Can we get a vidya reaction image thread going?

Can we get a vidya reaction image thread going?

Lost my hard drive and would like to start up the collection again..

I don't know can we?


i've never seen this before thanks for sharing

Here's another one I'd like to see get some use.

As you whish

These are great!!! Would love to bump with images but I have none to do so with

I captured this one myself. It is extremely contextual, and I have never had the chance to post it.









>putting your memes in the fridge


I don't need reaction images cause I can actually convey my thoughts through something called words, and my use of the English language. I am intellectually superior.




Ah yes the achor post for bait reactions


perfect for any occasion






remember to keep it vidya you fucks













not vidya






There were more like these but I lost them.





Some reaction pics

Whatu gamu


Eh, I'm not really complaining. Still useful to have. And my original post, I had barely any vidya related reaction images.. that's why I made the thread..


Just gotta post it under a Northernlion video.








nothing has topped this since the thread it got posted in


Imagine it's the doc from Darkest Dungeon




lol what is this from?




No man's sky edit





Oh hey, i made one of those too.
Also meant to do an "Euphoric Peasants" one, but never got around to it.



Quake Champions









Just for you





You are too kind user