Roll thread?
Roll thread?
>not even starting the thread properly
Not even a (you) for you.
I love Roll's small childlike body.
Well she is a housewife robot, she's built for sex!
fuck off
Only if you check this 9
Three cheers for rollicons
Don't come on Sup Forums if you're triggered by lolis leddit-chan
I want roll to shrink and eat me
You fuck off, reddit immigrant.
Didn't moralfags like you leave after 2012?
mfw 180 bucks .
What is she trying to show me?
Get back in the kitchen, shit is under control
It's a man's world, baby, dont' be flashing your vag
Here's my backhand, bitch, you got a problem with that?
ive been here longer than you faggot
way to reveal how new you are
kill yourself pedo scum
You ever get bored of doing this whenever someone posts lolis? Do you have a script that notifies you when people post loli or something?
kill yourself
Her butt
Is that a yes?
Kept you waiting, huh?
can't you guys keep these threads in Sup Forums
If you haven't already gotten used to waifu threads, get out.