ITT: series without a bad entry

ITT: series without a bad entry




>implying DKC3 is bad
>when DK64 exists
At least it has HE

A bad Wario game literally doesn't exist

dwarf fortress

Master of disguise was pretty lame

Does F-Zero make it? never played the GBA games so I can't be sure.

Have you played that game? Arguably the best level design in the original 3, along with an interesting over world. The only problem I have with it is Kiddie being gay as fuck, but otherwise the game is good

Nobody bother replying with your shit takes


He said bad, not "less than great"

Kirby. Just because a game is casual doesnt mean it is bad. Pretty amazing if you think about it, almost 3 decades of kirby games and not a single bad one


ITT: series without a good entry.

DK64, like Banjo Tooie was an example of Rare trying to shove to much into a game.
>Rare is really proud of Cloud Cuckooland because it took a lot of effort to get it working
>Literally a clusterfuck of bad level design, nothing connects coherently. Easily the worst level in the game

Most of the spinoffs are pretty shit and Sun/Moon was extremely rushed, has a ton of unfinished areas shown on the big map and major FPS problems too. Pokemon Dash stands out as a bad Pokemon game though

>Xbox 360
Made me do a double take there

DK64 wasn't a Donkey Kong Country game but...

...DKC3 wasn't bad. A little weak in areas compared to 1&2? Sure. But you could look at an area map and have a clear idea where to go, nor did you have to collect coins just to save.

Gale of Darkness.
>Nothing to explore
>Few places to go
>All Cipher bases are extremely short but manage to have more battles in them than any mainline bad guy base
>Nothing to do post game except complete in a shitty coliseum you have fuck-all chance against with anything you can catch in-game
>Character artstyle is disgusting


DKC is apart of the Donkey Kong series.

I know, I was trying to make the point that
>DK64 wasn't part of the Donkey Kong Country series
>DKC3 wasn't a bad entry

in one post.

Well by those standards then garbage like Konga and King of Swing count

>DKC is apart of the Donkey Kong series.

I agree, it isn't a part of the Donkey Kong series

I just want a game where you play as Dixie and Donkey

This. I have no idea why Kiddy is in the game when he fulfills exactly the same "big guy" role as Donkey. If DK was in 3 then each of the 3 characters would have equal representation.

Absolutely not. Don't sully the good reputation of the Donky Kong series with DKC trash.

That's almost the opposite, its a series of mostly bad games, only a few of the spinoffs are any good


V bad versions count? Most of the PS2 ones are pretty shit
Not bad at all, just really average

if you didn't like a particular Kirby game, it's because it didn't match your tastes. I'm talking about spinoffs too. The worst Kirby games are still slightly above average based on general gaming standards, with some controlling in a specific way that some groups of people don't like. But he has had no bad game yet.

Wasn't the whole point of Cloud Cuckooland to be a confusing clusterfuck? I have a feeling they just used it to dump all their leftover ideas that wouldn't fit anywhere else.


Yeah, totally buddy. No bad games here. Not a single one.

Colosseum would be picked in over Gale of Darkness. Gale of Darkness was a straight ass upgrade.

That better not be sarcasm, pal.

Colosseum had better plot, but Gale of Darkness improved on the game mechanics and Shadow mons. Battle Revolution was the true disappointment of the series

>actual contact
>true disappointment

I always saw DKC1 as the weakest of the 3 which isn't bad DKC2 was just a huge improvement, 3 has always been just slightly below 2 for me. It's definitely the most difficult of the 3. Krematoa in particular I always found more difficult than the Lost World with maybe the exception of that bird section of Animal Antics.

Fuck off. DKC3 was a fun ass game.

The worst Kirby game is air ride.

But it's still a decent racing game though.

this was literally my first video game series and definitely one of the best. I'm really glad they actually did a good job with renewing the games. Rare leaving Nintendo made me worry we'd never see a good Donkey Kong game ever again

SM was weak and USUM will be worse.

>Rare leaving Nintendo made me worry we'd never see a good Donkey Kong game ever again
We still havent seen a good DK game since. Retro fucked up the DK games reimagining.

Battle Revolution gave us 3D battles that looked great with online random battling. I miss that shit.

kirbyfags are so fucking obnxious holy shit

tropcial freeze and returns are infinitely better than the original trilogy my man

Diamond and Pearl exsist

They were all garbage after Stadium and Stadium 2

shut up you dumb knuckledragging triple nigger
i hate you

2k is unironically fun and very challenging at higher difficulties



dumb kirbyfag kys

who hurt you

mega man 1 and 8 would like a word with you

No such thing as a bad Splatoon game

ur mom lol

oh no lol

heh get rekt dumb kirbyfag

It's a great game, but the first few levels of the game are the shittiest levels in the entire game. I think a lot of people just play those and turn it off, thinking the rest of the game will be equally as shit.

hello from the dumpster fire

Epic Yarn fucking sucked.


Between Dark Souls 2 and 3. They're not "bad bad", but I still feel like the first was better.

Why did they even make this game?

>every game is literatly the same as the older entry, and keeps rehashing it every year

Next thing you nigger are going to say is that COD and FIFA are also good games.

There hasn't been a good DK game since this.

>can't have a bad entry if it has no entries
im still mad

Diddy is the patrician character because of his speed and the rest should be disregarded.

Kiddy is better than Donkey because he holds the barrel in front of him and can skip on water.

If Kiddy were replaced with DK, fags on Sup Forums and /vr/ would have liked DKC3 a whole lot more for that reason alone. You all know it's true. Every time someone brings up DKC3 being bad, their first, main, or only point of argument is:
And it just ticks me off because DKC3 is pretty damn good, and Kiddy isn't really even that bad aside from being a one-off character that replaced DK for the one game he's in, but fags always say DKC3 is a bad game just because Kiddy is one of the playable characters and not Donkey Kong.

Returns is a pretty good reboot game, and Tropical Freeze is downright amazingly well done and deserves a spot next to DKC2 for how well it caries on the torch of the DKC legacy. I can understand disliking Returns, but if you dislike TF then you just either have really shit tastes or you didn't play the game at all.