Is it dead, Sup Forums?

Is it dead, Sup Forums?



who cares?

Stop posting this thread.

5 days before it explodes into activity when the Halloween event is launched, but sure kiddo it's dead.

No it's had some playerbase drops here and there but its still very much alive.

It's definitely losing players, but it isn't dead yet.
I'd give it another year at least.


Right now it's losing players because the current patch is not fun for anyone but assault players.
Dive meta is cancer, playing a healer is ironically unfun even though Mercy is completely broken and a must-have on any team, Junkrat is completely fun-ruining and playing a tank achieves nothing but to feed the 5 enemy DPS more ult charge.

I play this every day and I really hope it dies soon so I will have no excuse to log in it anymore
Fuck jeff and his team and fuck what he did to mercy. It's the most braindead hero in the roster you old fart. I want to see jeff deeply regret only catering to e-girls that give him money by seeing his game die slowly, with people leaving day after day

This is actually the third one I've seen since yesterday. Fucker thought he could get away with changing the image hash.

are you retarded? orisa is literally part of the cancer meta. Hog is also played every game. Please get out of diamond before you start writing your opinions in ow threads

I hear nothing but bad shit about it. It's so horribly unbalanced that one shitter not doing their job usually means a loss.

I used to queue with people to make it more fun but it was like squeezing blood from a rock. Always some shitter finding someone to blame, or groups of shitters not joining team chat, or shitters throwing on purpose because they hate the game but can't stop playing. It's going to be kept alive by tumblrinas and other blizz fanboys for a long time though.
>hurr durr, new even let me just buy 100 loot boxes
pure aids.

Yeah, no one on the balancing team really put much critical thought into how these changes would shift the meta.
Personally, I felt like junk was in a good place where he was before the change.
Not every hero needs to be meta in top tier play. Making it so he didn't damage himself with his ult and with his grenades was enough.

I just started playing yesterday and so far it's really fun. I'm liking Symmetra, Sombra and Mercy.

It always seemed to me that normies have really loved this game since it's release as far as I could tell.

>Junkrat is completely fun-ruining
*high five*

>It's the most braindead hero in the roster you old fart.
This, to be honest. She was popular because she was literally "hide behind the corner and hold down the mouse button" the character. It was for people that wanted to play overwatch with their friends but suck at fps.
Then the rise of the mercy main started to come about and that's when I knew it was time to move on. They would ruin every game with their shit. It became mmo-healslut tier egoism.

Jimbernator was playing junk before changes in gm, but what do I know, no one plays Him in higher ranks except people do and I've seen it


I thought you were busy "addressing the toxicity" issue, Jeff. Why are you wasting time on Sup Forums again?

>those barely visible pussy hairs

Yeah, user. You're so right. Anyone who says something positive about Overwatch must be a shill. You're so smart, user. I'm so impressed.

Why are you spamming these threads?

>Anyone who says something positive about Overwatch must be a shill.
At this point, yes.

>that fucking desperate ad

OOOH now that is a curiosity.
Would Sup Forums rather spend time playing WWII or more Overwatch (bear in mind that WWII is essentially just a slightly faster WaW)

I rather stare at a wall.

I tried the open beta for 40 minutes
God that game is a snorefest

Whats with this guy with the filenames full of "-" instead od spaces?
And "updated"?
Are you a bot or just autistic?

Oh just choose you wiggly niggers.

They are both terrible videogames with no redeemable features.

It's called "Photoshop Save for Web", you should try it sometime since you're on the web right now.

Impressive marketeer fight.

Because arbitrary choices are fun to explore.
Really makes you way which one you truly dislike the most.

Yes no one plays it

I'll probably go play Titanfall 2 instead

I can't choose, they are both absolute cancer.

>no redeemable features

You can but refuse to out of sheer stubbornness. Boring.

What about the landwhale?

Because they are both 1/10s, of course I can't.

>yfw you realize the female soldiers in the latest CoD and BF games are Activision and EA misinterpreting the appeal of waifus in video games as women in video games and are now incredibly confused by the backlash.

Try again, shitter

Don't bother, waifushitter.

"Your statement is not correct"
>w-w-w-w-waifu s-s-shitter

I just don't care about your le ebin waifu, the game is still cancer.

>doesn't show up on steam top 100
it's dead as hell




>People whine that Mercy needs a buff because Ana outclasses her
>Make her invincible during her ultimate
>Months pass with nobody talking about Mercy
>Suddenly everyone is complaining about her ultimate even though Mercy hasn’t even been touched for months
>Blizzard reworks her
>Whiners day that they’ll enjoy drinking Mercy main tears
>The rework is released
>People whine that she’s too OP again because only DPS mains are what matter to Blizzard
>Now Blizzard nerfed her ultimate on the PTR, putting her into the shit tier
>Instead of fixing the issue of there not being enough healers Blizzard just gives sledgehammer nerfs to already existing healers


dead? no.
horribly unfun now, defintely.
>ranked is ranked and all the problems competitive modes instantly brings to a game
>qp is full of nothing but level 1000+ hanzo/widow/genji mains and "IT'S ONLY QUICK PLAY BRO"
>custom servers are nothing but +300% everything, 6 people get clubbed by server host with his 10,000 HP hero "boss fights" and /trash/ "roleplay" or "social" servers
>arcade is half full of dumb gamemodes like deathmatch or elimination, the other half is Total Mayhem or Random Heroes which are fun in theory but can become horribly broken in an instant.
>questionable balance tweaks every patch
>every new map somehow gets worse and worse design wise
>the only part of the game that seems to get the most work put into it is the shit they stuff into loot boxes
>mfw watching this game spiral to this point from how promising it was back in Beta just a year ago

>muh rules
ahahaha fuck off back to plebbit you newfag garbage

Capture the flag was the most balanced and fun mode ever released in Overwatch.
If both teams went hurr team deathmatch it would have always ended in a draw.
If teams were actually decent with tanks\healers and worked together it was an ez win.
I enjoyed doing both.
I miss that mode so fucking much.
t. 800 hours on ctf alone

They're trying their damnedest to kill it, saying fuck the playerbase we only care about banning "toxic players" instead of making actual content and looking like a big important esport.

Deadest of games.

how the fuck is that even possible given it was only out for what, a few months, if that total?

>duhh guys I don't follow the meta but apparently I follow both the forums to read player complaints and the patch notes to see what's changed, please be nice to me I'm a retard

Ana beat Mercy because Ana is the highest single-target healer in the game by a dramatic margin and her cancer grenade synergizes very well with black music man. In the tank meta she was invaluable. In the dive meta, which we are now in, she's far less impressive because not only are you not stacking tanks anymore, but she gets torn apart because she can't sleep more than one person at a time, while Mercy can just fly the fuck away if she's ever out of position.

Further, her ult is broken OP right now, and everyone knows it, except you, apparently.

And, there are plenty of healers, and they all work differently, the only problem is that due to how Overwatch is built, you enjoy a revolving door of tiers where the healers will cycle based upon who they are healing and fighting against most often. Adding more healers will not change this because you will pretty much never have more than two on a team and you will want only the strongest, most capable ones.

The real problem is that they aren't doing anything to really forester a community that would want to partake in esports. They have dumped all the minor league stuff to try and focus on the "big stuff." The best way I can put it is, picture if the creators of football (American) only cared about the NFL and then did nothing to foster high school, college, and little league. Then they balance the game around the high school football players and ignore everything else while banning little leagues from ever having a chance to play football again because they said kid things.

>Capture the flag was the most balanced and fun mode ever released in Overwatch.
Oh god, you're one of those people.
Let me guess, you probably also the guy who told me that
>the game is balanced
>the maps don't suck
>No Limits sucked and was not in fact the only remotely enjoyable Arcade mode
>This Is Ilos made Brawl rotation great
>you're just salty if you think there's anything wrong with Overwatch!
Fuck off.

>a few months
it has been out for almost a whole fucking year dude
i played the shit out of it

>ironically unfun
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of, faggot.

what a bunch of lovely implications there
mind you if i call you a salty fucking faggot?
why are you projecting so hard?
capture the flag is actually fucking fun, and i cant wait for these goddamn cunts to bring it back

>They're trying their damnedest to kill it
If that's the case then they're failing since people keep crawling to the game like sheep thanks to all those billions they spent monopolizing the FPS scene with marketing.


>capture the flag is actually fucking fun, and i cant wait for these goddamn cunts to bring it back
I can give you a full 2000 character post as to why that's objectively wrong, but rather than do that I'll just put it out there that BLIZZARD THEMSELVES said it wouldn't work and only made it because people kept telling them "HURR UR FPS SHUD HAFF CTF LIEK EVERY OTHER FPS HUHUH"

>stop having fun reeeee
>stop liking what i dont like
ok i get it, you're just an autistic kid at gold\plat complaining about the game and blaming his teammates if he has a shit rank
tell me again how you deserve to be grandmaster, salty boy :^)

It's just not fun. Doing good never feels rewarding and there is no customization despite it being a hero shooter. ASSFAGGOTS has way more replay potential even though mobas are old as fuck now.

>when you enjoy HOTS more than you do OW

I don't know why I spent a single cent on OW. HOTS is so much more fun. Hell, I enjoy playing the moba version of OW characters more than their shooter version


If you zoom in to the full size, it doesn't really look like hair. Almost looks like a scar. It most likely is suppose to be hair but it looks weird when put the image to full size.

I'd rather play WaW

jeff kaplan should fucus on adding content/making the game more fun to play instead of complaining about toxicity on youtube

OW is literally not built for CTF in any way, shape or form. The game's movement system is completely and utterly fucked which is not only terrible for an FPS, but is completely incompatible with a CTF mode. CTF is supposed to be about mastery of the game's movement mechanics, map memorization, and building a strong defense to counter flag runners. OW turned it into "hurr teamfights" just like everything else in that braindead game.

is this costume in the maingame?

I just bought it so I hope not

Okay then defend this motherfucker:
>there are no new maps designed for CTF but instead KOTH maps are "repurposed" (as in, stick two flags on it and call it a day) for the game mode
>the size of the maps means that if someone has the flag it is automatically captured, exacerbated by the fact that flag captors still have movement abilities enabled
>flags can be captured by teams that have theirs in an enemy's posession; not only does literally no other FPS do this but the size of the maps exacerbates it even further
>capturing the flag requires standing perfectly still doing nothing for 5 seconds, which is literal suicide given the size of the maps and "bases"; there is a reason why literally no other FPS does this
>at least half of the games are stalemates with no captures, most of the rest have a single capture followed by the capturing team to turtle themselves invincible until time runs out
And that's not getting into the character balance or how literally nobody in Overwatch is designed to be played in CTF (or on any game mode besides the defaults, for that matter).

That's Overwatch's "next generation" textures for you.
And people say it isn't a console shooter.

>I just bought it
Thanks for further killing the genre, fuckhe--I mean thank for supporting us taking the genre to new heights, goy!

Tracer breaks that whole mode.

Good thing that isn't from Overwatch is it, you fucking mongoloid.

Not with Shocktober's Junkenstein Revenge 2.0 coming up in a few days, along with new Halloween costumes.

I don't think it's dead but it's definitely not as popular as it was and it won't ever come back from being another face in the crowd.

The main problem with Overwatch is that it's just not fun to play unless you're winning or have a coordinated team. There's so many mechanics in the game that are purposefully designed to negate your impact on the round and make it harder for skilled players to carry, and it just gets so much worse the shittier your teammates are relative to the enemy. Even pro players that have no issue hitting Top 10 consistently will run into matches where they, through no real fault of their own, feel utterly ineffectual.

There's only so much you can do when D.Va is literally deleting your bullets from the fucking game, you need to break three different shields to even damage the enemy, your target is spazzing out like a retard with ADAD spam so you basically have to fucking guess where his model will end up, any damage you inflict is immediately healed by Ana faster than you can deal it, and Mercy will just fucking revive anybody you kill. There's so many occasions where you literally can do nothing but sit and die. Meanwhile your healers and tanks (if you even have them) don't even fucking want to play their classes and want to shoot things but are forced to in order to have a chance of winning.

That's not even getting into shit like the chokehold map design where you'll frequently be pushing through a fucking meatgrinder hallway trying to get onto the point while the enemy spawns directly behind it, the devs nerfing every hard to master hero while buffing braindead ones, or their fixation on adding even more mechanics and abilities designed to stop you from playing the game or to negate any impact you were having.

The game just isn't fucking fun.

HoTS is only fun now because Blizzard removed the head of balancing and put him on the OW team.

He still hasn't fucking learned how fucking bad it is to swing character balance wildly every few months.


The hots balancing team consists of 3 people, pretty sure they wouldn't remove someone

Happens to every team game, the nerfing of high risk strategies while making low risk ones more consistently rewarding, since high level meta is ignoring them.
Shitsux, so design your own balance game, or shut up


The whole idea of this game seems fun, but in practice it's really not.

I feel like the people who complain about this game being "toxic" have never played a MOBA.

>I feel like the people who complain about this game being "toxic" have never played an online game.*

fixed that for you

>he buys the game for 20$
>no scoreboard
>can get banned for swearing

It's not going to die but I suspect it's going to start falling off over time.

Balance is important in a game like OW and it's becoming more apparent to most people that Blizzard doesn't know how to do that. Not that they ever have.

tbf people who still play tf2 probably has Stockholm syndrome, this is coming from someone's heart with 900h on that game since 2010

Geoff Goodman used to be on the HoTS team and was the dipshit who kept fucking with Arthas before getting booted to the OW team.

You know some stupid fuck is going to take this seriously, right?