just use reinhardt lmao
Just use reinhardt lmao
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I deleted this shit from my phone when I got INIGO´D 5 times in the Perfomimg Arts banner, and I don´t regret it.
Skill inheritance was a mistake.
Inigo is by far the best dancer now, why is that a problem?
Becuase he is not who I wanted, and costed me 280 orbs.
The game was calling him a fag.
Skill Inheritance is good, it provides more options for strategies.
Horses were the mistake.
When the game is right, the game is right
Who here not falling for these scam banners and opting instead to save for Halloween?
It's over, m8
>Falling for scam banners
>Waiting on an even scammier banners
>Save for Halloween with those no orbs
Anyway no, I'm saving orbs for another banner with my waifu or some other units I like.
How does merging allies work? I've got a level 40 Reinhardt at 5 Stars with a bunch of skills, and there's another 5* Reinhardt at level 1 I want to fuse into him to get him up to 40+1. Do I need to get the other Rein up to 20/40?
>remove Hone/fortify skills
>Goad/ward can stay
How much does this nerf meme teams?
Shut up Takumi
A couple units have now completely died.
+1 occurs when merging units of the same star ranking
No, you can merge if they're level 1
It hurts Bladetomes but other than that not much for horses
Flying is pretty shit now, you need 3 Goads
Armor lives but barely anyone uses armor.
I blame Quickened Pulse.
Oops I'm dumb, you can't merge favorited units
bladetomes are dead, but brave based character are still good.
i do use him. +atk reind is life
>Not having 9999 SP on reind
Thats how you know he's just got him
>Summon from the Threaten Speed for free
>Get 5* Takumi with animation the first time
I forgot these animations were even in the game
It's honestly disappointing to me that I worked my ass off to train up a variety of 5 star units so I never used the same team each week.
Only to get to tier 19 in the arena and see everyone using the same team.
Only because of good skills being locked behind 5* shit units
Okay but seriously, when are we getting new Arena maps. We haven't gotten any since Celica and the gang showed up. Need Fog of War maps.
Just nerf Hone/Fortify/Goad. Bladetomes will still have their niche but horse/flier/armor memes won't be silly.
They need to shake up the 3* and 4* list. Too many units are 5* only and we haven't gotten a single new 3* unit since the game's start.
Thundercock can still OHKO 90% of the cast without buffs
Who's the best for countering all the Reinhardt and B!Lyn shits in Arena? I'm sick of running into 6 of them in AA. In terms of green mages I have: Sonya and Soren as 5*; Nino, Boey, and Merric in 4*. Sonya and Nino are +Spd - Def, Soren is +Res - I don't remember and can't be assed to look. Believe Boey is +Atk -HP
When did that happen?
>4* Camilla.
Suck my ass, Feh.
Also, I'm in no hurry for a new dancer, so I'll save for a Hallowsluts banner and throw some orbs at the end of the month if that doesn't happen of course while remembering not to blow them all to have plenty for Christmas sluts.
Any last minute guesses on what the new Voting Gauntlet might be about? I thought it was going to be Nohr vs Hoshido because of the "inheritors of dragon blood" tip but Xander is a GHB unit, I don't think they're going to be put him in a banner.
Literally any green 5* mage with the shitty Gronraven, TA2 or higher, and any bow breaker. Maybe a super whaled out Lyn can still kill you with maximum buffs.
Give a green mage Gronnraven and TA/Bowbreaker
Slow burn, user. Slow burn. You don't burn them all up at once
Pick either Boey or Soren depending on whether you run into Lyn or Rein more, and give then Raven + TriAdept
>Summon animation
>3* Robin
any news for the use of sacred coins?
Maybe it will relate to Holy Blood
.Still no idea
>Okay but seriously, when are we getting new Arena maps.
With the next paralogue most likely.
These new paralogues are a pain. I hate dancers.
Just use BK lmao
lol I already got 2 PA Azuras but I really wanted Inigo. My Shigure is a pretty good healer for TT though.
I did. Died to the blue mage on the first map.
Just got double Inigo from my last pull;
-res +atk
-def +spd
Which is better?
Just use +spd Brave Roy rofl
> keep reading PA Azura/P.Azura as Paizuri
If Xander gets on the Halloween banner I'm dropping the game
>Another mediocre Red with Wo Dao+ and maybe a good skill to pass on to someone else
It's a real shame.
S-she might get Amatsu if the powercreep has progressed far enough by then
>Implying Halloween banner will happen
>Implying ISIS doesnt want more of our tears
Based nee-sama, purging the weak, one alt at a time.
Her and the other myrms will be saved when Bladeblade is released
>powercreep will hit so hard that Glade and Arden will be gods among men in the far future
Powercreep only seem to affect semi-important units, canon fodder like Arden will get shit stats and maybe a decent skill at 4* to SI.
When did you guys realize Tiny Hands is mediocre compared to his bladememe sister?
I use her on my horse team just 'cause I'm sick of seeing Reinhardts. I do enjoy seeing 40 Res with Fortify, too.
Bladebow when
I always knew, but my Olwen is -Attack/+HP, so she's permanent bench material.
Why not just merge the 5 together for a godly Inigo?
Because I don´t like him.
>tfw saved orbs for Seth
>Finally gets added and he sucks
>No idea what to do with orbs now
I feel so empty
I kept Dire Thunder on my +spd Olwen and never felt the need to use Blarblade.
I know it's better but quadding things is fun.
>stats keeping you from using your husbando
What are you, some kind of faggot?
>not going full 10+ autismo, heavy skill investment and summoner support regardless of how good he is
clearly you're not devoted enough, you don't deserve him
I used him in the last TT, max HM and all that, but he doesn't have much of a use in the arena or this TT and it's kinda sad.
What's the announcement going to be anyway?
At least the next voting gauntlet, not the most exciting content but its a LOT of free feathers and a few orbs.
Start with a very strong team that reaches 705ish score. The amount of horses you see there drops by 50% since their bst is too low to meet them. (The ones you see are +10 though)
I would let Katarina lick my shoes.
>keeps getting invited despite having full FL
Can ISIS please stop this? I feel a little bit guilty okay
Literally fucking nothing, going by this garbage "heroes with threaten spd" banner
SI on limited-time heroes were a mistake.
>he thinks Halloween won't just be Awakening/Fates like every other seasonal banner
Oscar is better than Camus in terms of offensive stats.
Camus just has a much better weapon and bulk. If you were to give Oscar Gradivus, he'd be better than Camus.
>Not wanting a Colorless Dagger Cav Xander with Hone Xander as his C Skill
SI is a decent idea implemented rather poorly. Putting stupidly powerful skills on limited units is scummy as hell, but it makes sense for their bottom line. The real crime is the 3/4/5* pool sizes, and how certain skills are STILL locked to 5* only (looking at you, LaD).
>see people complain about rein and lyn in arena
>add both of them to my def team
>still no wins
They're annoying to fight, but they're also so cancerous that no one will ever give you (You)s unless they're completely defeated or completely out of duel crests.
>not the most exciting content
How about now exciting at all?
Where the FUCK is the sacred coins shit?
Even if I lose a deathless streak to a horse team, I just beat them and surrender to the next beginner.
>5 5 stars in ~300 orbs
Lucky sonnuva bitch
I love this artist, where can I find their stuff all in one place?
I think at this point a lot of people don't give anyone using Cavs a (You) out of sheer spite if at all possible.
You'll find out soon, they will release this months schedule and might even do another FEH channel vid.
his pixiv page is there
He might have a pixiv
I just check his twitter from time to time
Actually 7 5 stars units, also got a Ephraim and the new Olivia.
But none of them are the one I rolled for.
Nigga I rolled 250 orbs during the summer banner with nothing. You kids these days
fucboi Inigo is released. People are becoming more wary of how to counter the meta with Gronnraven users. Same thing happened in Takumi's reign, Nino, Reinhardt, Bride Cordelia, and now B!Lyn.
oh my
I think TT is finally doing me in. I can hardly push myself to do my triple point runs anymore.
Just be glad it's not as bad as the first TT.
I've only spent $10 on this game and have been playing it every day since launch. That money was spent on Reinhardt when he was the focus. I probably got pretty lucky too, but it was money well spent.