Are there any other Chad game developers? Do you think he gets to fondle the animator of Skull Girls, Mariel Cartwright?
Are there any other Chad game developers? Do you think he gets to fondle the animator of Skull Girls, Mariel Cartwright?
Chad was never supposed to be the good example.
Oh look, another retard who doesn't understand how that meme works
Would you stop caring about a memes meaning? You probably take the plots of porn seriously as well.
>he believes this
Awwww, did this hurt your fehfehs?
Chad is who we all strive to be but realistically will never achieve. That's why it's always an exaggeration.
pretty sure it was his brother that did the animation for cuphead
His name is literally Chad and he looks like one what the fuck?
>Slave beta brother gets the bitch Mugman
>True alpha Chad wears mascot
This is really unfunny to anyone over 18
>Here's your t-shirt bro
Are there any other developer that looks as CHAD as him? Holy shit I think we found the pinnacle of Chad developer
Paid fucking reddit shill supported by corrupt Sup Forums mods/janitors. I hope you all die a violent death
Good, it's about goddamn time. I'm so fucking bored of nu-males and hipsters.
idk, I just know that Jake is pretty Chad
fez was interesting, cuphead is a sidescroller which would be average in the 16bit era if not for it's art style
>butthurt nu-male feminist
>normal guy with interests
Oh wow, what a surprise
But the underage gotta see
>it's just like my favorite /r9k/ meme omg, memes can be real!
He looks like Jim Caviezel a bit.
Embarassing attempt
wait, his name is LITERALLY chad?
Kill yourself retard.
fuck you, it was a very ligitimate comment.
yes it is
naming your child chad automatically gives him a passive perk which causes him to have the chad build
I strive to read every single interesting book there is
don't think that's Chad's purpose
Cliffy B was always Chad.
The nu-males are the fat gay Romans of indie gaming and Chad is the goths.
Yea he definitely gave off that vibe. Sup Forums will disagree because they hate his stupid guts and they wouldn't fuck his gf.
yeah he was never meant to be a mary-sue, but a literal opposite to every point made about the virgin
but Sup Forums fucks up memes harder than 9gag, so...
>Chad is the omega bitch rape victim of some asian manlets on horseback
Yeah nah
He used to, definitely. But he really fell from grace. Or, chadhood.
hahah virgin
>the chad older brother
It's funny how people completely misunderstood the joke and after a few days it was just "guy I don't like vs guy I do like".
Take a shower, hit the weights, get a clue
change this to CHAD DIGITAL BLACKSMITH next time user
The chads are our only hope, Sup Forums. I'm starting my transition to become chad as well
To think, our HS nightmares were the good guys after all.