Which game had the best sprite for Sonic?
Which game had the best sprite for Sonic?
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Where's CD, nigger?
1. I like kinda-purple sonic best.
CD is 1 but with more poses
Sonic Mania got it right, just take Sonic 2 but expand the color palette.
3, because he is wearing eyeliner
Sonic 3 has better proportions. I've never liked Sonic's bizarre arm positioning in the other games.
Sonic Jump
Sonic 1 was fucking perfect
I've always disliked the Sonic 3 sprite
3&K > Mania > 2 > CD > 1
Knuckle's sprite in Mania is better than 3&K's easily though
Sonic Advance niggers
Hot, got any more?
1 > CD > 2 > Mania > 3K > Mania
>both sonic jump and sonic jump fever has cut content that will never see the light of day
for sonic jump it wasn't annouced but for fever it was and just never released G
>included playable vector cream and more
man fuck this
3&K>=mania if you including the unlockable bonuses
3 > Mania > 2 > 1
Honestly 3's had a lot more personality than the rest.
Dont be mad because advance took the sprite from 3 and made it perfect
Runner used models, those are just the select screen/menu character renders.
That being said, art direction in Runners (and OST) was god-tier. Love that look for Sonic which is Modern Sonic, with ever so SLIGHTLY more classic proportions, with thicker arms and shorter quills.
Made the running animations look very nice. Wonder why they didn't stick with this slight redesign?
Why did they re-do the sprites every time? Seems like a waste of re-sources.
>my phone was too old and couldn't run this app
>when I finally got a phone that could sega kills the app
still fucking waiting on sonic runners adventure
I heard they removed the incredible OST...
I'm feeling generous, Anoyne need both the OSTs?
Probably colors. Back in the old days, graphic artists put a lot of thought into color, as it was absolutely vital to make the player character stand out from the background as much as possible.
2 is clearly a simple edit of 1.
Mania with a good palette mod is objectively the best.
2 because it doesn't have giant hands.
hook me up famigo
I got so used to the Mania's sprite that it was a bit weird playing Sonic 2 agian
3. The additional detail adds a whole lot of character and it's the nicest most detailed shade of blue. I wish Mania's sprites were more inspired by it.
>that black dress Amy
Classicfags always seem to prefer the 1/2/CD sprites. Most romhacks tended to use them.
Mania for all the frames.
>Most romhacks tended to use them.
That's because they were the easiest to edit.
>Good palette mod
>Makes them worse
3 no contest, mania is good but some of the animations look off.
Okay, here are both OST in one zip. gonna post link in next post. In meantime, here is the first album art
>Sonic Mania had all the Sonic 1 stages to choose from
>They could've picked Spring Yard
>They could've picked Scrap Brain
>They could've picked Marble
>They pick the worst zone in the entire series
What the fuck was Cuckhead thinking?
Probably because they're more basic or maybe there's less or something.
How about this one then? I use this one.
And here is the second and link
My favorite is the 1/CD sprite, mostly just due to the color palette used.
I've always liked 3. It always seemed the most natural and relaxed to me.
What do you think of this sprite?
Since this is the de-facto Sonic thread, I have a question
I've had Sonic Mania for 2 months now, and cannot beat the game
What is wrong with me?
Sonic 3 and sonic 1 and 2 8bit
Sonic Forces
Stuck on a level or just can't be bothered to play?
For a while it was Hydrocity, then it was Oil Ocean, now it's Titanic Monarch. That goddamn midboss always takes all my lives
you're playing with saves, right?
what part are you stuck on
Honestly Mania just looks like an updated Sonic 1 and Sonic 3.
In what way is that worse? Cyanic blended in too much with Studiopolis before.
He was thinking "I'll have to do what Iizuka-san and Sonic Team insist upon to keep a good relationship with this company"
He admits in an interview later that almost none of his zone proposals actually made it into the game.
I don't like the Sonic Boom style stray little quills or the bright palette, but it looks find beyond that.
Which part of the mid boss is hard for you?
3, while much more rounded, looks the most iconic.
mania = chaotix > 1/CD > 2 > 3&K
3&K > Advance > 1/2/CD/Chaotix
I have lots of nostalgia for Sonic 3's style, since it was used in all the fucking sprite comics in early 2000s.
Sonic 1, 2, and Mania Sonic look weird in their idle poses, but so animated when near edges, screeching, dying, ect.
>yfw this guy shows up in Mania 2
Mania is 1 literally a copy and paste of 1 with brightness turned up and an extra layer of in between colors
It's already out. It's only available on some shitty app service though. It looks like it isn't managed by Sega at all, since they're more focused on the new Dash game.
He'll be playable
I'd like that.
A fourth playable character that's someone who hasn't been playable in a platformer before would be pretty cool.