Which Twitch Streamers are you subbed to?
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Which Twitch Streamers are you subbed to?
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I don't watch streams enough to warrant subbing
I watch moon but he's fucking rich enough without my sub
Get the fuck off Sup Forums.
>actually paying ppl so you can watch them play video games
pls fucking kill yourself
>ENB although I am considering dropping his streams altogether because I am obsessed with his sister and it's taking over my life
>a bunch of tiddy streamers
I use adblock, have never subbed or donated.
I have never even used my free amazon prime sub.
used to watch Kripp before HS made him suicidal
are you me?
Why are you proud of being a parasite?
>I share this board with these type of people
Holy shit
I wouldn't dare
Enjoy being a cuck, goyim
I don't know who these people are. Why are you paying $35 a month for shitty chat emotes and for them to say your name every month?
I'm just following some PIU player and CalebHart42, his streams are comfy.
>Donating money to people who are actual millionaires
No one.
I'm not an avid twitch stream watchers, i watch 'em once in a while when i'm downloading stuff soaking my band so i can't play online games or when i'm having a meal.
Never subbed, adblock, never donated, not even using amazon.
Fuck streamers.
I just give my prime sub to people who actually benefit from it. Those rich fucks don't need it
if you watch streamers then I really hope you get cancer so you can be what you consume.
Cancer out of 10.
I enjoy being a responsible person who pays for the content creators who provide the entertainment.
Doesn't Sodapoppin gamble like thousands of dollars on CSGO or something? Who wants to watch shit like that?
This. I can use my free amazon prime sub but refuse to do so because I don't want to be a part of the cancer. People used to stream before they started getting money and sponsorships, people also used to make a fuckton of videos before the ads came to youtube. Adding money to the equation did NOT improve quality, only oversaturated it with low-quality greedy faggots who whip themselves to stream even if they hate it, just so they can get money. People who are actually entertaining and capable streamers would stream regardless if they're being paid or not, they'd even stream for the popularity alone.
Only Shroud
streamers/youtubers have been okayed by mods. Fuck. Off.
Reckful / Sodapoppin IRL > ALL
>content creators
Employment allows me to pay for things I enjoy.
You realize that not everybody has all the time to stream if they also have to work to support themselves?
Epicnamebro moved on to full time streaming because it became financially viable for him to do so due to people subbing and donating.
prime doesn't get adds
>streamers/youtubers have been okayed by mods
Then Sup Forums is truly dead.
liriks sub sunday streeams and night streams are only worth watching, his playthroughs are shit commentary and his shill streams are cringe af, his best moments are with his friends chilling playing some random obscure competitive game
Yes? Streamers create entertaining content, ergo content creators.
That's wrong tho youtube.com
Only streams I watch were when Sup Forums or Sup Forums would throw up movie streams which never happens anymore
More like they talk over entertaining content
I don't sub to anyone, but i love me some Jerma985 streams.
This desu
If I were to actually pay money for a sub I wouldn't want to give money to rich fucks like Forsen or Kripp, I'd try to help out smaller streamers
>actually giving money to faggots that play video games
>over react to things ingame
>yell really loud
>make a weird voice
Streamers openly have contempt for people who sub and often bitch about them, I don't know whats worse having a life supported by e-begging or openly giving hard earned money you make at a real job. Paying for free shit, so you can spam in a chat that equates to the same thing as spam bots. WOW YOU ALL MADE THE SAME EMOTE ENTHRALLING. People who sub are just low-key findom weirdos that just have no common sense. The people you pay openly make fun of you and hate you, and quite honestly you should be hated.
Please fuck off
it's board culture. deal with it
just two
You realize you give money to literal parasites, right?
Holy shit how can you be such a colossal faggot. Even if you're a richfag you shouldn't be doing this.
>tfw have to go to therapy after developing an obsession over incestuous fantasies involving a streamer and their sister
>tfw afraid of getting invested in new streamers in fear of creating new obsessions
>yet I keep subscribing because streams are the only thing keeping me sane in this boring ass job
Legitimately mad that I clicked this and found ther people in support of this OP
Fuck right off, holy fucking shit dude. Rate my list? RATE MY LIST? Of people that you watch play video games? Are you limbless? Braindead? What the FUCK is your problem? Are you 12?
>$35 a month to be able to have your words buried under the other 10,000 people spamming chat and never read by the streamer
ACTUALLY why do people do this.
Only Tolomeor
Your list is Pubg/10
This but I gave my prime sub to Demo because he is one of the few more than tolerable people on twitch/youtube.
Board culture is also telling streamercucks and faggot OP's to fuck off though
How are they parasites any more than stand up comedians or musicians are? Do you think every comedian / musician writes their own jokes / songs?
Streamers/Let's Players create good derivative entertainment from something that might otherwise be mediocre at best.
Again, a streamer who's really passionate about it and does it for the sake of doing it will stream regardless of that. Even if you have to work there's at least 4-5 hours a day that you can set aside for games and streaming so that's not an excuse. And then you have the faggots like this guy who's constantly running a pay2type chat while constantly streaming sponsored games while doing shit like this on top of all of that. The fact that this guy is getting upwards of 30k views every day, and so many of those people keep donating and subbing, is actually mindblowing.
None, i only watch h3h3 podcast on twitch very very rarely
>Best Music
>Plays superior moba (HoN)
>Streams every day
>12-17 hours every single day
>Watching people play Vidya
What kind of fucking retard has the time to watch streamers instead of playing the games themselves. Fucking kill yourself cuck boy
>Subbing to Tim "The Autist" Man
>Subbing to Tim "I'm yelling am i funny yet" thetatman
>Subbing to Tim "The Fat" thetatman
>Subbing to Tim "Drink monster goyim" thetatman
>Subbing to Tim "Dude christianity lmao" thetatman
Off yourself immediately. Although the soda and summit subs were enough to let me know you have some of the worst tastes.
Here's my board culture: Fuck off you stupid ass cancerous underage fag.
Kill yourself
The biggest streamers are kind of pricks yeah.
literally the best value you can get on twitch
go cry to a mod
TriHard xD
also, sorry for triggering you
Fuck off
>Not a single Forsenbaj
Please don't tell me they're browsing reddit instead
Literally no personality. Most boring person on twitch. I have no idea why he has a mic and webcam as they add nothing to the stream.
Geek and Sundry w/ Free Prime Donation (Only for Critical Role VODs)
my african american
kill yourself
Kill yourself cuck
Whats worse, watching league of legends streams or pubg streams.
>the dude in the middle
I laughed
>paying money to watch someone play video games
He's a nice fellow. I wish he went back to speedrunning though.
We all can agree that Overwatch streams are actually entertaining
There's no need to be rude. People like me and op keep your free entertainment up and running.
>watching anything else except pro players to learn playstyles and tactics
>watching other people play single player games instead of playing them yourself
>paying them to do it
fucking kill yourself
I don't watch other people play games.
Scanlan is a very serious Bard pls do not bully
>The Bard is a gay character
How fucking cliche
>a gay bard
well at least they tried
I only watch NL, but this bald jerk can suck on my pee-pee.
If there is one thing Sup Forums has shown it's that majority here are a bunch of twitchfags. Why the fuck would you ever give money to people playing games? You're most likely in school or have a 9-5 job trying to make a living while they're playing games and laughing behind your back
Nope, he is is very straight but very flamboyant
This is his waifu
this thread is completely reddit
kill yourself
kill yourself
why are you here?
how would you know?
>watching streams means you give money to the streamer
Do you realize only like 1 of 100 if not a thousand ever donated or subscribes to streamer.
since I can't drink or do drugs anymore I was thinking of starting a stream of jrpgs I want to play as a distraction. good idea?