Ok no more iterations on the same formula, lets shake things up for the next game

Ok no more iterations on the same formula, lets shake things up for the next game.
Whats your ideas?

You know you want it.

Souls Star Wars cross-over

BLAMEsouls is what everyone wants, whether they know it or not.


I didn't know I wanted it, but I do now.

>Ok no more iterations on the same formula, lets shake things up for the next game.
Welcome to 2017, user. Original ideas are forbidden.

Manager souls where you play as the firekeeper and try to make the safe haven run smooth by sorting the stuff the ashen one sell to the vendors and by calming the psychos that eventually end up there so they don't pull an elliot rodgers on the remaining npcs.

>Persistent coop (no resummoning required)
>Server based to ease finding other players
>limited random generation be it enemy or level layout
>slow but methodical instead of animu
>aggressive level scaling, so sl 999 can play with sl 1 without overpowering anything

I'd like to see them make a Sci-Fi third person shooter RPG

The last time From shook up the formula everyone threw a fit.

Fucking everyone would love this so much goddammit From.
>Not maining Ass Demon

>not o'neill cylinder souls
would be a much tighter fit for level design
also froms artists are better than nihei

This is what Souls would be if it was made by Western developers, and I absolutely hate it

Souls with Bullethell elements

Dark Souls but in da hood.

This actually sounds interesting.

Of course, it'd play like DS2 pvp...

>Leprechaun in the Hood Souls

Bloodborne 2 but it's a horror game.
>Closer camera
>Very limited resources
>Way more punishing
>Instead of boss battles in arenas they hunt you down through the level and you have to level up until you can kill them
>More opened levels

I could think of something else but my autism goes this far

First 2 ideas are ok, I also agree with the slower pacing but
>Random generation
that's just disgusting

MMORPG set in drangleic

Its like the opposite of Bloodborne, instead of a transforming melee weapons its a transforming gun and your melee stuns enemies. Gameplay is still lock on based for the most part, think like Gungrave or ZoE.

industrial revolution Bloodborne, so no aliens just werewolves, vampires, and ghosts of children possessing oil
I want to replace my body with rusty steel and burn monsters to death while battling tetanus.

Trapped on a massive floating island split into geographically distinct zones. All paths are open to you from a starting "beach" settlement, but you might have an easier time in others depending on how you spec, what items you have, and which NPCs you've encountered. The settlement improves as you gather NPCs and attract settlers with all the monster slaying making the island safer. You can upgrade your house with a hunting trophy room, training room, garden, etc.

While some zones will be de facto harder, they all scale as you progress. If you're a big dick motherfucker you could rush the hardest and clear it low level. 3-4 bosses per zone acting as milestones, clears offer fast travel back to the settlement OR an interconnecting path to adjacent zones. You can bypass other bosses this way to priority gear but you need to kill them all to take on the big bad.
Level design is fairly linear but avoids the mistake DS3 made by letting you go wherever you want at the start.

Aesthetic is untanmed wilds and various ancient mediterranean civilizations, though there will be basically an underground area rehash of Sunken King.


Make a text-based adventure game.

>proper monster hunter combat: no breaks in animation, no insta 180 degree turns while swinging weapons, no wait for enemy to finish half of attack animation before evading.
>no levels, and no level based multiplayer. maybe have nothing but a limit number of skill upgrades over the course of the game. e.g. you get max 30 skill points that you can assign or so.
>improve on interconnected world, DS1 style.


Dark Souls, but without artificial difficulty.

>Weapons other than Lightsaber/sword variants


>Closer camera

>Very limited resources
Early game sure, but they're pretty limited already.

>Way more punishing
Fuck no.

>Instead of boss battles they hunt you down through the level
Literally every boss encounter? That would feel cheap as hell. Especially because of the mob enemies..

I really don't see how something like this would be fun a second or even a third time.

Dark Souls, but with good combat.

>Closer camera
The only way the camera could get any close in From's games is if you shoved it right up the character's ass.
>Very limited resources
>Way more punishing
>Instead of boss battles in arenas they hunt you down through the level and you have to level up until you can kill them
This actually sounds fucking terrible.
>More opened levels

Jurassic Souls

It's Dark Souls but on a Jurassic Park Island.


I want the enemies to actually have some sort of life, personality instead of standing/walking in the same spots. I want more emphasis on traps and surprising the player with non-enemies. I want poise to be reworked to a more similar fashion to DaS, but with certain weapons like katanas/rapiers/shortwords to have a non-retarded poise break stat so that heavy armor actually has a purpose over fast rolling min/maxing armor pieces. Make weapon degradation faster and make repairing equipment expensive again like it was is DeS, but leave out "LMAO Im so funny because scraping spear" shit. Add multi-staged boss fights that boil down to more than dodging and swinging, similar to Dragon God being an obstacle course. Make hitboxes have at least a little god damned sense and stop letting enemies hit through walls. Finally...ADD MORE FUCKING AXES THAT HAVE UNIQUE MOVESETS FUUUUUUUUUUCK

You mean Hollow Knight?

Science fiction. Emphasis on ranged combat instead of melee.

No lock on, like monter honter.
And make ranged combat actually fun.