>new AVGN
>literally nobody cares


Other urls found in this thread:

These last two kind of sucked

>James fuck bad game cartridge in the ass

He has gone down the deep end

It is irrelevant what Sup Forums thinks.

It was kinda weak

Oh another bad episode. AVGN is getting worse and worse, no monster maddness videos. Really he should just end it.

james "I dont know how to play videogames" Rolfe

he should let Ryan & Mike take over the channel


Oh my god, what a sickening clip.

You mean Mike and Bootsy

>The Last (Skinny) Man on Earth

Looks like you care, otherwise why would you make this thread?


Is it bad that I want to punch people wearing glasses in the face?


What the actual fuck.

Nice try cucklord

AVGN needed to quit while he was ahead like... 5 years ago.

Might as well continue the downward spiral collecting nearly free money the whole way down though.

>n the winter of 2004, Rolfe was involved in a head-on car crash with a trailer that was unattached with its supporting vehicle. According to Rolfe, no physical injuries occurred during the crash. His quotes from the wreckage include "grabbed the wheel and waited for death".[8]

Now that's pretty fucking badass.

Wow friends hanging out and having fun, so sickening and weird, so cringe am I right reddit? People having friends is cringe!

>be James
>Always wanted to make movies
>Strike gold on youtube early
>get cucked my Stuttering Craig
>tricked into joining screw attack
>carries their channel
>Cucked by wife
>Craig leaves screw attack
>james see's his chance
>makes avgn movie
>it's years to late
>Makes it appeal to everyone and no one
>no other studio contacts him for a movie
>to old to get a trade or study
>stuck making poo jokes about games


He's a genuine good guy, so I feel kinda bad for the down periods in his career.

I just wish for the best for him ;_;

I stopped watching his channel when he defended the Star Wars prequels.

>down periods in his career

His first daughter was very sick since she was born and hospitalized often, that's why he concentrated more on his family and less on making movies for some time.


Multi-racial children are more likely to have diseases

I know the word gets used far too much on here but isn't he LITERALLY a cuckold?


how obese are you?

>nobody links the episode
what's the point of this thread

No. It's a thing thats just taken a life of it's own.

It mostly refers to that some fans believe his wife is very controlling of his life and career. It came about when the AVGN movie was being made and some changes were made at the request of his wife. Thats how it all started. Everything else, including rumors about their child, are just anons being anons.

You must be crazy to watch that webm and not be disgusting by those man-cows throwing their hideous forms on one another.

How fucking hard is it to go to youtube and search avgn or cinemassacre?

Here ya go. :3

Thanks for reminding me to unsub.

>when the AVGN movie was being made and some changes were made at the request of his wife.
More like the scene where his love interest frenchkisses a nigger and James gives out an impressed "Damn!"

But no, the meme started because his wife's name was in the credits, sure sure, nice try rewriting history

AVGN left long before Craig left ScrewAttack though.

Yet he is still making money and films while your here being a ass complaining about it on Sup Forums

Stay classy

still got cucked out of the gravy train, missed out on full profit of his merchandise, dvds, etc

> It came about when the AVGN movie was being made and some changes were made at the request of his wife.
Post source. And not just the "if I were in charge there would be more diversity" Cinemassacre post, an actual source that proves she was directly involved in this decision.

My career is actually going quite well. I'm sure you're probably a subscriber.

It was alright, nothing too special.

Any episode that involves LJN games is good though.

aw thanks user
I'm lying down on my computer chair and typing is hard user :(

I've never watched even a single episode of whatever that guy does. Kys numale scum.

When is he just gonna man up and cut his hair? Baldness is nothing to be ashamed of, it's the clinging onto a rapidly receding hairline that's pathetic.

Wanna play some Saturday night slammasters?

What went wrong?

You never stumbled upon AVGN in the 11 years he has been doing it?

It was pretty good but I was kind of hoping he'd at least go for N64 and PS1 wrestling games. Fuck, just give us an episode longer than 10 minutes.

>craig and tom start screwattack
>with their partnership with avgn and gametrailers, it becomes quite successful and the business expands
>craig thinks that tom doesn't bring as much to the table as he does and claims that other people in the company think this is the case
>craig registers screwattack in his own name rather than in him and tom's name
>tom is reasonably pissed because he doesn't know why
>craig explains this situation AFTER he had already registered the company and without consulting tom about it
>since tom being a partner is out of the question, he requests a significant pay raise or he's leaving screwattack
>craig doesn't agree to giving tom a pay raise so tom leaves screwattack and craig takes it in his own direction
>company starts becoming a more indie alternative to gamespot and ign but never really becomes that big
>eventually just say "fuck it, let's sell our shit to fullscreen and rooster teeth and just make death battle, a show with about as much substance as a guy slapping action figures together"
>tom becomes part of that guy with the glasses with "the game heroes" which doesn't really become that big and bites the dust in like 2012

Angry reviews just aren't really popular anymore in these current times. I like episodes most where he is more baffled how weird and shitty the game is, rather than raging to it.

fucking hell even mike looks normal compared to that entire room of mess. must be ryan's friends

How did he do it?

>always looked pissed at work and never seemed to give a shit about the crew
>said fuck it, and went to work at IGN whilst becoming a chad and lives in comfy San Fran rather than the shithole that is Texas
>saved himself from being with the Game Heroes or any other lesser Gaming site

>taking the business end of this shit so seriously it causes the content to suffer

And this is why nobody should do this as their """full time job""" because the moment you start taking is THIS SERIOUSLY is the moment it stops being truly excellent.

(((Craig))) jewed out Handsome Tom

>he hates the star wars prequel
dumb redditlettermedia poster

>cucked by wife
Nigger, his wife stayed with him throughout the entirety of AVGN. There was a point where james was juggling work, sleep and AVGN episodes in his rented apartment and his wife stayed by his side all the way. She even went as far as to change the script of his movie so the girl would kiss some other guy instead of him because she was jealous as fuck.

>be James
>be a geek all through childhood
>become friends with the 10-inch man somehow
>meet qt in college because of that friendship
>date and eventually marry her

>turns out she is obsessive as fuck
>get baby on accident
>she doesn't get the abortion like I wanted
>she starts obsessing over the baby now
>baby gets SBS and has to go to the hospital a lot

>really want to leave her but can't
>she's the only person I've kissed
>get idea
>I'll created a movie where a girl kisses me
>its the perfect plan

>wife changes script so I can't kiss another girl