What's that you say?
I just have to drop all my gear while you do it?
I totally would have fallen for this as a kid. I'm actually surprised I didn't because I really liked the look of trimmed armour and would've been stupid enough to give my shit away
why isn't your armour trimmed?
>tfw stole a kid's armor with this scam and felt guilty ever since
>that sounds like bullshit
>but JUST in case..
if you didn't do this at least once when you were a kid then idk maybe you were a smart kid
>tfw I fell for it
Granted, I was 12 and stupid at the time
You deserve to burn for your sins
Whats the scam about? Dropping your stuff on the floor?
Me too friend.
except I did it for fun and often just auctioned there shit.
i didn't fall for any of the cliche scams but I did trade a santa hat and a dragon longsword for those blue and white wizard robes the day they were released cause i thought they looked cool
i wasn't even high enough level to wear them
>trade/drop armour
>friendly man takes armour
>friendly man goes for a smoke break, never to return
>"Hey kid. I'll trim your hard earned armor with this special trick I know, but first you gotta trade it to me"
>"Golly gee, sir! That sounds like a good idea! Sure, have my hard earned armor"
>trades armor
>trimmer proceeds to teleport away
>tfw merchanted prior to GE when I quit
>scammed countless new players/children
>no regrets, would do it in a heartbeat again
Runescape scamming was smalltime. I scammed $3000 worth of TF2 shit
>Trade a guy a bunch of gold for a unique axe in D2.
>He goes out to farm while waiting for more traders to show up (He's got a lot to trade).
>Immediately declare hostility, follow him to the waypoint, gank the shit out of him, take all my gold back and leave.
>Feel terrible ever since.
It was probably some kid too.
Fucking retard as a 10 year old I didnt fall for any scams.
reported, have fun in jail kid
Was scamming ever really as big of a deal as the RS fanbase makes it seem? In all my time playing the game, I think I was only approached once or twice for a scam, and I never fell for it even as a kid.
I bet a lot of the stories people tell about scams are either made up or exaggerated.
but i didn't fall for it
Anyone wants some wine?
>Not just walking away
You don't have any balls!
>come to wildy with items
>10 year old me
>yeah not going to risk my items in wildy
Never give your items never take risks.
Scamming was huge back in the day. Not only in RS, but in all MMOs. Many developers try to circumvent this shit nowadays, that's why it seems like it ain't as bad as it used to be.
It's a shame, it added to the experience
The only time I was ever scammed was within the first day of playing. I fell for the "Trust Trade".
when I finally got my first set of black armor I had this happen. I wasn't too hurt about it because it was cheap af but I really wanted to see if the idiot would come back with full black (g), sadly he just returned it without trim and said he wasn't working. Think he just needed to fight a boss.
scamming was a huge thing in runescape. there would be at least one or two guys hopping around the worlds trying to trick people. typically, if they stayed in one world too long, more expierenced people who knew the scam would tell them to fuck off and they'd bail.
this shit still happens today in runescape with fucking money doublers (hurr trade me some money and i'll double it!) and just general lures. recently there was a "new" scam in osrs that was basically some really really rich guy going around slayer areas and asking people to trade him their weapon as a "trust" test, the implication being that he'd give them something worth more afterwards since he was so wealthy. obviously he'd just take the item and log.
>Tfw rping rouge
>Tfw have legit enemies and people who want me dead
>Tfw you enter a new hub to start your crime spree again
Yeah, but it's like everyone has an epic story about "remember that time I scammed someone/got scammed?!?!?!?", to the point where it has become a huge meme in the RS community. Which makes me wonder if all these greentexts and shitty reddit memes aren't all just attempts to get in on the circlejerk.
Basically, I'm tired of all the worn-out runescape memes.
>dude jacks my mithril with this scam
it was mithril at MOST, could've even just been steel
in fact I think it was steel, he offered to upgrade it to mithril
like come on man, I'm just a poor boy. why jack fucking steel armor, shit is dime a dozen to you but everything to me.
buying ring mould 500k
selling ring mould 20k
It really was a huge thing back in the day. There were just SO many different ways you could scam people, I think everyone tried it at least once.
>tfw "selling" rune 2h
>swap it out for a noted steel 2h
>they accept
buying gf 2k
this can get you muted for a week nowadays
>buy rune scimmy for like 20k
>guy puts up a noted rune scimmy
>press accept
>get a noted bronze scimmy
Of course now the trading system is babyproofed so that only the most retarded of retards can get scammed, but it taught me a valuable lesson both in-game and irl
The armor trimming scam stopped being a thing long before the GE came out.
But will they send you the nudes?
no it can't
almost nothing can get you muted nowadays, whereas you could get muted for just about fucking anything back in the day
the first or second time i played i got "scammed" by a guy claiming to work for jagex who said i won a prize and asked for my log in details to confirm.
He changed my password when I logged out but I had literally just got off tutorial island so I didn't actually lose anything.
maybe in rs3
shut up lil' bitch, I got muted for exactly saying 'buying gf'
Is this a good deal?
>be 16
>have over 200m gp
>lvl 70ish
>tell people if they give me 1k ill turn it into 500k
>no one trusts me
>"get out scammer"
>tell them if they give me 1k ill give them 1m
>one lvl 20ish player does it
>give him 1m
>proceeds to tell everyone what i did and keeps saying thanks
>did this for about 10 noobs
>feels good man
Just did it because i felt bad for noobs because it took me about 3 years to learn how to play and actually get money
>tfw i got tricked to death by 'helping' someone fight those tribesmen on karamja
the fuckers poison hit for like 12 a tick, which was ridiculous for a low level creature. i lost my first slayer mask, but at the very least it taught me to be more cautious
>Looking at my old RS forum posts
wtf little me
no you didn't stop making shit up you fag
none that you know of
why did the devs think this was a good idea?
fuck you bitch, jagex owned my ass hardcore and muted me bro
I'll never forgive for forget
>mfw fell for the wine scam as a kid
I'm mad they made the doors permanently open. I learned a lot that day. The new generation of gamers are total pussies because of companies like jagex
OH BOY I'm about to be rich!!!
because today you gun LEARN boy
>doesnt have trimmed armor himself
Liar liar
>mfw lost my black trimmed platebody to the same shit
>actually give somebody some trimmed armor in return along with some advice not to trust people like that
He just likes how untrimmed armor looks instead.
my favorite was getting kids to take the wine of zamorak getting them killed. i even got some retard who was 50+ to keep trying to take the wine until he died. my buddy was better at the game he would just make a mage pure and get people to try and kill him in the wildy but turn around and nuke them to get their shit.
nah ill go get my shit trimmed by the official trimmed armor nigga
I don't remember ever falling for these traditional scams, but boy did I fuck up with downloading keylogged Bots back in the classic day.
>tfw used to lead fresh off tutorial island accounts to the varrock dark wizards
i distinctly remember doing this to about 3 people, just to get their starter shit
>tfw one guy simple said "?" before dying
i stopped after that, the guilt was getting to me
>hey kid would you like your armor trimmed for free? Don't worry I'll be quick I'm just that nice of a guy ;)
>uhh no thanks I'm looking at my character and it looks like everything fits him ok
tfw being a retard accidentally kept me from being scammed
What the fuck is armor trimming
I've heard about this shit for years and still don't know what trimming your armor entails
I remember making a post about the jews doing 9/11 on tip.it back in the day.
I'm glad I got edginess out of my system early.
here give me your armor I'll show you
I didnt give anyone any of my items nor went to places that risked my items, nor fell for retards selling item for 50k and someone buying it for 500k.
you can get "trimmed" armour, its the same stats as the regular armour but with a fancy gold trim. you can only get it from doing clue scrolls on members worlds, but f2plebs didn't know that so people would pretend that they were able to trim the armour themself even though thats completely impossible, in order to trick people into giving them their expensive shit for free
I miss the days of cutthroat Runescape
Scamming was so common, it was almost regular business
It did learn you to be careful on the internet
>used to tell people that I knew where you could get free rune scimmy's and helmets in the wilderness and I guide them to the location
>get far enough into the wilderness and just turn around and beat the shit out of them while they raged.
I feel like a dick about it now, but I was like 12 when I did this.
>original RS2
>lost a set of rune plate armor and legs to an armor trimming scam
>a few days later some high level dude walks into the Varrock east bank saying it's his birthday
>give him a chocolate cake because I'm 11
>gives me a full rune set, complete with the kite and helm
holy kek
>farming goblins in lummy on a relatively empty server
>some 80+ player walks past
>I'm still mad about it to this day
Trimmed armor sets have trim along their edges. Players can't actually trim armor, the sets come from treasure trails.
You have freed me from a decade-long curse and I'll be eternally grateful
You'll next trim will be 50% off as a reward
Fishing lvl?
>playing runoscape
>wearing adamant chainbody because it looks cool, and some random heraldic adamant shield
>guy sees my pleb gear
>"yo little nigga, you need some real shit"
>drops trimmed full adamant on my lap
I mean, I had already received a full set of rune from somebody else and just chose not to wear it, and like 500k in gold before that.
The gifts are nice but I wanted to earn some of my keep, y'know.
I wanted to learn how to do it myself instead of pay to have someone do it for me. Kind of like everything in my life.
>no thanks I'll just make my own car
>dexless sin flashjumps in
>psh nothing personnel noob
>ks your monsters for 3 minutes and leaves, while you barely catch a glimpse of his bathrobe and snowshoes
You literally made Adolf Hitler get off his dick throne in the midst of the flames of hell, walk into the bathroom, and sob quietly in the corner of a shower. He held a bottle of cheap whiskey in his shaking hand, no longer secure in his position as world's least likable human being
>really want trimmed armor
>hanging with my friend at Varrock West Bank
>for shits and giggles I decide to ask a guy to buy his full Addy (g)
>didn't have the money
>joking go "sorry I'm banned from trading with people who aren't on my friends list. Trade it to my friend and I'll trade him the money to trade to you"
>guy (kid) says "okay"
>proceed to see him take his armor pieces off one by one and get into trade position
>my friend trades me and it's the full Addy (g)
>proceed to put the full armor on and the kid says "what about my money"?
>me and my friend say bye run west, log out, switch worlds and then block him
Was one of the funniest things to happen. So many weird, hilarious things happened on Runescape
In Runescape, you can get trimmed versions of black, addy, or rune armor from clue scrolls. They don't do anything extra, but they look better and are more valuable since they're rarer.
People way back in the day would offer to trim peoples' armor for them, something which was not actually even possible, and people would fall for the scam. Usually it was a player new to members getting scammed for their rune armor.
I had a completely different scam for new members. Back in the day, before the GE, full rune was worth about 200k. Dragon longsword is 100k from the vendor. Dragon longsword, back then, was pretty much the one thing that every non member knew existed in members and wanted. So a new member would be asking where and how to get a dragon long, and I'd offer to trade them one for their full rune, netting myself a 100k profit. The funny part is that they couldn't even use the sword until they did the quest to unlock the area where you can buy it for 100k.
This isn't runescape but this reminded me of this story
Copy and pasting for posterity
>God I spent countless hours as a teen playing on a heavily modded and roleplay enforced ultima online server. I played Cedric Sartone, simple farmer turned tavern owner who eventually turned it into THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN. It was poppin every night, I was buddies with every adventurer, soldier, mage, druid, and ranger that played the game. After they went out and grinded their skills and did their quests, I was waiting for them with a warm fire and plenty of ale. I'd buy their ingredients and make awesome food and booze (max level cooking!) and was privy to all the gossip.
>Little did they know I had a side hobby, I was brewing massive amounts of the most gamebreakingly toxic poison possible. For over a year I roleplayed with these people as a simple barman, pretended to be their friend and confidant, and then during a harvest festival where every player on our server was in attendance and I was payed to provide the food and drink... I poisoned every last morsel of food, every drop of drink and after the reagent delivered his speech and all of these fools raised their goblets for the toast and took that deadly sip, I stepped onto the stage and revealed what had happened. They where all going to die, and die they did.
>be a pure
>pretend to fall for this
>beat the shit out of them instead
My cousins did exactly that. Their cars are bitching while I just drive plebshit. Oh well.
i remember someone tried to pull le armor trimming scam on me when i was like 11 years old
i didnt fall for it and thought i was the smartest motherfucker on the server
a year or two later some dude scammed me out of dragon boots with some trade bait and switch scam
>Now this was a permanent death server (hardcore rpers mind you) and some had been playing those characters for 8 years and there they all were, collapsed and dying. Soon they were all unconscious, as you could only die if you went unconscious three times in one day or if a certain psychotic bartender came and cut off your head... which I did to every player in our group of 38. They were all there, and unfortunately so was I.
>Revenge against what, you ask?
So the server had a pretty strict policy regarding pvp and pk, essentially the GMs had to determine if there was in character justification for any instance of disputed player killing, obviously my situation prompted a call for an investigation. I understood those rules from the start though, and I kept a written log in the game where I detailed my character's building hatred of every single other player character in the world.
>He would keep track of every little thing from petty slights, to unpaid tabs, but more importantly I adopted the little mannerisms that people roleplayed to develop their characters into the madness of mine.
>So Elias was always whistling, well I recorded how infuriating Cedric found it in his journal, and soon he had multiple journals packed full of a thousand reasons an unstable maniac could use to justifiably (re: server rules) murder anyone. The reagent who was also the server admin had some ornate cloak with a custom texture, so I wrote like three pages about how pompous it was, and extrapolated what kind of insufferable prick he must have been for wearing it.
i legitimately achieved 99 fishing on RS back in the day, i spent most of my time fishing sharks. having the skill cape felt good for 12 year old me
>that feeling of immense betrayal as some guy who'd spent the past half hour convincing you that you and he were friends tricks you into taking the zammy wine
I literally couldn't comprehend what was happening, I thought there was some kind of mistake. He started calling me a noob as I was dying and then blocked me.
and on that day I started scamming people in the exact same way
>tfw cycles of abuse are a real thing
I fell for a similar scam, but it was strange.
>First time in Varrok
>Go to the west bank
>Some guy gives me a free full set of iron
>ballin.jpg (all I had was the starting shit)
>Walk around Varrok for a few minutes
>Some guy comes up to me and says he has a potion to turn my armour into Adamantite
>Trade him my armour
>He logs out
I felt so heartbroken, but at the same time, that was a very valuable lesson for me. To this day, I believe it was the one person who pulled this on me. A good Samaritan who was out to teach newbies like me the harshness of MMOs.
If you're out there... thank you.
I only did any of it because my first character was murdered by some overzealous asshole who just used his character to project his inferiority complex. He killed me on my second day on the server because I wandered into the funeral of his friend (it was taking place in the middle of town and there was a crowd, of course I was curious) and because I was not invited and he was a known prick it was found justifiable for his character to kill mine because of the emotional turmoil blah blah. So yeah I said f*ck that, and rolled a new character who was ostensibly eager to please and non-threatening. I won.
>not Runescape
Who fucking cares frogposter
little did you know *teleblocks* that was my after imagine
>Friend of mine lost so many phat because he wore them to all his slayer assignments