notoriously bad games only you like
Notoriously bad games only you like
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Is that an edit?
That looks like a naked teenager.
Sonic 06
Was this game notoriously bad?
I just remember it having notoriously shitty box art.
In fact, didn't this game's western release have fucking westernized art done in the same pose as the original anime art or something?
the game was like 3 dollars dollars because it was so bad
>vidya covers will never be this lewd again
Bought a copy just to jack off on it.
because I can
One of the few games I've 100ish%'ed
That camera angle, oh god
Got all the trophies, not sure why
That's why I bought it
xblades isn't that bad
You're probably thinking of its sequel, Blades of Time.
Did this game actually happen?
i figured out why
It was pretty good, much to my surprise.
tit's not the only reason I've played them... it
Superman 64
damn i played this on my ipod touch 2 years ago
did they really release it to steam?
X-Com fans hated the shit out of it for not being an HD remake of UFO Defense and it sold like sacks of wet dogshit. Despite that, it was a really well polished arcade shooter.
The game wasn't so bad once you got past the first few levels and that awful monster spawner spam. Monster spawners in general are a red flag of game design when it was released; I'm kind of curious as to why they didn't rethink that.
I remember playing the demo and thinking it seemed like a cool Max Payne clone. I'm pretty sure it got okay reviews, too.
That whole series (both the original and GU) was fucking abysmal. Sign was a decent anime, though.
I really did like it.
The game honestly isn't that bad. I enjoyed it a lot more when I realized it's best played in small, 30 minutes doses.
you're only too human, user
>used to be dudebro cod guy
>my dudebro buddy bought this on a whim
>introduced me to RPGs
>let me have it since he didn't like it that much
>now I'm here
This game improved and ruined my life.
bullet witch.
with all the games SEGA is bringing to PC lately I'm kinda hoping for it to get ported
Me too user, me too.
It's basically a Dragon Age Origins ripoff
It technically wasn't notoriously bad. Just overhyped to hell and most critics thought it was really bland.
I was just impressed it looked as good as it did since it was a Wii game and the levels were neat enough.
Literally very positive reviews.
The game had bugs out the ass. It could have been something great had it actually sold.
Chaos Legion is actually bretty gud despite the grind tedium if you want the best end gear.
>Two World
Nothing like stacking 50 daggers together and wrecking half the game world.
Is that bad?
Toot Human?
This is the Western Boxart.
The game had a cringeworthy plot and this is coming from a full-blown weeb. The manual quoted shit like the MC was too independent and free-spirited to settle down and get married like her older sister and the in-game dialogue was atrocious with a forced relationship to top it off.
Combat was button mashy as shit with endless enemy hordes, and platforming had awkward controls. I was angry because I'd bought the DLC and decided to put it aside for a second playthrough when I unlocked the good ending but I never felt compelled to play through again.
fug forgot pic
Probably the only FMV game I ever enjoyed.
It was a tech demo for the Wii and the dev's engine. The whole project was kind of odd considering the Wii was notoriously under powered from the start and the platform didn't exactly crave high productions.
I beat it and enjoyed it. Never did the super hard optional levels after you beat the game, though. That shit was nuts.
I found this game for a dollar, haven't played it yet
what do you like about it?
Even though it tries to copy DA:O it's not nearly as good. I did enjoy playing it though, but I wouldn't recommend it to a friend.
LOL at the screenshot
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
To this day, its one of my favorite games.
This the first game of the series I played and, at the time, I didn't even know there was a series. So i guess my ignorance truly was bliss.
Soul Saber 2. Playing multiplayer with you guys back when the game released on steam was pretty fun.
I pirated it when it was new, never got past the spider because either I was retarded or the crack was faulty.
Bough it years later on steam, installed it and never touched it.
>Can no longer buy this game digitally because of some legal shit
And I'm not looking it up because I don't care, but it always sucks when a game is delisted permanently.
I vaguely remember that game. What was the deal with it?
By "like" do you mean played with one hand?
Oh goddammit
I had a lot of fun with the game, and messing around with glitches only made it better. The ammo swap glitch was the best, it let you get a rapid fire missile launcher.
What game is diz?
Name one AAA RPG released in the last couple of years that allowed you to be as edgy as Bound By Flame. Now you know why.
God the xp exploit by using arrow and madkatz controller. I left the game on for like a whole day with the triangle button taped down. Thanatos instantly maxed out next day.
Two Worlds Two
I haven't played the game, fill me in
How edgy are we talking? Any memorable examples?
pretty much same scenario as me. It had terrible performance issues but I didn't even care. I actually think the game is better than the witcher 3. Although if you look at games from an objective standpoint every rpg is better than the witcher 3
I always heard these were beyond terrible. I got them on my Everdrive though and was pretty surprised. I need to spend more time, but they weren't the unbelievably terrible games I've always heard they were.
This was considered bad? Sure it didn't get 8 sequels but it was a cool space rpg.
I remember getting some achievement for killing like 200 of an enemy and realizing that enemy appeared only one specific level
>10/10 - Maxim
Hey. Fuck you. Don't you ever call Unleashed a bad game ever again.
I almost beat it but I got stuck at the final boss because the Super Sonic segment is retarded as shit like in every 3D Sonic game I'd imagine; I've only ever played Adventure and my brother stole my 360 and hard drive with my saves on it.
Damn I remember when they announced that game. I was in that period of my life where I basically bought 80% of my games with my dick, not even that made buy it, the pandering was so shameless, cringy and desperate when I saw the cover art and gameplay. Like "look we have scantily clad chinese cartoons and edgy as fuck combat!!!!".
Also made by ruskies so that's a insta no-buy.
I don't know why I've never sat and watched an entire playthrough. Hell, I made it as far as the game would let you go on Easy mode with one of the characters. Can't remember which one. I think the girl was easier in the beginning but hard as hell later, and it was the opposite for the guy.
I appreciate you.
Not my favorite but I liked it.
>Have a fetish for extremely revealing uniforms and armor that the girl just acts really casual while wearing.
Even this is a little too much.
I couldn't beat the first level.
"The elevator button, Mr. Ford" will always taunt me because the part I always lost at was where you had to destroy the first conduits and I kept trying to kill the enemies before attacking the conduits.
It's not a bad game... it's just... the worst of the saga. Kinda boring, but as a game it's good.
Everyone I know hates it. I prefer 1 and 2 over 3 and 4. I just prefer the way combat functions in the first two even though I acknowledge its clunky and slow.
I have literally never heard a good word about this game
But I loved it so much
People hate it because they compare it to 1 and 3, which are top tier games. If the first one was actually DMC2 people would have loved it.
you go so fucking fast in this game
irredeemable garbage.
I remember playing the demo for this and hating it
I'll admit that the patch that sped up the enemy turns really helped.
I legit like Other M and don't get why everyone hates on it.
I've been the lone defender of it in metroid threads for like the last 6 years
Is this game fappeable or just the cover
I actually enjoyed this buggy son of a bitch more than the original
I did too, I don't know why. Also got all the trophies in this shit.
What, you got something to say? I like the game. So what?
Hard to explain, but essentially by the end, if you wanna be a dick, you start turning into a literal demon. Just watch a couple minutes of this and you can easily get the picture
I have tried so many times to try and enjoy this game but I just never really "get" it. Like the mechanics never quite click in my head.
Did you try Blades of Time?
What? Really? I love Bladestorm.
I actually liked it despite all, also the graphics were quite good(of course I'm referring to the environment and stuff like shadows being actual shadows instead of blurry mess, not to the character model itself)
To be fair after you got past the orc mountain the game was actually alright.
It felt like they were partially going for a parody of bad generic campaigns but forgot to make the hideously bad parts not garbage.
That's not what edgy means dude. Like, he transforms into the demon if you allow him to absorb more power throughout the game to save the fucking world....
Takes me back to Fable TLC
I am not edgy I swear
>took out weapon stacking
what even were they thinking?