Name a harder game

Name a harder game.

Protip: you literally fucking can't.

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real life

Dark Souls

Oh shiiiit

Is this honestly worth a play?

If you like Wizardry and you're REALLY good at it then yes, it's just absurdly difficult.
Pic related, a map of level 4


>was actually interested in throb of the demons heart until i read the filename
is it really that bad?

This post doesn't really say anything about Throb of the Demons Heart except that it's much easier than Wiz IV. Which isn't saying much since fucking anything is easier than that.

it's not even hard in a "this is challenging" way

it's hard in a "haha fuck you, you died randomly" way

t. scrub


Literally unbeatable, doesn't even need a gimmick to eventualy beat you.

He's right. Many of the secrets are arbitrary. The ones that require game knowledge are clever, the others not so much.

it says its the japanese counterpart to wiz IV, but easier too. sounds interesting
its interesting from a design perspective, not the villain perspective so much as fighting the typical overpowered heroes featured in most rpgs

it's not the japanese counterpart

the gaiden series are spin-offs

i was asking HOW it wasn't the counterpart since the filename implies some knowledge of the game in question

nah that filename is bull

also the PCE versions of these games had the best music:

Pretty rad tunes.

Even with a perfect party a lot of the heroes' battles in IV are effectively a slot machine in WizIV, you simply have to pray that party of ninjas doesn't behead you and those clerics in the back don't resurrect them after you manage to kill them before getting instakilled.
Wiz IV is basically a huge puzzle game with multiple endings and some really shitty battles thrown in to make everything worse, it's not a game you can clear with any sort of skill like the other games in the series.
Throb of the Demon Heart makes things slightly better since you can control what you summon in there, but it really doesn't change much since you're still forced to pick the strongest monsters in the batches just like the original, it's just SLIGHTLY less randomized and frustrating when it comes to battles, which is a plus since again, the original is just picking the only good mosters you can summon and pray to the RNG.

Throb of the Demon Heat is a completely different game set in fantasy japan though

by the way, it's good and everyone should play it now that it's translated as it's pretty much more of Wizardry V

>is a completely different game set in fantasy japan though
Wasn't that the name of the alternate mode in the PS collection?
It's been a while since I played that so I might very well be confusing it.

nah, i think the PS1 mode just calls it Arrange mode, as most japanese games with alternate game modes do

really do play Wiz Gaiden IV though

The PlayStation version is

>nah, i think the PS1 mode just calls it Arrange mode
Now that you say that I think you're right, it probably was called just arrange mode, my bad.
With all the JP gaidens/spinoffs like Empire it's hard to keep track of all the names.