>dude turn your mic on
Dude turn your mic on
Dude, stop being such a fucking pussy. Just turn your mic on and talk with your team.
>turn mic on and it's just static
>type "sorry it's broken"
sauce plz
get a better job to get money to buy better equipment. This is America. Land of opportunity where you can do anything!
report tranny bait threads
*sound of eight fans going full blast*
>Not having a mic in the year 2017
Where the fuck were you during the "everyone has a mic" era that is PS3/Xbox360 - Present?
im cool with trannys talking on the mic while playing, as long as they arent the super blog "oh my god ive been practicing my voice" shit
He probably has one but is shy
this. I get bullied for my voice UwU
Turn your mic on so I can tell if you're a qt trap with a girly voice or a neckbeard that has to play as a girl because real ones won't talk to him.
Either way stop being a pussy and plug your mic in. Nobody gives two shits about the fag who types in chat or has to send messages.
What the fuck is this "shy" shit? No one will even talk to you unless it has anything to do with the fucking videogame. There is no such thing as being shy. This isn't some social experience. You communicate to win.
I remember playing Rainbow Six Vegas 2 on Xbox360 and if you didn't have a mic you literally got kicked out of any lobby. They would asked you nicely first before kicking you though.
Couples REGULARLY bully people online you asshole
You're gonna get bullied even harder if you don't plug your mic in.
I could bully you all night without stopping.
I can't help my voice I'm sorry.
>turn mic on and talk
>suddenly a dozen whispers and am now a guild officer
who is this? I like her eyebrows
Stop that. I dont like being bullied UwU
>Dude turn on your mic
>Wait, you're a girl?
>Wanna hang out?
>Wanna do more stuff later? you can have all the loot
>Wanna be discord friends? can I have your Kik, snapchat, skype etc.?
Some girl from Love Lab
ITT: Things that didn't happen
>not turning VoIP and in-game text chat off
>Not just thinking of the other players as bots with really dumb & unpredictable AI