I dont think i ever played a game without some faggot picking genji

I dont think i ever played a game without some faggot picking genji...

I don't think I have ever played a game without some slut picking Mercy...

>playing Overwatch

Please tell me what I'm supposed to do against a Genji without picking Winston or Symmetra. How do you get a bead on his small ass hitbox and his impossible to predict double jump? I'm the first to admit I'm not great at aiming, but I can't imagine even pros landing a full clip on that guy.

>presses shift
>presses e
>melees you

pssshhh nothin personnel kid....


i don't play overwatch but i assume staying with your team and not letting someone designed to pick you off do so in order to counter that strategy

So you're forced to land a skillshot that has a long cooldown otherwise you're fucked. I guess that's a better option than nothing, I just hate that certain champions almost require a character change to deal with them.

Am I racist if I only find white widow attractive?

mcree-soldier-roadhog-zarya-winston-dva. this is ofc based if your team isnt a bunch of bronze-gold shitters

Just really started giving Hanzo a try, aint no one getting past the choke point lel

>impossible to predict double jump

Scout must've ran a train on you in the tf2 days. The trajectory is extremely predictable.

seeing as how genetically mutated blue-white people isn't a race.

I think your in the clear

OW was really fun until the meta sank in. There's 20+ fucking heroes, stop playing the same exact 8.

Arcade is somehow the worst with meta.


One of the most dangerous predators of the wild Genji. Learn2Freeze and Cyber-Naruto will never bother you ever again.

She has no tattoos, so she's the only choice.

also they are the first to select a character, they probably also scream "FIRST" when they select him

Would you rather have us pick widowmaker and let the team die?

Lolno. She cant freeze fast enough

Then why don’t you learn to play as someone besides him OP?

>memes that only fags pick genji
>trying out all the heroes with this in mind, genji's turn
>genji is extremely well rounded, even hard counters can be beaten if outsmarted using great movepool
>the only character I've been able to 1v6 with when desperate last ditch efforts are called for
>is extremely vital for any given situation and many times I feel me using him is the reason we win with selective kills
Explain the genji are for losers meme right now.

Scout can't strafe after double/triple jumping, Genji can.

Mercy is my ideal woman

You can play a hero that isn't for flicking kunai at people from half a mile away until you can shit out an ult for the potg.

if you can 1v6 with any character then they're probably too strong, but people will try to justify it because "muh high skill ceiling"

the genji is for losers meme exists because there are a lot of terrible genjis that only pick him because he's cool. same phenomenon with hanzo. a good genji will absolutely buttrape a team that can't handle him, similar to tracer.

yes he can
>hold a/d
>move mouse left/right

What the fuck is this you should be able to see the start of her vag lips but instead she has one of those weird torsos where the part between her legs extends down more. Which doesn't make sense since she is pure sex clearly she should have the more attractive option.