Cuphead is doing for video games what Who Framed Roger Rabbit did for cartoons.
It's practically a Renaissance.
Cuphead is doing for video games what Who Framed Roger Rabbit did for cartoons.
It's practically a Renaissance.
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More like PCfats proving that they can create the worst fucking fan bases of all time. Jesus, PC gaming was a mistake.
this shilling has got out of hand
lmao are microshit shills really so desperate for a good game that they raise a mediocre, difficult shmup with an unusual art style to exalted status?
All the worst fandoms spawn from PC:
>Cave Story
>Owl Boy
>Gone Home
>Binding of Issac
>Dark Souls
Console fans are so buttmad they talk shit about PC games when the OP began a thread about how the popularity of a nuanced videogame could benefit all gamers.
Not to mention Cupheads OST is in the top 10 of the Billboard jazz charts. It's just that good.
Cuphead has almost no story. There's nothing for secondhand fans to latch onto. That's where the real autism starts- people who don't play the game, but watch other people talk about the game, and latch onto fan theories and meld them into their own ideas from there
>Owl Boy
What? That game came and nobody gave a fuck about it.
I want to cum on his cup then drink my own cum through the straw.
>what Who Framed Roger Rabbit did for cartoons
So, nothing?
Havn't played it, but do you mean no story in a Souls-ey way or in a 'they literally had no intention' way?
Just get a straw and a cup user
Cave Story has a shitty community?
I really hate fetishists.
It's not the same
no story as in there's not a clusterfuck of lore like sonic, fnaf, or undertale. It's got a really minimal plot, and no lore I can think of.
It created a new genre of autism, called Pooh's Adventures of ______. Where no copyright laws exist, and you let your imagination go wild.
Who Framed Roger Rabbit did barely anything. Flash, ToonBoom, and Harmony have all taken over, and cel animation has had a quiet death.
>assmad sony ponies will shit in any thread that's not about a sony exclusive
Still butthurt that NioH went to steam? Let me guess, you're going to say the game is bad now.
Never criticized Cuphead once in my tirade, PCfatass. You create cancer everywhere you go.
>a furry jacked off to this
>Says the faggot doing nothing but shitposting
...That was quick.