RIP Splatoon 2 2017-2017

>4 minute matchmaking
>timeouts out the ass
>playerbase dropping like flies

This game is on its way out the door and yet Nintendo haven't even started implementing their paid online service. What other games are going to make this service worthwhile.

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I wish I could get some actual numbers of people who are playing the game.

But yeah I agree. Then when the paid online starts, its going to be like fucking 10 mins to get a match going.

probably like 1000 japs, 500 americans, and 200 bongs

>open thread
>think OP is full of shit
>remember I haven’t played Spa2n in weeks

Online play being region locked fucking killed this game for me.

Splatoon 2 was a letdown, it's just not intense like the first one where you'd be forced to confront the other team more often as opposed to Splatoon 2 where you spend most of the time avoiding them.

I don't think online is region locked, pham.

i dunno works on my machine

lucky it's not huh

It is you retards, you only match with people from other regions during splatfests.

The online is ping based

>as opposed to Splatoon 2 where you spend most of the time avoiding them
Explain yourself, and don't use turf war as an example.

Then why do I always end up playing with japs?

You don't, unless you have a Japanese copy of the game.

>region locked for one day each month

Have you considered the idea that the kids who play the game are back in school?

>highest peak was during summer break

You are a retard and flat out wrong. Stop replying you're just embarrassing yourself.

>t brazilian
having monkey internet is your problem

>Don't use the defualt mode as a example

>What other games are going to make this service worthwhile.

My guess is almost exclusively Smash Bros. I wouldn't even be surprised if it's announced at the same time the service is launched.

A lot of the "Japs" I have come across are just weebs using simple kana to spells their names or nicknames.

As much as I hate to say it, the refresh rate and the furries killed this game for me. The furries are probably (hopefully) gone by now but the damage is already done. It's a huge shame because I loved the first Splatoon.

Salmon Run is fun as hell, though. I hope to get back to it someday, but I have so many games in the backlog it's hard to justify.

Other games came out, so people moved on. Salmon Run being limited means I pop the cart in to see if weapons are ok then move on. Competitive modes are too frustrating and there are plenty of other good games to play.

Yea, Splatoon will be dead by the end of the year. How long until another Zelda? I'm going to buy Mario, and that will be my last Switch game this year. I hope we get an Animal Crossing and Metroid by summer 2018.

After mario my switch will turn into a dust collector for the majority of 2018

It makes me so dissapointed, too. Splatoon already is one of their best franchises. If they keep making dumb decisions, I guarantee it'll go the way of F Zero, with a character in Smash being the only thing keeping people from forgetting about it.

>Other games came out, so people moved on
only major game since then has been Pokken

>not getting Xenoblade 2

You guys are monstrous faggots.

Sorry but that game looks like the biggest snooze fest ever. I'll wait for reviews but the combat is really bad looking.

>It doesn't have button mashing cuhrayzeeee combat so it's boring

Pure fucking plebian

yeah i kinda regret buying it to. but honestly i think im just burnt out on playing online games. i put wayy too much hours into online gaming during the 360 era.

I'd rather have that instead of world of slowcraft

nah you're just not playing the good ones. BF1 was the best multiplayer game I played all year.

Rabbids before that, I only stopped playing that one because Pokken came out. No dedicated servers yet, but once those roll out I'd play battlefront 2 over splatoon 2 any day.

>I'd play battlefront 2 over splatoon 2 any day.

I'm still personally enjoying it. Almost S+1 in all the modes, trying to get my gear to be perfect now. However, I can feel the burn, and sometimes just play it when Salmon Run is up with my friend.
Really hope they can put out that new map soon. I've finally got my gear autism together, but grinding those ability chucks isn't working for me, despite having the ability drink with the gear favoring that ability.
>Want a Main Saver drink? How about 5 Quick Respawn ones instead?

>people can't play on multiple platforms

>One was made by people who have been making FPS's with strategic depth for years (Minus 1, but its still leagues above Splatoon)
>One was made for literal children and has the depth to match

minute matchmaking
What? Are you bullshitting again?

Mario isn't button mashing and neither is zelda

Fuck off with your weebtrash nobody cares about

ok kid

Splatoon's movement mechanics alone have more depth than battlefront 2
>defending a fucking EA game

I own Splatoon and ended up just playing Lawbreakers and Doom instead. I kind of regret buying Splatoon 2. At least I get Odyssey soon.

Not sure why I bought this game. If I want to play an online shooter I'd much rather play something like BF1 or Siege on my ps4

>buys nintendo games
>calls others kid
>Splatoon's movement mechanics alone have more depth than battlefront 2

cry harder, faggot

Sup Forums told me bf1 was shit though

cry harder, faggot

>This blatant shitposting

itt: Negroids screaming loudly, hoping they finally get a break from the sound raping the switch is administring to everyone else.

what are you, 12? kek

These best thing about Splatoon 2 is no japs.

Lag isn't fun

Nah, it's way better than the turds BF3/4 were

what are you, 12? kek

Splatoon has better game mechanics than any Dice game.
It's easy to see when you compare shooting any weapon in any Battlefield game to inking in Splatoon.
One only hurts the enemies when the projectile connects, but in addition to that the other makes it possible to move faster, cuts off similar routes for enemies and slows them down, and you need to use it differently in every game mode

>BF1 is better than BF4
>BF1 is better than BF3
What terrible taste

Don't even have Splatoon, but if I can get fights in 20 seconds on ARMS there's no way Splatoon is dead. Bait harded.

>Splatoon has better game mechanics than any Dice game.


What a stupid comparison user. Are you just going to disregard vehicles, map variety and classes that Dice games have?

>tfw you bought arms
>tfw you bought splatoon 1.5


But there are still Hispanics.

I know you are but what am i?

neener neener

shh, the sony negroid is trying to shitpost, don't interrupt the flow of retardation he spews

It's therapeutic for him.

wew lad are you baiting right now?

it's not bait if it's true

>t. B rank shitter

Yeah of course it's dying. It's just a repackaged game everyone's already played and it's also for literal children. Bulldozing 10 year olds gets boring after about a day or two.

yeah of course the retard believes the shitposter. they both got 70 iq

>map variety
Both in Splatoon. So your only point is vehicles which are nowhere near as paramount as the core mechanic (shooting) being far deeper in Splatoon.

>playerbase dropping like flies
Fuck off retard, the Switch is going to sell 5 million more units this year, which means 5 million more potential customers to buy this game. Splatoon 2 is nowhere near the peak of its community yet.

The Switch was a glitch and a mistake.

I'm not even as big of a Nintendo fanboy as I was when I was younger I just recognize that Splatoon is pretty much the only shooter that's trying to do something new AND executes the concept flawlessly. I bought a switch just for Splatoon 2, it's that good.

i'd say tanks, boats, behemoths and planes are quiet a mechanic. Is there a medic class in splatoon? What about heavy fire support class? I doubt Splatoon has little to distinguish the classes. Does it have teams take turns attacking and defending?

It's quite clear you are disadvantaged in the region that's above your shoulder and under your belt.

I suggest suicide

>Still trying to force the Splatoon is dead meme
>When the sequel will easily outsell the first game

The shooting in splatoon is complete ass. You just point your massive reticle at something and hope for the best. Stop limiting yourself to nintendo consoles and maybe you'll acquire some taste.

Damn it all, I finally got around to picking it up two nights ago.

Haven't started it, but is the game really dead?
I mean honestly, I really just bought it for the single player story since I liked the one that was in the first game, then I would just touch turf mode off n on then played alot during the splatfest.

But what happened? When I heard there was no more stupid/funny miiverse boxes popping up over other squids and was switched out with FB/Twitter, I was kinda bummed out, but that's all I really knew that was a downgrade from the first.

Sounds like you're bad

You couldve just said you didnt have an argument and less points than Splatoon has players
lol@at ur life

It already did

>Is there a medic class in splatoon?
Not that user. But you heal through contact with your own Ink. So anyone with a loadout that has good ink coverage.
>What about heavy fire support class?
Splatlings. Certain rollers.
>Does it have teams take turns attacking and defending?
This happens naturally since you have to claim and hold territory from each other in order to progress.

Best Arena shooter since Halo 5 lmao

This. Im one of those

>Haven't started it, but is the game really dead?
Of course not. The Switch is going to sell a ton of units in the next few months (Mario and the holidays) and all of those new units are potential purchasers of splatoon. The community will be increasing substantially in the near future, not dying.

>Haven't started it, but is the game really dead?


No it isn't

You are on Sup Forums, and media create showed the switch absolutely destroying the PS4.

That's a obvious sony negroid shitposting time. They are trying hard to find something that sticks.

You can still see the messages over their heads in the plaza, but there is no technical 'Miiverse' functionality, so the posts do have to be uploaded to a Facebook/Twitter to be 'hosted,' in a sense.

>example of a retard who only plays turf wars

Okay, I was exaggerating, I'm sorry.
What I really wanted to say is that Splatoon has very well thought main mechanics that are suprisingly deep and complex, so it's unreasonable to dismiss it as "just a kids' game".
I appreciate how it focuses on its core gameplay and accomplishes so many functions with just basic shooting and moving, but Battlefield certainly has MORE features, and gets its complexity through that.
Sometimes that pile of features feels like a completely random mish mash though, like in the Battlefront reboot

>Haven't started it, but is the game really dead?
Nah, it's pretty easy to find a match assuming you have a good connection which OP clearly does not.

get good with gyro aiming, shitter.

Well, to be fair, Splatoon's core concept has not evolved much from the first game, if you played the shit out of the first there's not much to get out of the second. It doesn't help that two of the new stages are rehashes.

I don't think you spend most of the time avoiding the other team at all.

maybe he's absolutely trash so he's trying real hard to evade people?

none i cannot see people paying consistently for Nintendo's online compared to xbox and ps4 when you WILL NOT have all the big multiplayers games on it the snes nes games etc are rental for one month rather than bound to the account as long as it has a sub like ps+ monthly and xbox monlthy games

there is no reason to get nintendos paid online when the only game to play will at most be mario kart yearly shooters,racers and sports games assuming they will ever run on switch and will be gimped versions anyway people will get on ps4/box/pc

>Abominationfront 2
It's hilarious that the original battlefront 2 is already killing the new one.