An ancient evil awakens

>An ancient evil awakens
>Its a girl

>An ancient evil awakens
>it's your dad
>he's a total bro and moralfags are just mad

is it? is it??

post more cute

Couldnt Adria choose a male instead?

I'm down with that.


>Gets defeated by the power of cock

>playing a evil PC in skyrim


>An ancient evil awakens
>you start dating her

>Its a girl
>Its a girl whom I want to suffocate me to death with her ass

Name 1(one) game that does this.

>ancient evil awakens
>she actually not evil at all and is more human than most people

That is one hot economist

>villain does fucking awful shit
>everyone says they're bad and hate them
>villain who's a girl does fucking awful shit
>"I want to FUCK this villain"

>An ancient evil awakens
>Its a girl (male)

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic sort of, if you take into account the demoness who takes over your body

>maybe if I help her/allouw her/enable her to destroy the world, she will have sex with me

>it's a girl
>she rapes you

meant for

girls can't rape user
unless they get a strap on and fug ur butt i guess

>people want to fuck opposite sex
How could this be?

I don't know what this is but I want to impregnate it

Even after all this time, "succubus (male)" still pisses me off. That's not how it fucking works. A "male succubus" is a fucking incubus. God damn fucking uneducated fucking doujin artists.

Welcome to Real Life(tm)
Was she considered an ancient evil though?


I remember reading some explanation for why that wasn't accurate, but I forgot and just rolled with it after a while

It's more like
>any villain does fucking awful shit
>"I want to FUCK this villain"

>villain does fucking awful shit
>everyone says they're bad and hates them
>except the girl who fell for him and overlooks him being Hitler in their universe

If there's anything, at least Virgin Souls taught me goes both ways.

People get really dumb when they let their dick/vagina think for them.

>you will never fuck an edgelord villianess

Why do I live?

What a cutie, would pet her head.

It's more like
>any qt girl does anything
>"I want to FUCK this qt girl"

>human child is born
>it's a female
>an ancient evil has awakened

Give me more games like these

Yeah, like this qt girl

>Was she considered an ancient evil though?

According to the wiki, she's at least 4 centuries old, but I don't know what qualifies as "ancient"

>wears girl clothes
Now look who's stupid

A succubus is an exclusively female demon that uses human sex appeal to prey on men at night, draining their vitality to fuel its own.
An incubus is an exclusively male demon that does the same to females.

What games let you literally fuck the villain?

What's the point of making evil sexy? You can't fuck her and she'll definitely kill you. It's meaningless I would say.

>but I don't know what qualifies as "ancient"
Anything over 12 years old

>and help her in becoming a better person

>ancient evil awakens
>possesses girl
>becomes party member

>you can marry her

So it's not much different than new evil.

name at least one game that does that, you fucking can't

>He doesn't know about the effects the dick can have in villainesses.

Joke is that he's still fulfilling a succubus's role even though he's a guy. Shit this ain't even the first time that happened, Katou Jun did it as a joke with a trap incubus complaining he got assigned to being a succubus despite being male.

The fucking point is that he's feminine as fuck and a sub. They chose that wording on purpose.

Albel did nothing wrong and he has really really nice legs and you can see part of his dick

Don't you know my dear boy? Women are the root of all evil in this world.

Digital Devil Saga. The black sun is female

What games let you impregnate the villain?

>not becoming her slave/sidekick and burning entire countries for the fun of it

Well your mother didn't abort you so you're not that wrong.

Dragon Age

Well she better be awakening to the scent of my dick because it's going right into her vagina

>Defeat ancient evil
>You get to rape her

>letting her do more evil shit that will eventually end in a hero ending her life
No, her safety is first.

>An ancient evil awakens
>it wants your baby

hard mode: name one non weeb game that does that


>Serve me.
>G A M E O V E R

Fuck you too, Nintendo.

Well you sound like an ancient evil while also being too much of a faggot to be male.

Ahh! After 10,000 years, I'm free! It's time to conquer Earth!

Sexism didn't exist in ancient times, so of course the gender ratio for ancient evils is pretty 50/50

I approve depending on what "wants your baby" means. If it means she wants me to put a baby inside of her then hell yeah, let's go, but if she wants to take a baby from me, then I'll have to dissapoint her because I ain't got one of those noisy little shits yet

>not being strong and evil enough to eviscerate any who would oppose her
c'mon user

Dark Messiah of Might and Magic. ancient evil is your dad but you kill him for a female ancient evil

shit what's that thing again the arm looks like something I feel as though I should remember from that alone

Have fun killing the first heroes until some plot-armored asshole ruins everything.

women are ever so slightly more than 50% of the population. The ratio would be 52/48. The odds are actually in their favor.

Dog's Life.

>Killing the coolest demon lord on top of him being your dad
How cruel

>it's a girl
>she forcibly initiates sex which i obviously consent to

>Killing people because your dick wants to fuck a villainess very hard
I'll have fun killing you and taking the villainess with me to redeem her.

>Brobot party member is actually an ancient evil girl
>you never actually get to see/use her outside of dream sequences
Fuck everything about Ershin in particular.

>not turning the plot-armored asshole into your cocksleeve too.


I'd legit consider selling part of my soul or a few hundred years of slavery for nonstop pleasure.

you'd just turn numb to the pleasure

Is this show any good? Please don't lie to me.

The plot armor won't let you do that, also I don't wanna run any risks so the best option is saving the villainess from the consequences of her own actions first.

>You can't fuck her
says who

> and she'll definitely kill you.
she can try, at best

You are why slannesh is still a thing
Stay vigilant brother.

Just make a sex cult and make orgies 24/7


Looks great. That's all.

Watch the first season, the second one just mostly shits all over it in a bad way.

fair enough
the doujins tho


good and evil are only words

>ancient evil awakens
>she wants to become your gf
>she is a genuine loving person and would actually abandon everything to be with you
>tfw no ancient evil gf

First season is excellent. Second season doesn't exist, don't ever look up anything related to Virgin Soul.

but thats a sloth demon

There are way better monster girls that are also more ancient evil than that

Who cares nerd.

sounds shit

hey yo gurl, hit me up.


wasn't looking and posted the wrong one

though dark valkyrie is still one of my favorites