Assassin's Creed: Revelations

Can someone explain to me why a game set in 16th century Instanbul, this woman is walking around with her clevage in display and not wearing a hijab?

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Not baiting, its a legitimate question. Its completely anachronistic.

ubisoft is racist against muslims so they disrespect their beliefs

Bare in mind op that this was when most religions where mostly everywhere and didnt dominate the country as much as it does today.

>religions where mostly everywhere
>didn't dominate the country as much as it does today
Isn't that mutually exclusive?

It's only getting worse user


>Isn't that mutually exclusive?
That came of weird.

As in, since there was such varied amount of religions in that period. That Hijabs where only for those that believed in it. where as now its required regardless of religion.

1. She's Venetian-Ottoman, she was born in Istanbul to Venetian parents
2. She lives/lived in the Venetian quarter of the city
3. Modern Islamic radicalism isn't the same as Islam in antiquity.

Holy fucking shit, what a based guy.

Janissaries also did not wear masks

This is a portrait of a woman in the 16th century ottoman empire.

Also kaffir is a sour yoghurt drink, you are thinking of kuffar.

It's honestly terrifiying that they laughed at this idea 60 years ago. And look at them now

Look at fucking Iran in the 60s.

I want to fuck that one in the green

>Modern Islamic radicalism isn't the same as Islam in antiquity.
Really? Because their practices sound ultraconservative.

Politics really changed man, you don't get shit like this anymore.

Worst part is that he'd probably get the most flak from the left for being disrespectful or some garbage.

Ultraconservative doesn't necessarily mean "copying what they used to do", even the oldest Islamic empire had different restrictions for different religious groups and didn't compel people to convert.

>Really? Because their practices sound ultraconservative
Depending on the time period and were you were at they just had the requirements for those who a part of the religion. Considering how nothing in AC Revelations that says Sofia is a Muslim, I doubt they'd apply to here.

>Complaining about redhead titties

There was a time when the Islamic world was a beacon of civilization and progress. The West owes them an incalculable amount for their preservation of Greek scholarship, among other things.

We always say they went backwards, but really they've just been going steadily downhill since the 13th century.

Honestly that was an extremely brief period in the middle east.

This is why

More like they've been systematically murdered since then.

>The West owes them an incalculable amount for their preservation of Greek scholarship.

What? Isnt this the same religion that burns books if it doesnt agree with there religion?

Read a book user

I wish we could talk about the actual history behind this time period in AssCreed without a bunch of Sup Forums fags or retards coming in and shitting it up with their ignorance

Things change throughout history, various groups go from being cunts, to good, to cunts, and they similar to christians have both burned books and saved massive amounts of information for future generations.
Things are never black and white and economic conditions are the main deciding factor.

>Read a book user

Cant, there all burnt.

Tell me about the Janissaries, why didn't they wear their masks?

>dude fuck history lmao

Not him but this is america, reading is for faggots. Are you a faggot, son?

There was a time when people thought that Turkey will be 100% secular and other countries will follow in the near future.
And now Islam is on the rise and many people hate the West, mostly because of USA aggression.

>Sup Forums
What do you think?

>be not america
>get blamed for america's shit
america pls

There was a time in history when we were burning ancient philosophy books and islamists were translanting and preserving them. Some of them survived only because of this.

We shouldn't be thanking them for anything, the society that existed back then that did that does not exist anymore.

>dude fuck history lmao
Comon dude. You dont really believe history books do you?
I have never believed anything unless I have seen/done it. Always question user. you will learn your self one day.

What about tunisa ? Honestly dude fuck secularism it just a way for the goverment to control us instead or religion

Always been impressed with how much effort the AC guys put into the people and places looking authentic. Except for the MCs of course, they always look ridiculously out of place.

Certainly, although they did their own fare share of murdering along the way.

It's been 2000 years, these things come and go. Christians used to burn books as well, during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation.

I can't help but think that Atatürk is rolling in his grave.

>you should be free to believe whatever you want
>the religious beliefs of a portion of the population shouldn't dictate the laws of the land

This is a really underrated game imo. Love that mission where you distract people as a bard.

The society that exists today is incredibly fractured, at war with itself, and holds a variety of contradictory beliefs, from nations that kill people like me for existing, to (admittedly unrecognized by the UN) nations that treat people like me better than some states in the US.
It's complicated, even though you technically can think in absolutes and nobody can stop you it's not really wise to do that.

>lol dude what war in vietnam? I never fought in it, musta not happened

Well, it's not like many other countries didn't help them. It's funny how there are studies that show that for many countries, including those in islamic part of africa, consider USA to be the country that threatens the world peace the most. It's almost unthinkable even for us europeans, but the perception of USA is very different in the Middle East.

Quick guys, decide.

Should the laws of the land be made from the religions of the land. or made seperate?

No laws, only implicit agreement.

I miss the 50s.

I am talking about them regulating everything from the internet to marriage u ataturk piece of shit

>>lol dude what war in vietnam? I never fought in it, musta not happened

Nice try, but miss reading what I just said isnt going to work.
But it does show my example. I have said something, you changed it into something compleatly diffirent but people will see it as the same. Showing my point.

Ubisoft are white-apologist liberal shills who can't suck the balls of their kebab masters enough.

Honestly i am glad erodgan is shitting on ataturk legacy

>Well, it's not like many other countries didn't help them.
Funny because Brazil didn't intervene in the war on terror in anyway and its not even considered part of the West, but Islamists regard us as "Westerns" too because we adopted "western" values.

>implying the Ottoman Empire was actually what faggot Islamists claim it to be
I swear to god, all those dumbshit Islamists who jack-off to the Empire and it's Sultans don't realise that they did all manner of things from drinking to fornicating and whatever.
Just nuke Istanbul and put me out of my misery

Yeah but it's not like knowledge can really exist anyways, everything, even your eyesight is a bit of an assumption and relies on filling in blanks with what makes sense in context, and what makes sense in context is always going to be shaped by the structures you exist within.

Know who else adopted western values? I'll give you a hint, it starts with R and ends with A and it's not Russia.

I'm confused by your response. I'm saying Atatürk would be disappointed by the way his country has changed for the worse.

disliking the legacy of a republican nationalist? on Sup Forums? well I never.


Islam is not just a religion, it's a government system. It's hard to separate the two.

How did I forget about Romania when my best friend is from Bucharest.
Nah them there PYD boys.

>Know who else adopted western values? I'll give you a hint, it starts with R and ends with A and it's not Russia.


Thats just your opinion m8 i love my country now desu erodgan fixed everything that backward cringy ataturk ruined from banning islamic and cultural for no reason to fixing our economy and to that i am glad

Each group lived by their own laws in their own part of the city.

There was a time when class trumped religion. People respected the upper classes.
Now the world is infested with marxism so even the lowest scum of humanity thinks their sensibilities matter.

How do you feel about jihad being taught on schools instead of theory of evolution?

>it's a government system
Except it's a system that governs not just your relation to the God, but to the entire existence. Politics just happen to be a part of it

Having laws is not the same as being a governmental system

Judaism and Christianity have laws as well; 'Torah' is often literally translated from Hebrew as 'law', as well as 'teaching'.

Different sects will interpret how far to take this notion differently.

Do you even know what jihad means?

>no hijab
>no women being publicly horsewhipped
>no massive slave-raids into Europe for rape-victims
>no rape-harems
>no torture dugeons

Lest we forget THE PATRON SAINT OF ATHENS was canonized SOLELY because she opposed Ottoman rapists. (And was beaten to death by the religion of peace for her efforts)

The 'actual' muslim world can't be depicted in a video game unless we're talking about one of those low-quality torture-porn hentai games for basement-sociopaths.

You didn't answer my question. Why is theory of evolution being dropped from schooling?

You know they're considering it in America too.
Some places are just too religious.

because the country is run by literal islamist monkeys who believe the theory of evolution says monkey > man

Well that's fair. I believe in secularism so I see it as worse, but you're entitled to disagree.

bruh what

the correct answer would be "who gives a shit, it's not your country."

like I said to him, I value secularism, but I don't want to be the world police either. Let truths stand for themselves. People in the WESTERN world still haven't come to terms with evolution.

Jihad ? M8 u need to stop reading infowars , it was a simple mention of evolution and they removed it irs wasnt like a whole book about it

This looked hotter in the thumbnail.

Reminds me of Texas

Islamic societies were actually more liberal in the past than today. There were actually plenty of caliphs that openly enjoyed boipussi like Hisham II and Al-Hakam II.

All of this went to shit when Europeans backed the Wahhabis and Saudis against the Ottomans.

"Give back to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's."

I agree that you can't call Islam a govermental system and that Judaism and Christianity also have laws.
The difference is, in European culture there was the idea that we should seperate religion from the state. And of course, it wasn't always prevalent, but in the end we live in secular countries.

kurds tho

>user doesn't understand the horrors of religious fundamentalism

> There were actually plenty of caliphs that openly enjoyed boipussi like Hisham II and Al-Hakam II.
>He doesn't know Saudis today enjoy it too.

>The difference is,in European culture there was the idea that we should seperate religion from the state. And of course, it wasn't always prevalent, but in the end we live in secular countries.

well yes, we do NOW. Secularism is a recent invention.

no idea

Jesus christ this is horrifying. One day Islam is going to be the dominant religion of most countries. All women will wear hijab and instrumental music will be banned.

The only countries that stand a chance are possibly China, Japan, and some other Asian countries. It's entirely up to them to preserve world history and arts and sciences.

Wouldn't surprise me, the House of Saud and any Wahhabi cunt are degenerate pieces of shit that should be burned alive.

if I remember the ottomans had a different school of thought than modern day muslims, by that I mean that saudi arabia promotes wahabism meanwhile the ottomans supported something else

Thanks operation cyclone

By that point the religion will already be reformed, it's going through a lot of changes right now even, civil wars and the like. The historical trend for all societies is towards more freedom, even if they were to try to hold that back they would eventually fail. Don't be such a pussy.

Because fundamentalism is a modern turn in Islam and the various successful Islamic states and empires adopted a stance of intellectualism and modernity.

I don't have this pic on me right now, but it was from a Quora question about how homosexuality is handled in Saudi Arabia. Its said that men and women are separated in their youth and forbidden from interacting with each other. In order to work out tension, they actually fuck each other. This is tolerated in SA because its considered a phase, something that they will eventually move over. A girl fucking another girl is considered less scandalous than a girl and a guy fucking before marriage.

We can only hope that the reformists will win though. I was under the impression that the extremists usually won against the secular.

Gamal was a Muslim. It's only when extremists get into power that you must fear.

You don't need to hope, they certainly will, even if they lose now and there's a period of darkness, the nature of historical progress prevents the extremists from having any real future.

I don't miss 60s fashion at all.

>I'll give you a hint, it starts with R and ends with A and it's not Russia.
I legitimately don't know. We talking Romania here?

Yeah I've heard how underaged homosexuality is actually tolerated in a lot of strict Islamist societies like how Afghanistan is alright with dancing traps.

IIRC Islamic society also works off Roman rules of dominance in that it's only gay if you get fucked in the ass. The guy fucking another dude in the ass is not as bad.

IIRC Iraqis are actually becoming less religious because of Islamic extremism throughout their lives bombing the shit out of people whether they're Muslim or not.

Iranians elected Rouhani a left leaning reformist who is trying to push liberalism in a Islamist society.

Rojava. Everyone ignores them but I think they're just swell.

because you're a contrarian cunt that sucks the tiny dicks of manlet wannabe dictators?
ever notice how it's the chads like trudeau and obama who are permissive and the manlet virgins like erdogan, putin and kim are the ones trying to control everyone?

>regulating everything from the internet to marriage

How do we define "left-leaning" in a Islamist society?