Xenoblade chronicles 2 thread

New info in a few 7 hours.

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Don't start threads by posting porn.

Here is 2 pussies instead

NoA's Twitter also posted today the Nia's profile pictures that were posted weeks ago in the XenobladeJP Twitter.

>New info
Are we getting another Direct?

No, it's just the daily twitter update.

Nice of Rex and Pyra to invite us on their travels to Elysium, eh Luigi?
This meme was brought to you by the user who made Semen Bomb

Luigi is the driver right

Of course, why wouldn't he be?

Monolith is hiring character designers, they put up an invoice on their site today.

I assume it's for this right?

Probably for this.

i made oc

Didn't NoE already post that same stuff earlier anyway?

Yes. Theirs was a little more informative about the character.



>That OP
I am surprised OP hasn't been banned for this.

Which is best Blade design so far?

Why Pyra of course.

Best Blade and best girl

Place your bets then. Who do you think it's going to b the next character designer for this project?

Personaly I would like Kimihiko Fujisaka

>Nintendo of japan
"Nia is Rex's banter buddy!
Nia... could she be of some higher standing?!?
Those are real ears!"

>Nintendo of Europe
"Nia is Rex's friend.
Those are real ears!"

>Nintendo of America
"Nia is Rex's friend. She appears in the game Xenoblade Chronicles 2(tm)"

Perfect summary of the three branches.

Does anyone else see the overbite?

pyra and finch

Is that what that is? I just kind of figured it was some aliasing or something. Now she looks like a gopher.

Kazuma Kaneko

You're forgetting that Japan can put a lot more info in their tweets. I just checked, and NoE wouldn't have had enough character space to put the part about her possibly being nobility or royalty.

>Nia... could she be of some higher standing?!?
About that, isn't Nia's accent a bit rough for royalty or whatever she is? I'd expect upper class Welsh to sound a little different maybe, but what's a Burger like me know.

Just look at the EU trailer for XCX


I was there man. Remember NOA putting out some half assed shit at the same time so they looked even more pathetic.

Wait, what the hell post am I linking too? That was for .

So if Monday and Tuesday are for character info and their blades, what are the rest of the week for?

Wednesday and Thursday are gameplay mechanics, and Friday is rare Blades.

Friday we get some Rare blades with the artist collab.

I wonder if they'll be giving any clues tonight about how Tora will compensate for not being able to use core crystals.

The flower themed girl. Waiting for my buff bara blade though.

Does Roc count? I guess he's not very muscular, although he does seem to tower over the rest of the party.

Are we gonna get HanaJC and HanaJK

>not Pyra

Oh shit, I didn't realize the relevance of that until now.

>JS – joshi shōgakusei (女子小学生, female elementary school student)
>JC – joshi chūgakusei (女子中学生, female middle school student)
>JK – joshi kōsei (女子高X生, female high school student)

Poppi is for sure going to be able to change forms.

What's the one for "college student" again
And the one for "eternally 17 years old"

We've figured that for a while seeing as we've seen her called Poppi alpha in english

Does anyone have the webm of Poppi jumping?

Ah, so the "alpha" was a localization choice to gloss over the untranslatable play on words then.

pop pop

Yeah, but those "upgrades", if we go by the JP version, imply in older versions of Poppi

The best thing about Poppi is her walking animation.

Will high school student Poppi let Tora hop on her lap?


>her upgrades are gonna make her older
God bless /ourpon/

>poppi's english voice seems almost monotone or unfeeling
>yet she dances, hops in place, or tries to catch butterflies when left idle, and goosesteps while walking
>also this art
I'm getting mixed signals.

>it's a shield
>with a drill
>and rocket boosters
This is so convoluted it loops back to awesome
I need more weapons like this

>Alpha is devoted to Tora
>Gamma is kind of a tsun
>Omega is full dom

Make it happen monolith!

It goes Alpha -> Beta -> Gamma, user
Is she gonna go through the difficult teenager phase

haha do you guys ever wonder what her armpits smell like?

>save up for a Switch
>buy one now so I don't have to worry about supply shortages later this year
>family member wants to pitch in a bit to turn it into a Christmas present since I never really ask for anything
>take them up on that offer since that'll make Christmas more exciting
What an awesome way to close out the year. But, wait a minute.

>even though I'm staring at the Switch box right now I'm going to have to leave it alone for 3 months out of respect
>Odyssey gets here in 3 weeks
>I'll have to stare at the XC2 Collector's Edition for a whole month, unable to play it
Oh fuck, what have I done? Please lend me your strength.

I don't think she's meant to be monotone in the English version. Her dialogue here comes across as excited.

Just play it and then re-box it to open on Christmas for appearances. I remember back when the Gamecube came out I did that so I could play it before Christmas.

>Leave it alone for 3 months out of respect
Why the fuck would you even?

At least you already played BotW so you don't have to play 3 gargantuan games at the same time, right?

>Wanted to buy a switch this month
>car start making a really strange sound
>spend 400 euros to fix it

This is going to be though

I was going to do that for my birthday, but couldn't stand staying away from the internet so I had to play Zelda. After I beat it I stopped playing out of respect even if I only did 3 Divine beasts

>out of respect

I'm sure if you explained the situation they'd be fine if you got your present a little bit earlier this year.


Yeah, probably. I wanted to relive the excitement of being a kid on Christmas but as it turns out, that's really fucking hard when you start having your own money.

Sorry wasn't here last night. What was last night tweet about?

>"Tora fights with a drill-shield he names "Hana's Shield". (probably "Poppi's Shield" in ENG)
>"The way he draws the attention of enemies to protect his friends while at the same time, creating opportunities and openings for attacks is AWESOME!"
>"Why would you draw the attention of so many enemies you ask? Simply put, it is the proud job for any brave Nopon that choose to fight! mo"

Tora's Shield.
It has a Drill and Rocket Boosters in it.


>Simply put, it is the proud job for any brave Nopon that choose to fight
Best race

Is that a Venus Fly Trap enemy?

"Brave Nopon" probably aren't the majority.

>brave Nopon
that's an oxymoron

>page 8

I don't think he wants to do anything with videogames anymore, given no new art from him for SMT games.

Y/N and how?

I wonder what his, eyepatch guy, and Train-chan's default playstyles all are.


Rex is probably balanced, maybe leaning towards DPS. Nia and Tora cover healer and defense tank. Plenty of positions left for them to fill.

people make these threads way too soon

the blades themselves dictate the role, no the drivers. Rex can be Tank/Healer/DPS. the same should be for other drivers since they are controllable

drivers have base stats

I dunno about that. The tweets aren't usually interesting enough to power an entire thread. They actually last for like half a day each time though, just not being super active because niche.

Plus they're required to always use their main Blade, which means they heave a predisposition for a particular role.

They still have roles that they start out in unless you give them certain Blades to change that, like Nia being healer and Tora being tank.

Wait, you mean it's not Gay Luigi?

Yes, but not that kind of driver.

This is also true.

no to elma, yes to rex and pyra, rex is the main fighter while pyra follows a good distance like in battle, pyra powers up rex's attacks the more hits you land, if pyra is hit you lose your power ups. if she's hit too many time she faints making your attacks really weak until you revive her. rex's down b tosses the sword to pyra in a spinning attack and let's her attack from where she's standing with a 3 hit combo, a projectile, a parry, or a fire pillar attack depending on which direction your holding when she catches it.

hire me nintendo.

If this game doesn't match or beat XB1 in metacritic score, the game has failed

Now I gotta post this

>no to elma

I want to pet that cat!

When the fuck was this one taken

Nice of Lynlee to invite us to Sylvalum, eh Luigi?

1 making a moveset for her would be troublesome since she has a set movelist in her own game
2 what would her final smash be?
3 she comes from a game that's not exactly well liked
4 rex and pyra just have a better character chemistry for smash bros

at best she would be an assist trophy, or even just a trophy. i would like a XBX stage of new LA but even i feel like that's stretching it.

>X shaped scar
>His Blade has a squaretache
Is the tanktop his ultimate weapon?

French site.


>making a moveset for her would be troublesome since she has a set movelist in her own game
That means nothing in Smash.
>what would her final smash be?
Literally anything. She could go into Overdrive, for example. Or do something with a Skell.
>she comes from a game that's not exactly well liked
Not really. And besides, it's a niche game regardless. Most people won't know who either of them are.
>rex and pyra just have a better character chemistry for smash bros
Well yeah, two people have better chemistry than one. I do agree that they would probably fit better though.

Like, what do you mean when you say difficult?Are you talking about the awkward discovery of birds and bees type stuff or "I'VE BECOME SO NUMB!"