One of the best games of the decade

>one of the best games of the decade
>can be played on any PC, literally your low-end office PC
>satisfying as fuck to breeze through and eventually get good
>gorgeous graphics
>good music
>good controls (also full, easy-to-setup joypad support)
>cheap or even free if you pirate it
what's your excuse again?

Other urls found in this thread:

>no online multiplayer
>no global scoreboards
>ugly chromatic aberration filter
>no pvp
>no raids
>no skins
why would I play it?

I hate the lack of feedback on attacks, refunded it because of that.

I hope this is a shitpost

Because the fanbase sounds so unbelievably biased and incessantly vocal, that it just comes off as over-hyped and average at best.
Even if I played and liked the game, I wouldn't ever want to talk to the other fans about it.

Though mostly I just don't really like that type of game or the visual style much, and I don't have anything against the game

You can turn off the chromatic aberration

it's ok

This game achieved what Dragons Lair tried about 25 years ago.

This game is pretty good. I pirated it but I'll make sure to buy it when it's $5 to support the devs.

Will it get DLC

just makes me want to play old dos shmups

wow, now THIS is quality shitpost, have a (you)

the gameplay is really boring and the upgrade system sucks ass. 6/10 at best

How do I get this to run on my shitty laptop?

keep shilling fagmunch
you'll never outshill botw

>one of the best games of the decade

I've beaten it. But you insist on overstating the game's quality

>one of the best games of the decade
>literally just Contra for millennials

I dunno, what's yours?

It's not like contra. Have you played it

it's like metal slug except with a dodge and extra health


Now this is how you fucking bait.

Why are cringy retards so attached to a generational designation?

Still no.
It's Alien Soldier

>Cala Maria's third stage

it's literally Kid Icarus

wat gaem?

>hp 4


>Reddit gameplay
>Tumblr artist
>Artificially difficult
>Fedoric music
>Racist stereotypes
>Costs 20 bucks which is unacceptable for a 2d game in 2017

Who the fuck wants to play this Trainwreck?

I need a shirt that says something along the lines of:

[I play Cuphead with Color Bleed on MAX]

Your bait game really needs some work

I'll wait until it drops below $5. Until then I have DivOs2 for all my needs.

>reddit ----
stopped reading there

Because I keep getting Error 51 evertime I try to start it

>Alien Soldier

Have none of you played Gunstar Heroes? It even has the same upgrade weapons as that game. Bunch of plebs around here.

Except the devs literally said Alien Soldier was their primary gameplay inspiration.

>Developer name is Chad
>Dev of Cuphead
Jesus Christ so this is a Chad game...

nigga more like 35

you're sure hard to please

Nioh is still mah GOTY tho

they said gunstar heroes was their inspiration along with contra 3 and hard corps as well as thunderforce.

too hard

You can't even draw a turd, memeing faggot

Still goty sorry fan gays.

glad SOMEONE ELSE here fucking knows something.
honestly, cuphead is great, it's the best megaman i've played in a long time, even if it is the easiest.

that game's boring as sin

>Fedoric music
This one got me


is she balding or is her forehead that big?

u probably like tw3

nah i prefer far superior games like la mulana

>look at me im saying things literally no one said but i have to make them look bad

>best game of the decade, or even year

It's so easy to spot 13 year olds with this piece of trash floating around, can't wait for it to die down

Platformers are boring as fuck. The art style is okay but why the character a cup for a head? It makes no sense and senseless things anger and confuse me

Also why isn't his gender and sexual orientation advertised?

>Woah, what do you mean the game wants me to EARN my reward instead of handing it to me on a silver platter? How fucking dare they!
Millenials were a mistake.

>racist stereotypes
This is how we know your post is shit.

Who the fuck is this slut? You have a fragile ego if you're afraid to play difficult games, you don't like the idea that maybe you suck at something.

Your post is correct, but you're a millennial too faggot

You call THAT "bait"?


>one of the best games of the decade
Tell me none of you fucks genuine;y believe this.
It's okay but it's absolutely, 100% nothing special. Fancy graphics do not make up for bland, ultimately mediocre gameplay.

Subtle user.

>can be played on any PC, literally your low-end office PC
honestly this fucking got to me. I'm still with my uni laptop and I did not expect to be playing games on it that came out after 2013. did I fucking jump on Cuphead as soon as I saw minimum requirements.

Okay? And? People like you don't matter.

I can see you're angry about something.

>flavour of the month """indie""" release

Anyone who's seen the gameplay can see it's a mid tier shump- you're better off getting gradius and metal slug. But even comparing those games to this is a bit of an insult to them. It's just too simple to begin with and gets even easier with all of the abilities. Art is cool. If people want to do a proper comparison it's like the dragons crown of its genre.


>literally your low-end office PC

thats a lie. I tried installing them on one of my dell computers at work and the game wouldnt run right. tons of stuttering. it was practically unplayable.

>can be played on any PC, literally your low-end office PC
and I can't even run it properly at all

fuck my graphics card

haha, i really really like this image

Twitter was a fucking mistake. Just gives these mongoloids both a platform and the confidence to spew utter garbage at faceless void.

Is that courage?

turn in your gamer card now. you have zero credibility.

I don't like platformers or shmups. Game looks good, it's just not my cup of tea.

No, it does open the eyes of normies.

go get rolling sixes like a real man