ITT: That game you bought because you wanted to fuck a character

When did your dick choose to buy the game, Sup Forums?

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Rabi Ribi
Atelier Totori
Gravity Rush

I wanna fuck the suit rat.

Pokemon X for Shana, but I got a better waifu in the post game.

I need her name please

Every Senran Kagura game.

Ema in english and I think her japanese name is Matieru or something like that.

i buy almost all of the garbage atlus puts its name on

I just wanted anime tiddies



sick bastard

Conception 2 for the 3ds and I regretted it. Only one I found attractive was teach.

Good taste and good games user.

Quite often. My dick has a great taste in games, never regretted letting it pick.


I don't know if I'm shit at this game but everything hits like a fucking truck. I found it quite hard.

And Lollipop Chainsaw.

near: a tomato looked good, but it was really dat ass that grabbed my attention

It's one of the more challenging JRPGs out there, especially for a somewhat recent game. You really need to plan each move you make or you're probably going to regret it

Bought Hyrule Warriors for my Zelda waifus

Wish I hadn't

We've all done it, don't be shy


oh, alright


Dragon's Crown. Got about 300 hours out of it, too. Lotta fun and great T&A.

A Hat in Time

This game scared the FUCK out of me when I was younger when my dad played it, especially when the screen turns red when you take damage


i bought the character viewer dlc in no more heroes: heroes paradise for panty shot purposes
also the collector's edition of DOA5 for the bikini costumes, which i kind of regret since keeping my stick on my lap with a boner was having an adverse effect on my abilities

pic related

Turns out its a decent game

I got hook on Skullgirls but after a while my favorite characters are Double and Big band


I played this game years ago and found it hard until I realized how the damage works, then it's piss easy and mostly about positioning. The game tricks you by giving you one dude with dual machine guns and two semi pistol users, iirc you can make it so two of them have machineguns and one has a pistol since the way the damage works is you wear down one larger bar with rapid fire and then destroy them with the pistol.
Cool as fuck world design and I have to admit half the reason I was interested was dressing up Reanbell or whatever her name was in the english release.


My dick plays a part in most games that I buy. If I'm attracted to at least one of the characters, I'm more likely to buy it

Life is Strange - Max


kate for me
also, gsme was free at the time so why not

Kate is the best character in LiS


That whole hospital scene was so great I kinda stopped playing, not wanting the rest of the game to ruin whatever feeling I had for it

I don't want to fuck Kate, I want to protect her.

legal in canada

yeah, thats how it went down the line, I downloaded the game cause shes my type, ended up protecting her at all cost, that suicide scene kicked my heart in the dick

Came for Audrey, stayed for Kyu

None because I know that it is impossible to fuck a cartoon character

blue haired one looks chill

Haven't bought this one yet but it's on my wish list for the same reason you bought it

Mass Effect Andromeda

Getting close with automata

Don't give in. It's a trap

Sort of?

To be fair, when I first saw an ad for Odin Sphere, I was 12 or something. They used pic related and being a horny kid, I wanted the game.

Now that the remaster had come out, I saw the game and noticed it was by Vanillaware. Bought the game on the back of having played Muramasa and enjoyed it. Sure I would want to fuck Velvet, but that's a plus now instead of the purpose.

I don't think I've bought games purely based on sexual appeal. I usually want to make sure the gameplay wasn't garbage or the very least a decent story.

Conception 2 and Demon Gaze in 2014. I think that's also when I bought Muramasa Rebirth and the first two Danganronpas. Oh, and Freedom Wars for dressup and Tales of Hearts R for Beryl. And Corpse Party: Blood Drive in 2015. Vita truly is a weeb machine, but by now I've bought so many games I've barely touched, so I don't have the time to buy all Compile Heart's kusoge.

And I have Nights of Azure 2 LE preordered, partly to pad out my Switch collection, but also because of tits. I've yet to play the original game, but I had an interest in that one because of tits, too. The general artstyle is fine, but I'm mostly into it for the tits. Gust does tits well. Also /u/ teasing.