How do you react?

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Wait a minute... I'm white!

This user gets it, avoiding a nigga moment.

Heh, troo dat.


*knocks you into a wall and kills you because you hooked me at full HP and I have too much HP for Roadhog to kill in one hit*
Heh... shouldn't have messed with me.

I switch to Sombra and spend the rest of the match making him completely worthless.

*left clicks two times*
Bye Felicia

what's the purpose of the horns, though?

*eniciando el hackero*

i thought her real name was Olivia?

oh boy, another 4v5

To show how horny he is.


may be time for bed.

Found the low Silver player

Shot > Hook > Head shot > Melee

Easily enough to kill a 250 HP hero, especially given its doubtful that you'll be undamaged from the start anyway

>not making your giant robotic fist /fa/

So you expect to kill a 600 health tank by charging your punch AFTER he hooks you? Fucking idiot.

Because he's no Zaku, boy. No Zaku.


Doomfist has shields though.

Your move.

Im not impressed

only if he does damage first
and even if he does, that only gives him maybe an extra 50 hp

Doomfist there

Doomfist is an island. Surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water.


This show had so many golden moments.

>get hooked
>uppercut (90 damage)
>charge punch
>slam him into wall (250 damage)
>slamjam his ass (30-60 damage)
>Still got 4 shots to kill him (66 damage/shot without headshots)
that's around 590 damage, and that's taking the minimum amount from seismic slam
But of course your response will be "but the roadhog is always skilled enough to kill him during all this!"

And you can just melee attack him for the last hit.

please switch. i rather you be hanzo.

Genji is with you.

>assuming hog wouldn't hit you at point blank range during all of this to finish you off
>assuming he won't heal while you charge the punch or just kill you while you do this
>assuming there's a wall close enough to do dmg

nice fanfic

Who? I'm pretty sure that's Bomberman...

What about two?

>They made roadhog shit
Stopped playing right there tbqh senpai

So that's why he looked so familiar.

Doomfist should get a skin like this. He doesn't have any good skins so far.

That is generic as fuck looking

Oh, please show me where you've seen characters that look like him. I'd love to see it.

Got nothing? Thought so. You talk shit but you can't put money where your mouth is.

hell boy

How is Hellboy even REMOTELY similar?

He's actually more obnoxious now than he's ever been.

*sniffs gasoline while sliding around*
“Welcome to the apocalypse”

huge fist and hes not human

>Only through conflict do we evolve.

hack him and gun him down

>Assuming hog would hit you at point blank range during all this
>assuming Hog's heal isn't on cooldown
>assuming I would ever fight somewhere I can't wall combo as doomfist

nice fanfic

>not taking roadhogs 300 hp and 50% DR healing ability
Oh boy we got a true kang here

Hellboy fights with a sword you idiot, and I'm going to ignore that casual racism.

>tfw Doomfist is the most redpilled in the cast and /vol/ doesn't notice because he's black

>*smacks lips*

Every time I see people make racist comments I immediately load up Overwatch and play Doomfist.

relax my buttocks and think of Mr. Rogers

so you play doomfist 24/7?

Yeah boy. I got jungle fever.

Did they fix the horribly tiny hitbox on his charge attack yet?

Fuck me up the ass oniichan

No but it's okay because I am amazing at this game.

>Hook 1.0 babbies

Oh, we're throwing this game
*Picks Orisa*

This is the expectation but not the reality. In most teams they're gonna have Winston and Dva that have too much spread out damage for Sombra to get in a hack on Doomfist consistently. You get to do it a few times but not enough to make him useless. It's better to just pick mccree and flashbang him.

I'd like to flashbang McCree if you catch my drift.


I am so glad he wasn't Doomfist. Doomfist without an African accent just wouldn't be Doomfist and I can't see Terry Crews successfully attempting to do one.

Granted, I'd still love to see Terry Crews in the game, so I hope it happens. Maybe if they add another American hero. Like Soundquake, who I like to think is that big red robot from the promotional art. "Soundquake" basically describes Terry Crews' voice.

His movement is 3 times more retarded than any other character, though.

tell him that the cotton won't pick itself

Heh heh, Gundam references.


>a black man that wants to beat up women
Call the police?

Ask myself why I'm playing a shitty game and exit

I'd turn 360 degrees and walk away from the game.

>He doesn't have any good skins so far.
>he doesn't like the JACK skin

>cant aim at the head and melee directly afterwards
t. bronze boy

I just want a skin where he's wearing some armor without a human face. Like Orisa's OR-15 skin. That's her best one.

>wants black erasure
Fucking disgusting

>pick tracer, McCree, Sombra, roadhog, Zarya, etc
>shoot him before he can do anything
Doomfist is trash. I can't believe anyone thought he was OP on release.

Virgin slash/Chad smash with Genji and this Doomfist skin when?

He can still be black, just a black robot.

You can’t just make up faux buzzwords as an arguement, neogaf.
His original skin is boring and unimaginative.
Inb4 huurrrrrrrr