Which is better?
Action RPG vs Turn based RPG
The best Action RPGs are better than all turn-based RPGs, but most if not all turn-based RPGs are better than the average Action RPGs
Turn based vg is shit game design.
wouldn't strategy rpgs be too hard for modern audiences?
Zelda's not an rpg
zelda isn't an action rpg idort
Action, but I still love turn based
What's the best action rpg?
They both have their merits, and I don't really think they're that comparable to begin with.
IGO/UGO TB sucks.
Bad ARPGs are infinitely better than that style of TB combat.
Proper TB can be good though.
Any Witcher game, any souls game, mass effect, etc
Action, but when I say action I mean stuff like Dark Souls or Deus Ex, not Diablo or Baldurs Gate "action". Turn based is better than that garbage.
Action by a fuckton unless the turn based combat is something original like Valkyrie profile or DB Fusions.
Explain? Never heard those term before
Souls I could understand but even witcher fans admit that all of the witcher games have bad combat.
Turn based.
I have never once seen an action RPG do party control and not have the AI get in the way constantly. RPGs are all about controlling a party for me and you just can't do that for real without turn-based.
It has flaws for sure, I can tolerate it enough to enjoy it though
Post some good turn based for Playstation 1 other that final fantasy tactics and tactics ogre, already played those
Vanguard bandits.
>RPGs are all about controlling a party
Your mistaken then. The very first DQ had ONE party member.
Why does OP always have to start threads with such terrible questions? I understand that "open to discussion" is great and all, but you can't just ask which is better when there's no definition of better provided. What do you mean by better?
Valkryie Profile shits on pretty much any Action RPG with the only exception being the Tales series.
You all are delusional.
>tfw you realize there are just about no RPGs with good combat
>tfw there are no RPGs with really good combat period
Depends on if by "action RPG" one means something like "Deus Ex" or something like "Dragon Age: Origins".
"Deus Ex" (2000)
turn based combat is a extremely boring and outdated mechanic
witcher isn't an rpg at all. You fight with only a sword the entire game and the skill tree adds as much to the combat to put it on par with assassins creed, which now has skill trees as well and isn't considered an rpg
I like both a lot.
Breath of Fire IV is pretty fun.
>mass effect
Mass Effect is neither a good shooter nor is it a good RPG.
fuc koff
I prefer action rpg over strategy but still enjoy strategy games
The real kicker is if there is co-op
Good action > good turn based > less than good turn based > less than good action
No Zelda game is a rpg. There's no meaningful character progression other than getting more health and new items.
One char goes
Then the next etc.
I go then you go.
It is too simplistic and leads to finding a way to cheese the game instead of thinking about the situations presented.
If you issue orders for a six second turn then all the moves happen at the same time is proper TB.
Turn Based.
muh numbers
No one mentioned numbers other than you.
you were thinking it
Tell what does Zelda have to make it more an RPG than any open world game with a skill tree has?
Depends on the game fuckwit
Zelda is not an Action RPG.
Vandal Hearts