Is he GOTY this year?

Is he GOTY this year?

I love Makoto and i want to make her breakfast everyday!

For me, yeah. This has been a great year for games and P5 is probably in my all time top 5.

Technically 2016, but it's up there.

Claiming Haru

I love Ann and I want to support her at all her photo shoots.

It is for me. It's been a good year for games.

not even close
any other year probably but its been too good a year for it to compete
even on just the ps4 yakuza beats it out

It is mine and I've played most of the goty contenders from this year, I don't think it will win that many awards though.

Now where's a Futabafag?

Eh, nah.
It just doesn't stack up to the games that were released this year. Plus it's a 2016 game.


It's almost like Joker is a silent protag who has no preferences of his own.

I really want to like this game, but I just can't stand how it doesn't respect my time at all. Everything takes so long and now in my playthrough they just introduced the side quest contracts stuff which is so fucking grindy.
Can I take another 60+ hours of this? Is it worth sticking with if at this point if the game still hasn't won me over?

If they just introduced the mementos quests than there is a lot more than 60 hours left.

Woah, I could've sworn the game gives you option to go either way. Strange.

>literally tsundere simulator 2017

It's almost like you're a cunt.

Not a single girl in this game could be described as "tsundere"

The game starts like really fucking fun. But from Kaneshiro to the end you only advance from the will force that your preferred waifu gives to you.

>turn based poopoo


It's not a master piece but I don't think "tsundere simulator" is a great description either.

im sorry you have the attention span of an eight-year old if you dont like turn-based

None of the girls are tsundere, what are you even saying?


This is upsetting me.

Their faces look weird but I like the concept.

Can't romance best girl, a 9.5/10 is the best I can do


the combat in your average souls game requires more attention than any turn based shit

P5Arena better have Joker flirting with Mitsuru non-stop.

This "game" was a pile of shit and it solidified my decision to sell my PS4

Thats probably all it is, actually. I'd probably like it if it was better executed.

>falling for the comparing everything to souls meme
Opinion disregarded
That's nice dear, I hope you can go on to find games that suit your tastes more. Your shitty shitty tastes.

>P5 Arena

Yeah, I'm looking forward to that announcement in 2019 as well.

It's a disappointment is what it is the amount of time I waited for this game to end up feeling incomplete and boring is the worst part. SMT:A dlc was more entertaining than the full game of P5. P3>P2>P4>P5>P

Seeing the exact same animations over and over for fights I've already done is annoying. There ought to be an option to skip battle animations or at least speed them up without committing to only using physical attacks.

Sseriously how slowly do you play games? But for some it is the classic case of too much content, which is a thing. Time to beat is a little less than 100 hours for most and I'd say that P5 is good enough to warrant your time investment. It was for me, at least. I think the amount you invest into the game is somewhat integral to the experience actually. Makes things feel meaningful. When you say goodbye to these characters at the end you have grown attached to them.

>p3 better than p4
Sorry no. The ending of 3 might be better (might be) but 4 is better in every other way.

To be fair, P5 does have painfully bland combat even compared to previous Persona games. It basically boils down to
>All out attack
Assuming the enemy gets past the first and second passes.

It would be but DRV3 or Nier overtook it. Hell Mario Odyssey may overtake both.

It didn't seem more or less bland than 4 to me but I played p4 five fughin years ago and I played p5 on hard on the first way through so that could be contributing to that feeling.

no, but it was last year

I want to play video games with Futaba

What about her passion for candies?

4 has a bad story, the characters don't serve any other purpose than to fit the group dynamic because none of the characters really add anything to the plot, in 3 the characters all have roles. 4 also has worse music and the overarching plot is sidelined for the sake of social events, if you want slice of life stuff than persona 4 is great but if you don't like that stuff than its trash.

>and the overarching plot is sidelined for the sake of social events
That's the same in every Persona game from 3 onwards.

Not to the same degree as persona 4, if you take them out of persona 4 you would be left with an overstretched murder mystery that doesn't even progress for months on end, persona 3 and 5 would still hold up fine because it doesn't rely on them, they're more just supplementary things.

I would buy Ann all the sweets she wants.

>because it doesn't rely on them
Do you even know what game series you're talking about right now?

Yes, most of the social events in persona 5 suck, the fireworks festival gets rained out and they spend hawaii talking about the phantom thieves and going on their phones yet it still manages to be a pretty good game because it has strengths beyond that, I'm not saying they don't have them, I'm saying they don't rely on them, if you ask a p3 fan what they would find the most memorable parts they would say stuff from the main story, ask someone who thinks persona 4 is the best and they wouldn't say the same.

>if you ask a p3 fan what they would find the most memorable parts they would say stuff from the main story, ask someone who thinks persona 4 is the best and they wouldn't say the same.
And what are you basing that on exactly?

All of the p4 fans complaining that p5 was bad because the slice of life stuff wasn't as good as if it was the most important part of the game.

>best persona
>not the 2 duology
Sup Forums has shit taste confirmed

I dont see these as much on Sup Forums nowadays so I want to make an honest question. A friend of mine is playing Persona 5 and I want to take a jab at the series since it seems interesting.
Can any of you recommend me which one to start with or the one with the lowest level of entry?

I dont have a PS4 so I cant play 5 yet.

Persona 5 is the most accessible but I would recommend starting with P3 because it is the first modern persona game.

Noted, any other suggestions?

I would recommend P4 but the best version of it is on vita, which I'm guessing you don't have.

For P3, There are two versions of it, if you value accessibility than choose P3P but it comes at a cost since it removes 3d models from scenes and shows it in a more visual novel style instead, the ps2 version P3 FES actually shows whats happening in scenes but in the combat everyone other than the player is controlled by AI, if you want the best experience than pick FES but if want an easier time than play P3P.

Stop it. Stop trying to deny Zelda Sup Forums. You wont make Persona or Hoshitzon happen

not him, but waht does FES/P3P add?

>as if it was the most important part of the game.
It is a fairly important part of Persona given that the whole social link mechanic provides more abilities for the player to use, especially in Persona 5 where even non-team confidants give you new abilities.
I mean Chihaya's was absolutely dull but it was necessary to get the other abilities from other confidants faster.

So basically P5 puts far more importance on these things than any other Persona game before.

Also it's not like you can revisit Palaces either. I mean, even Persona 4 gave you incentive to revisit them but in P5 they're just gone forever and you're stuck with Mementos.

What if I've played both and still prefer Persona?

I have a Vita, but if you recommend P3 for lower level entry than it will be my first. Thanks.

What's with all these falseflags lately?

Last year, dubfag.

P4 has more quality of life improvements and is probably easier for a beginner, but it could also make p3 harder to get into if you want to go back.

Tales of Berseria > Nier: Automata > Persona 5 for me.
Persona 5 wasn't enough of an improvement over 3 and 4. It was still a great game but it's just more of the same.

It's overrated, just like sex.
Though I wouldn't know since I haven't tried any.

>haven't tried BOTW or sex
What are you, some kind of man-liker?

Haven't played it but I read that it's just another persona game.

Convince me that it innovates compared to 3 and 4 and maybe I'll give it a try.

So, Ann has the largest bust, right?

It's a tough one, but I think I will still go Makoto.

It doesn't.

The characters are the story you person who is wrong

Start with P3, simply because the gameplay and QoL improvements can make going backwards a bit frustrating at times.

Yeah, I don't understand the allure of Persona 3 and up either. I played 1 and 2 and enjoyed my time with them. I played 3-5 hoping the next one might be more enjoyable, but I just can't get into them (even if I did play all the way through them because I'm stupid).

I'm the same, but I'm gonna hold off till Mario Odyssey to decide which one I prefer as GOTY.

Proof that Makoto's thief outfit looks like garbage on anyone, even the best girl

i have the attention span of an eight-year old and turn based is all what i play, i skipped every cutscene and dialog thought

game of year my ass

>in 3 the characters all have roles
nobody does anything important except MC and Fuuka. even if they have personal drama they are still just along for the ride like your typical party of JRPG bimbos.

Chances of P5 enhanced rerelease next year? Haven't played it yet so I figure I might as well wait for the complete version.

At least they have drama, p4 characters have nothing.

the overpraise for this game is insane. it's just ubisoft open world shit with a zelda filter.

yes they do, their boring drama starts and ends with their dungeons, whereas P3 characters' boring drama is dragged out over the entire game. they are all written like shit but at least P4 gets it over with quickly so it doesn't seem as bad.

Not to me. This game is terrible, and I liked other modern Persona games.

Story was ridiculous, characters were grating, localization sucked, time management is worse, combat was trivial, dungeons were boring slogs. Especially mementos.

I don't understand what people are seeing in Persona 5, it's like everyone played a completely different game.

Zelda doesn't even have better piano music than P5.

Too long and repetitive to be GOTY. Only redeemable qualities were the MUSIC and ART. I didn't even enjoy the combat very much. Very REPETITIVE.

>too long and repetitive to be GOTY
>but Zelda is a shoe-in guys!

Literally too fucking long

>Haru and Okumura was complete filler aside from the ending, which could have easily been relegated to any number of other targets
>painfully simplistic villains that were borderline cartoonish in their evilness
>story suddenly changes to end of the world nonsense (which is par for the course with SMT, but goddamn did that add to the bloat)

The game was just too damn long. I honestly didn't give a shit halfway through Shido's Palace.

also, GOTY is unironically Cuphead

>one is long and repetitive
>the other has near complete freedom to the point where it can be short and hard or long and easy

It'll take a few years at least.

Nah, but I liked it.
The music is one of those love/hate things I have with this entire series.
It's always pretty catchy stuff that you like. But you only ever hear the first 10-30 seconds of any of the songs, if that. Except for maybe a few of the boss fights. So the repetitive nature of the music reminds you how repetitive the gameplay is. Kinda like pokemon, except I usually play with pokemon sound off once I've had enough.

I still get hyped for life will change every time though.

45 mins and you can finish the whole thing

This and Divinity will clash for GOTY/RPG of the Year.

There's a better JRPG coming out this year. But it will be ignored in GOTY conversations because muh December