what games would they play?
more importantly, would they post on Sup Forums?
what games would they play?
more importantly, would they post on Sup Forums?
and no, they'd post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums
they would think GTA is stupid because they can just fuck shit up outside. If anything they might try out mortal combat or contra and then get mad about not being able to beat a stage and break the system
They fit Sup Forums perfectly.
Just a bunch of dumb American teenagers.
They would play battlefield, rock band, just cause and twisted metal
I don't think they'd know how to use a computer
Uhh, politics are stupid
Uhh, we're looking for the chick with big boobs.
Yeah, we are ready to do you now!
>this show is older than 80% of the posters on Sup Forums
King of the Hill Online
tfw the whole point of the show was to make fun of gen x'ers and a social commentary on the cultural environment of america and still ended up being loved and adored by all
i think my favorite part is the fact that the duo are simply a product of their environment
They'd play DOOM and wouldn't know what the fuck Sup Forums was.
I grew up with Beavis and Butthead and many people got the joke. It became a phenom both for those who related on some pathetic level, and those who got what Judge was going for. Me, I laugh at stupid shit. I mean, I'm here aren't I?
I remember liking when they made fun of Star Trek, Terminator, and 70s TV, but the best part of the show was when they watched the music videos and made fun of them.
That was back when MTV still showed music videos, before it became just a lame reality TV station.
Fuck I'm old.
They'd live on /s/
im telling you buthead
it was a naked chick, tits and all
but she had a dick
>thats gay
uhuhuhuhuh this is cool, dumbass
>no Simpsons Hit&Run type game where you can explore the entirety of Highland and customize B&B's clothes
They had their own video game, mostly a compilation of other minigames with an overarching "story"
It was a different time.
They still got the best movie based on a cartoon by far
It's so good I can't believe it
I could see Beavis getting really into puzzle games like Tetris Attack and Butthead just watching him and giving him shit with the slightest fuck up.
>what are you doing beavis?
>im putting that piece in the right hole
>huh huh uh uh uh...hole...
>henh henh shut up butthead im concentrating
They mentioned Mortal Kombat in one episode
>Uh, is this Predator?
>Uh, I think this is Mortal Kombat.
>Yeah, yeah, they're gonna tear that guy's spine out!
GTA, DOA, Mortal Kombat and everything that features waifus. I could see them posting on Sup Forums.
its just a really long regular episode with the stakes raised absurdly high
a literal masterpiece
Beavis is a bit dumb to solve anything, much less a puzzle game.
>it's more important that they post on Sup Forums then actually play videogames
Sup Forums in a nutshell.