>we will never see the Skullgirls cast in another game again
>Skullgirls characters will never cross over with capcom fightan
>Skullgirls will never get an improved sequel that isn't so reliant on infinites/combo resets
We will never see the Skullgirls cast in another game again
>tfw no squig gf
Apparently the publisher company that holds the IP is in a shit state, so while giant labs want to work on it as long as they don't see profit in it then it'll probably never see the light of day. You can support it by playing the mobile version to show their is interest in the property
>Lab Zero will never just make a fucking comic to show the true storyline
>All those side and main characters that will never be fully developed and fleshed out
Character rights belong to Autumn Games, so no Skullgirls 2 ever, sadly.
Why would I ever play the Mobile version? I already showed plenty of support by buying the game twice and all the DLC
that must be why there is absolutely no cameo in Indivisible
Thank god. Skullg*rls has some of the worst and most wannabe-moeshit designs in all of western gaming.
This cameo is character that is not playable in Skullgirls and thus rights on her still belong to creators.
Cucked by Cuphead in literally every way
Good. It's better to see things you love die than to watch them rot and fester.
fucking Autumn Games
I hope they go out of business soon
Those games are not even of the same genre.
Kill yourself
Maybe he means how the animation for both was hand-drawn
>that must be why there is absolutely no cameo in Indivisible
The shitty maymay posters don't stop it from being a pretty good game.
the fact that the game shoehorns in a fuckton of indie characters really puts me off.
Make a crossover with Cuphead on XB1 via daddy Microsoft's big bucks to pull them out of the pooper, star as new characters in a XB Smash Bros/PSASBR clone, get shoved out of the spotlight in 5 years but get enough money to stay afloat for 10.
They're post game only. And there's literally nothing wrong with guest characters, in any game.
If they're only in NG+ or whatever then at least it's avoidable and doesn't really make the first playthrough clash like all hell, not many of that crew that I'd want to try even in NG+ though.
Whos the big robot dude in the top?
And nothing of value was lost!
They're optional user. You don't have to use them.
From Battle Chasers, which had it's own game come out recently.
There's definitely something wrong with guest characters for a new IP that establishes a brand new setting and characters, people are gonna buy the game for the wrong reasons if they're only postgame. They come off a shoehorned and unfitting for a game like this honestly.
>Came out at the peak of Undertale fandom
>Has to shamelessly throw in cameo characters to try and get more funding
>Can't get an UT character that would actually get people interested
>A bunch of literally whos + Shovel Knight
>Now we have a fucking dinosaur on a goddamn skateboard in an eastern mythology setting game
What an abortion.
>"no cameo from a skullgirls character"
Annie is right there
My point exactly.
It's a time traveling dino that shoots out acid puke THANK YOU VERY MUCH
Don't mind me just posting peacock the unequivocally best girl
>all the best designs in the game are from other franchises
I don't remember her having thicc thighs
This post All of the playable cast belongs to Autumn Games, everyone else is still Lab Zero property.
>so reliant on infinites
>Skullgirls characters will never cross over with capcom fightan
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Have you seen what modern Capcom is like?
>cross over with capcom fightan
OP is a stupid waifushitter that can't finish the Skullgirls tutorial
The mobile game was made for you