cabal of Jews trying to make as much profit as possible. Remember how SJWs hated D44M for glorifying violence? Nobody gave a shit.
You feel better now that you've defended Zoe's vagina?
I heard that it grows with pow(n, 2)
Not as good as it felt conquering your mom's
Reminder that this man wrote Ulysses' character and made up the gay tunnel frog men because he was internally reeing over people in the Fallout universe getting too organized.
Zoe's honor is preserved thanks to you.
zoe looks like proxy paige
So he understands what makes Fallout Fallout. Good.
You just KNOW
and now she looks like paige after she ballooned up
Did you not seen his interview about PoE characters Sup Forums always credit him?
Obsidian cucksuckers even praise his characters he doesn't want to do anything with
>Chris Avellone: "To be clear, and to give credit where credit is due on content contributions (I don’t want to steal anyone’s thunder), I wrote the first iterations of two companions (Durance and the Grieving Mother, who have been scaled down to about ¼ of what they were originally, and the Grieving Mother’s mental dungeon was excised as well, which was essentially a stealth adventure game inside her memories).
>The final versions that are in the game are the province of other narrative designers
Do you think everyone with neon hair look the same? I mean, Paige actually got fat and yet she doesn't have that disgusting fish face.
funny how she got surgery and breast implants 6 months before coming out as a Female to Male tranny.
kinda strange don't you think?
>game has half-baked stealth mechanics
>I know what I'm going to write in, a stealth dungeon
user, according to someone close to you're a fucking faggot. Is this true?
It's a very half assed way to try and come up with a new threat. And people don't need to be living out of shitty shacks for it to feel like Fallout.
Bethesda/Zenimax are so fucking scummy. They did the same thing to acquire the Fallout IP by fucking over Interplay by doing the exact same thing as described in that mage. They tried so hard to do it to Obsidian too but thankfully they didn't pull it off well enough to kill Obsidian.
Wow, yeah, you can't have that in PoE. Need more trash mobs to stay completely true to Baldur's Gate 1 as that's the most advanced CRPGs have ever gotten.
Yes. I am safe from Zoe's HIV infected vagina.
I mean I've never seen two neon haired people in the same room so
mr. butthurt
You meant unfortunately, didn't you user?
They don't. But setting up a massive mimicry of old world government with a wide reach defeats the purpose.
>with a nobody like Zoe Quinn
You fucking retards made her a somebody, great job
>the guy that had to be constantly reigned in for being too much of an edgy sperglord with muh fresh start got so butthurt he couldn't be edgy so he quit
>Sup Forums defends him
Go back to codex.
I worded that sentence very poorly, what I mean is:
>They tried so hard to kill and acquire Obsidian too, but only managed to screw them out of some money
Hopefully nothing, New Vegas missed the mark quite a bit. The game is stupid. What happened to the brotherhood? Why are they so weak and in hiding? Why are there talking super mutants? Why did Obsidian think adding new factions like the followers and NCR was a good idea? They're shitting on the lore. Where is the Enclave? Why did the super mutants turn blue?
It's everyone else who was wrong, including you.
>had the backing of the entire gaming press before gamergate even started
>was featured in multiple articles on giant bomb, kotaku, polygon
>made appearance at gaming cons, on stage with people like chris avellone
why would I even be butthurt on the internet user, that's just silly.
Why didn't you just post the image if you're going to quite it that closely
Yeah, Obsidian got a lot better after he left.
Oh wait.
This. I mean Fallout 4 wasn't spectacular but I honestly feel Bethesda did a better job with it then Obsidian did in NV. Fallout 3 is still better than both.
>They tried so hard to do it to Obsidian
That's a really dumb theory. Obsidian was really desperate at that time and Feargus would love to sell it to Bethesda. Read some interviews with the guy, he's a businessman, he ain't in it for the art or the independence or whatever.
Never posted there, desu. I don't like RPGs enough.
They did
I don't dislike Avellone but the "nuke it all again" idea is awful. New Vegas was in part so interesting to me BECAUSE things are starting to resemble civilization again, there's progress beyond "hey look lol it's mad max haha"
Fallout 1 had some great post-apocalypse atmosphere, but I don't need to see it again.
If you want to do that you should give it more fanfare than "happens off-screen in an autistic argument between two mailmen" though. It should be a possibility creeping up in the background over the course of the game before abruptly happening without much the player can do about it, like an actual nuclear war.
>Character creation assuming top down view and mostly text
>Choose what kind of humor you want your character to enjoy
>Find pop-culture references in the world, books, holodiscs, TV recordings, random encounters, billboards, conversations, anywhere
>Character reflects on what he/she finds and if it fits with the humor you selected in different situations
>Starts to use it in conversations and combat reactions
For example:
>Set character to like sci-fi and "badass humor"
>Find a rifle with a Morita Assault Rifle "skin"
>You and your companions get ambushed in a random encounter
>Your character goes "Come on you apes, do you want to live forever?!"
I don't see the point of changing the established formula so radically. Who ever imagined Fallout as a top down game? It's like making Pokemon a first-person. It doesn't work.
80% of issues in Bethesda games relate to the writing. Getting help from Avellone is a good move.
Divinity:OS2 has a UI very similar to the original Fallouts and it does just fine on console.