Gaming Mice Thread

Okay Sup Forums, I need help picking my next mouse.
My mouse's scroll is not working anymore, after 6 months of use. ( serves me right for buying this cheap crap)
Need a really sturdy mouse, that will last me a good amount of time. (extra points for budget)
What mouse you're sporting and loving user?

pic related, it's my crap mouse

Other urls found in this thread:

literally all you need
I still miss my Sensei

How many years did it last?

I've been using the Logitech G602 for the last couple months. Seems pretty good so far. I haven't had to change the batteries yet, gaming for at least a couple hours each day. You can get it for about $30 these days.

Try the G502 if you want something corded and a little fancier.

Well my old Sensei Raw lasted like 3-4 years. I've had the rival 100 for about a year now and it still works great. But I guess I'm not the person to ask since I haven't had the 100 for very long

Steel Series Sensei

Any more suggestions?

Oh don't go with the sensei anymore. The sensor is inferior at this point. The rival 100 gets good reviews and has a good sensor. Go with that one famalam.

I mostly used the sensei as an example of how long steelseries mice last, not so much that you get the sensei specifically. Also I feel bad that your thread isn't getting bumps so I'm bumping again

I want something fairly cheap so $20-$40 solid construction and wireless hopefully. I don't care for a wired mouse because wires always end up breaking. Maybe something with a micro USB connection as an option would be cool. Sell me on a mouse.

>because wires always end up breaking

that's because you are buying 20 dollar mice

All you need.

Wires in general weaer out, thats just the caveat of wires. Why do you think Headphones have moved to replaceable cables? Plus lack of a wire just lowers chances of accidents.

I got the logitech g502 proteus and it's good.

Before that I had a mx518 for like 12 years. Logitech makes the best mice, period.

G502 is god tier
Every non-pleb knows that

Ask a man from the future anything.

a lot of people speak of this mouse
Is it that good?



What defines being "gaming grade?"

ive been using a shitty logitch mouse for my entire pc gaming career and years before that lol


just a get a mouse that fits your hand that has a good sensor

G900. G502 is pig fat disgusting.

'Gaming grade': "hyped by other 'gaming mice'"

Few months ago they were selling that sensor series as being 1:1 free of smoothing etc but really they were all lying.
Sensor was never my cup of tea though so eh.

It's the same one you've got in logitecs like the 502.

What about mousepads. What are some good ones

I'm worried about my wrist and carpal tunnel.

>I'm worried about my wrist and carpal tunnel.
get the titty/ass ones then

What's a really big mouse?

I want to put my hand flat on the thing and not feel the table

those are actually worse for your wrist

Literally don't matter these days with optical mice.
Unless you're playing on a fucking glass desk or something.
>muh carpal
Get some elbow support and/or transition to arm-aiming.

Anyone have the Steelseries Rival 300 or 310?
Been eyeing both of them.

My Razer 3.5g has lasted me like 6 years and still works fine. Razer used to make such quality products, but after 2012 it went to shit.


Bought this on Monday and comes in tomorrow. Has some great reviews and the price is great for a long mousepad and has anti-fray stitching on the edges so it doesn't flip up.

how so

From what I've looked into it looks to be the replacement for the G400 series.

I don't think you can go wrong with any of Logitechs current mice though.

I moved from a 3.5g to the rival 300 and have been using it for a couple years. The rubber grips on the sides wear off easily and leave black residue on your fingers. Eventually youll wear it down enough till you reach the plastic frame. I also had an issue with the mouse wheel moving on its own with sudden movement but I just had to open it up and clean some oil that was in it and it hasnt acted up at all since then. I still like this

Its still a great mouse besides those aforementioned issues I had. No doubleclicking issue at all but if I could I would have gotten a g403.

Get Wheel Mouse Optical used from eBay for $20. Lasts for decades and has a sensor that's still considered good today and comes with shape dug by many.
Also lowish weight at ~80g, don't remember how much exactly.
Beware of fakes though.

I have this mousepad and bought it for like 10 bux at a best buy. It's pretty good. Kind of always looks dirty though.

Any good mice with a sort of rubbery coating?
Currently using Zowie AM, but everything new I try is more plasticy, and my dry as fuck hands need the rubber

>doesn't have the two buttons on the side
Why are poor people so proud of using literal fucking garbage all day?

Who cares if you got it for 2 bucks if it's shit

>b-but it hasn't broken yet!!

Yes or no?

$1 Chinese sweatshop custom mousepad from the cupon site.

these are the best mouse pads
also sold on amazon for the same price or sometimes less

Yeah I'm looking at the G403. I just need two buttons on the side and that's it. I don't give a shit about dpi setting buttons or macro buttons.
I've heard Logitech mice are a meme though, so I'm hesitant.

You can't get a real WMO and the WMO is objectively shit compared to modern mice even at $60

Anyone jerking off old mice is a retard when there are 20+ mice with perfect sensors and any shape/button combo that you want, terrible post

I dont remember the recent code.

Dude, MLT04 is on par with 3310 and 3360. You don't know what you are talking about.
If you want sidebuttons you can get Intellimouse Optical for the same price but who needs that shit?

Odd position, messes with circulation.


good god don't say you bought into that meme too

I don't know why Logitech mice are a meme but the G403 is much less of a meme than other gaming mice.

You can easily get real one used, even fakes usually have the proper sensor on them.
WMO has a perfect sensor and there isn't a single another mouse ever made with at least decent sensor that has the same shape, terrible post

carpal tunnel is caused by tendons scraping against the joint, adding pressure to your wrist makes this much more likely to occur

>he has no use for extra buttons
The fuck kind of 3-input brainlet games you playing?

Nah, I'm good using my WMO. Why would I want any extra weight for side buttons I don't use?

well normally I rest the bottom of my hand on the wristrest and the front of my hand on the mouse

>he has over 100 keys in his keyboard to bind shit to
>needs extra buttons in a mouse
Side buttons are a meme.

not at all, it's very nice

keyboard buttons, you have to move your hand to access them. mouse buttons are immediately accessible and it's great for stuff like opening inventory or character screen in games

>100 keys on the keyboard
Are you really that fucking dense or do you just like to pretend you're some slick spin master?

Of those 100 keys MAYBE 30 are within useful reach and at least half of those are already taken for mandatory basics & system functions.

Mouse buttons can double the number of usable, ergonomic inputs you have *easy* access to.

I honestly can't live without them anymore

Going back and forth in my browser is so fucking comfortable I don't know how you poorfags do it

If you're playing a shooter or a high APM RTS you won't want anything bound to the side buttons, as you'll have move your thumb to click them, and potentially mess up your aim. If you're playing an MMO or something else your mouse doesn't matter and you can get a mouse with however many side buttons you want, though even in an MMO you won't need them (I don't use them even though I have them, and I macro a lot of stuff).

This is true.

Is this thing worth getting? Autist mouse guy thinks its alright but...

Just get a steelseries.

Too many buttons.

Also to y'all WMO shitters, can your mouse do pic related?
No it can't because MLT04 is the only sensor that can reach over 1000Hz.
Another prove that it's the superior mouse tech, get fucked niggas.

Question: Who gives a fuck?

buy a g900

Best mouse i've ever bought and it looks even prettier irl

oops forgot the picture

where can i buy this mouse im only finding it in bundles

anyone ever use a finalmouse ergo? considering buying one used for 70 bucks. is it good?

how the fuck do i get a mouse that can make me go above 1000hz, got a name of a mouse i could buy?


They are all made for tiny girlhands, fucking handlets ruining it for us normal men

hmmm its almost like the majority of people buying gaymershit are children

shut up
my hands were fully grown adult sized at age 14 god dammit


just for you

I didn't ask for your favorite toy

$5 mouse from whatever generic goods store you have near you.

I'm still using mine I bought 12 years ago.

>Needing more than 2 buttons and a scroll wheel

>needing two buttons instead of just one
>needing a scroll wheel

dude muh mnmlsm lmao

it is quite nice actually
and u can bind it as shorcuts for MMOS

i like free scrolling as well it is of some use in sites like this one, here i can roll pages much faster all the way to the bottom or the top

Mates, please recommend a sturdy mouse I can take to work. I've broken two mice already, my old trusty Logitech MX and one of those cheap store mice.
I don't care if it's wireless anymore, please help

anything past 25$ with 3000 DPI is more than enough

>Tfw LED color options are limited as fuck under windows driver but not on Linux

Tried to be the king but the ace is back

How fucking long is your hand?

try playing Quake with that brick at a dpi lower than 12k, sweetie :)

they can help or add more damage, the point of wrist injuries is that your wrist is handling way more pressure than it should, the cushion can add more or help with it depending on the position on your hand, at the end it's better to not have it

Probably best to just get a bulk order of the cheap mice & replace as needed.
If you're abusing them enough to go through them like that, not even a half-pound piece of steel will keep up with expectations.

>logitech shit's gone full RGB gaymur meme
If I wanted that I'd buy razer garbage.

Have a g400 but it's dying

What's a good replacement thats a little lighter and smaller


fucking TINY mouse

Why do people want lighter/smaller?

they have weak hands and fingers

this mouse is actually pretty bad, the consistency i've had between the 3 i've had varied so much that the first one was the absolutely the best mouse i've ever owned, lasted me like 2 years, the second one was absolute shit and lasted me 3 months before the right mouse button started to get stuck in place if i was right clicking to ads or something, and the third one i've had for 2 months but the scroll wheel is already fucking up, do not get, I was an ignorant child and thought they would have gotten better.

zowie fk1, logitech pro, dm1 pro

these are the only decent mice on the market. dont buy anything else.

You can turn them off.

>boring no-button >muh lightweight >muh sensor shit
>pays 100$ for it
Do you play vidya on a 99% RGB Eizo meme too?

i prefer accuracy over macro shit, sorry loser.

The knitted cord keeps ripping apart and the bottom comes off easily.

g603 or g703 if you can afford either are both amazing wired/wireless mice and great for fps. g403 as well, but i think it's being replaced by the g603

Nigger that last 0.5% accuracy doesn't matter.
It really, really doesn't.
'Macro shit' makes MUCH more of a difference for 99.99% of all gamers (including your dumb ass, even with you hardly ever using it) than 1 extra pixel of perfect aim ever will.

This or Pro/203/102