>Yoshi giving away all my veteran rewards to new players for free
Fuck this piece of shit game. I subbed for 3.5 YEARS to earn these glamours and now everyone has access to them
Fuck him. Fuck SE. Seriously. Fuck this.
>Yoshi giving away all my veteran rewards to new players for free
Fuck this piece of shit game. I subbed for 3.5 YEARS to earn these glamours and now everyone has access to them
Fuck him. Fuck SE. Seriously. Fuck this.
now i can finally look like my boyfriend squall!!
I'd tell you to eat shit OP but you eat YoshiP's on a daily basis
Wild Rose barding is the only thing from those sets that's worth a damn, anyone that wears the Cloud or Squall clothes is a guaranteed shitter
You'd think by now that you would understand that Yoshi P does not give a flying fuck about your dedication or time investment.
He cares about that cat slut that logs in once a month, RPs in Costa, buys a fantasia, and cries about how it is not fair that people have things they don't.
That whale pays the same sub fee PLUS their constant mogstation cosmetic purchases and does not even take up the server load that you do by playing frequently.
Source this shit. I was about to resub for the coming patch.
>Not expecting SE to assfuck you infavor of 4.0 kiddies
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play Black Mage. The optimisation is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of a boss's rotation most of the burst windows will go over a typical player’s head. There’s also Black Mage's randomly occuring procs, which are deftly woven into the rotation- Thunder III procs draw heavily from a good understanding of server ticks, for example. The players understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of this class, to realise that it's not just fun- it says something deep about GAME DESIGN. As a consequence people who dislike Black Mage truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the meaning in Black Mage's lengthy cast times, which themselves are a cryptic reference to the turn-based gameplay of the early Final Fantasy titles. I'm smirking right now imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as both Thunder III and Foul proc simultaneously during an Astral Fire window. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Black Mage tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 fflogs percentiles of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Lode stone, they just lowered the requirements from a bunch of years to a year
> A phial of Fantasia has been added as a reward for the main scenario quest “The Ultimate Weapon.”
* Players who have already completed this quest are ineligible to receive a phial of Fantasia.
We are pretending to be mad, right?
Wild Rose is shit. Everyone wants the FFIX set
go for it
This is where the retards start rolling
Hahaha. This is great news! That means it's more likely they'll give PvPers the middle finger and make their season rewards easy to obtain too!
fuck no I aint no pedo
Did anyone consider the idea that they're making new vet rewards for old timers?
i'm more curious about what we can buy with achievement points
No they are not. They just making 'campaigns' where anyone can get the reward for subscribing for during a certain period of time. The Falcon mount was an example of this.
would be nice but i doubt it, they said specifically they were discontinuing the current vet reward system because it takes too long
aka "operation: fuck paying customers" i guess
Fuck you and your goddamn Zidane outfit, you sad pathetic no lifer.
here we go
Only for the blue jeans.
Still, as someone who has a most of these, I dont see anything wrong with this. It was addibg a fucking huge gate for people who wanted it.
For nin you meld crit and DH, right?
Lol you are fucking delusional if you unironically believe this. The game is now clearly built around limited time rewards you have to sub to get, ie holiday event items or the 90 day sub mount that they did over summer
Don't worry though, if you miss out on those items you can buy them on mogstation the next year
fuck this game
>veteran rewards are now dependant on achievement points
Fuck you Yoshi, you fucking hack
>there are still people who waste leves for amber
Pure autism.
Been thinking about playing this. Is there anyway I can pay the sub fee without using my credit card? Like, does it take Karma koins cards or something similar?
You can buy 90-day time cards at places like Gamestop and Best Buy. I don't think places like Target/Walmart have them though, at least I have never seen them.
There's a free trial you should start with and you get a free month when you buy the game.
You can buy something called Crysta as well which can be used to sub, along with the usual time cards.
Buy it on Steam, you can use Steam wallet to pay.
90 days, huh? Sounds expensive, but okay. Thanks for the info.
Steam Wallet or Gamestop usually has time cards or if you're really autistic you can buy an Amazon gift card at a grocery store with cash, then use that to load your Amazon account, then buy a digital time card on Amazon
I'm using a toaster, so that's out of the question.
>best rating on omega savage as BLM is 25th percentile on catastrophe
why am I so shit? Do I need to get my il up?
Always be casting.
Low damage on BLM is always because you're missing casts due to moving around without a buff used to keep doing spells, or prepositioning, or slidecasting, etc...
Or you died, either or.
They fucking fixed them
who cares?
Whats the pink bar? Hot shot?
Where did you get this, LL? Are there more?
Imagine unironically playing MCH
This happens with literally every fucking game. Early adopters ALWAYS get fucked. Your reward is playing the game early. That's it.
>how you know you've been playing too long and need to move on: the post
What is the point of Red Mage's Impact? When am i supposed to use Jolt II > Impact rather than going Jolt II > Veraero/Verthunder?
Twitter and thats all
Who said you could come out of the shed, caster?
What's wrong with MCH?
what was this?
meanwhile, in ultima online
If aero/thunder does not proc earth/fire then use impact.
do people seriously not look at potency numbers
>Somehow managed to make job UI look even more confusing
I don't even have the spell unlocked yet, i just assumed you HAD to use it immediately after Jolt II or you lost it. I understand now.
this is as bad as when yoshi increased mgp gain at the gold saucer in 3.3 one hundred fold and everyone got fenrir overnight
the only hard mount to get is the tiger now
I'm still getting RDM who Embolden'd on boss pull now and then.
>Actually wanting less people to experience content so you can have some false sense of superiority over them
Thats pretty pathetic user
>still not being able to disable the bar for PLD and WAR
literally fucking useless UI clutter
>DRG 4 stacks of LOTD to 3
everybody ready for DRG top DPS?
Heavy Thrust is getting nerfed and you can bet your ass they won't put those bonus potency back into every skills.
HT is almost no damage whereas Nastrond is like 1/3rd of a DRGs DPS, now that happens SIGNIFICANTLY more due to Jump CDs
Nastrond is getting a nerf too.
I just want the pants from the dude in FF9 (which I never played and generally the second most shit FF because it is not FF7-3 desu) and yeah you can go fuck yourself in the ass because people who wear full vet rewards are fags and never look good in them anyways.
They should add Tifa's FF7 outfit, and I mean the tanktop and black skirt and not the leather robe shit so MNK can be playable again
>tfw armor aesthetics peaked way back in Labyrinth of the Ancients
>armor aesthetics peaked when they just ripped it from other FF games
Really makes you think huh?
>SCH buffs on Adlo and Succor
>Dissipate and Selene will probably still be trash
Guess I can't complain since they were already the meta pick and they're getting buffed because shitters don't read tooltips. Hopefully WHM gets something too.
Not true.
>15% damage to all attacks is almost no damage
the absolute state of DRG players
Crashing this thread
This shit fucks me off the most
>NIN DRG BRD MCH is already THE meta pick
>DRG and MCH buffed
Simply ebin Yoshi.
according to leddit the lost damage is getting rolled into other abilities
i don't know why the fuck they don't just remove heavy thrust instead. it fucks the entire rotation up and no ability plays off it
>all that weebshit
unsub from my game already!
Just buy one from the Mog Station. :^)
Why didnt they add the heavy thrust time to the DRG bar?
Maybe by 5.0 we can have some casters in the meta LOL
>according to leddit when official translation exists
Maybe they did, but mostly because HT is already baked into DRG's rotation by default.
Who cares. The ballad set makes my dick rock hard, I wish I could use it on tanks.
Steam credit.
>what is rdm
Quit yelling at me, I already did like a month ago and probably not gonna come back for a while. Even new Hildibrand quests aren't enough to bring me back this time. With how weak the HW ones were, I don't have much faith in the SB ones.
>BOTD still falls off too easily
RDM isn't even in the meta. Shit ass personal dps and pathetic rDPS contribution.
A boring job to play that falls short in the group dps department
yoshi is based as fuck, more people need to respect him.
Because y'all got one already via veteran rewards.
Nope yoshi is a faggot and so are you
it's to replace the one you used to get from vet rewards
>be bard
>provide great utility to the group
>never have to worry about yoshi fucking my numbers
>tfw stuck in platinum win trading hell
just let me break diamond please yoshi
To think I used to like him back during 1.0. Desperation does awful things to people.
>also get extra shit nobody ever asked for that is Perform