Do you like me user?
Do you like me user?
i luv u bb
no where is tengu
Yes. You have that imouto look to you.
I love... fapping to you.
Maybe when the web game is released, till then you are worthless
Honoka, Marie Rose, and now this bitch.
The characters they push the most all fucking suck and the japanese have terrible taste.
Don't really know yet. I won't be playing VV, recommended specs are a little too much for my toaster to run. I'll wait to see what you're like in DOA6.
Nyo got a lot of screentime in the VV trailer. They were pushing all the new girls in it
nice they're giving tengu new toys
yes you are cute
Hopefully DOA6 will go back to the badass semen demons we used to get.
No. You a disgusting roastie bitch and I hope you get run over by a train. Kill yourself and get out of my face! REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!
Her chibi looks like it has more personality than the real thing.
>cute and innocent = no personality
Why are feminists so retarded?
Isnt that just honoka without the retarded hair color and smaller tits?
Being retarded isn't exclusive to feminists user
DOA is the best fountain of porn but not much more.
Well there's numales too but most of them are feminists.
i want to remodel youre shithole
do we still have no date about launch?
How is she a roastie?
Yeah babe, I love ya
Where are the cosplay pics at?
sorry but I like Rachel more
>blank neutral expression
>the real thing
>expressive, shows excitement and embarrassment, doesn't look like it relies on one gimmick or goes overboard trying to be seductive
Just a short trailer and the new bitch already looks like she has more personality than most of the other whores.
Also it's really fucking good that she doesn't have any superpowers.
That's what a DOA character that isn't a final boss or a ninja is supposed to be. I hope she's in 6.
Sorry but I like Ayane more
My nigga
Why is Ayane pure sex?
I think she looks pretty and hopefully she has a nice big thick butt like promised. But until she's modded into DOA5 or DOA6 is released on PC. I dunno.
Ayane is so god tier. The things I would do just to have my face sat on by her.
How did we go from that, to this?
Ayane is the best slut in this whole franchise. Everything about her body and personality is absolute perfection
She just is
Move over Misaki. This is an Ayane thread now.
I don't know why people rave about specific DOA characters' bodies when they're all the same. ESPECIALLY Ayane because it's Kasumi's body, Kasumi's face and a tsundere personality
Ayane has bigger tits.
Explain why Kasumi's face is so screwed up in DOAX3 and Ayane's is beautiful if it's supposedly the same face
Forgot my picture
I want to impregnate Ayane and take responsibility through marriage.
Their faces have the same mesh but textured differently and the wide eyed duckface expression doesn't fit the new Kasumi after they made her into an edgy I'm a fighter in 5 (which was a bad idea to begin with). Seriously, that shit's full on uncanny valley and I haven't felt that with any of the others in X3.
Can you get me Hi-res pics of the chibis, i beat my meat to sexy chibies.
Kasumi's face looks good at times. Other times it just looks off. It's pretty strange. Maybe it's because we're just unused to seeing her smile ever.
I want to be the reason she smiles
Only have a few at high res
Whats the reasoning behind double layered swimwear anyway
Much appreciated.
In the particular case of this game, it might be for malfunction purposes.
chibi honk
Shes too cute, I dont get why people hate her
They added a new gacha with 3 tickets now. Back to retrying everyday for the best rewards.
How does my waifu manage to still be so seductive with a big head
>No Lei Fang
>No Tina
>No Christie
>Instead we get a shitty Marie Honker combo
Modern DOA is a mistake
REALLY fucking disappointing fighting style and has a cliche "the bigger the tits, the better the girl" design that relies on shock value and exaggeration.
Except it's a Marie Leifang combo according to the body specs.
More like a Leifang/Honkers combo. She's got some decent tits, a bit smaller than Leifang and Mila, and good sized hips, a bit smaller than Rachel's.
No, because you took a good girl's spot
She can be a combo of whomever, the point is why not just use Leifang or the other girls instead of some crappy literal who
They should've just won the poll and not let Helena fans votebomb it then.
that looks like a character from a thousand other animes
I feel the same way about the rest of them.
Votebombing is where most of the Marie Rose and Honkers fans came from. If they weren't going to stop it then they weren't going to step in for the lower votes. This wasn't about getting votes this was about getting as much money as they could at the expensive of desperate fanboys.
not good
Cute! Too CUUUTE!!
Very good
because you're a pedo
>another fucking Marie clone
Kasumi's got some competition now
Which works out financially, no?
I honestly don't think X3 was even supposed to exist, but people wouldn't shut the fuck up about it so KT caved and said to TN "here's some money to make a 9 character game before they burn us down but that's all you're getting, now go back to nioh".
>This isn't a stealth Illusion thread announcing their next game
>completely different body
>fighting style still up in the air
>i-it's a clone guys
This has to be my favorite insult ever.
She has the same face as Marie and Honoka, you dumb cunt
A lot of characters in the game have the same faces.
So sexy.
Pretty damn cute actually
I like these 4. Youthful, feminine faces are where it's at.
Kokoro survived the transition so well
Also there's another picture showing all the westerners having the same facial features.