MMO talk

You know, they say your true class is the one you picked in your first mmo/rpg for you first character.

For me it's Archer/Rogue, because I used to be a Legolas fan when I was little.

I've been trying to pretend I'm a fire mage for years but the truth is that I'm an Elven Archer at heart...

What your true class & race?

Human Fighter, because I was 6 and D&D was far too much for me to comprehend.
>These days
Knights are aesthetic as fuck, but Wizard types always end up far more fun.

So, Elven Wizard, because that is what's it's been for years now.

MMO is dead. Abandon Thread.

>You know, they say
no they don't. quit making stuff up.

Man no one ever said that you liar.

>First MMO
Ragnarok Online
>First Class
High Priest

>Most Recent MMOs
Guild Wars 2, FFXIV, WoW Legion, Wildstar
>Classes in order
Warrior, Summoner, Death Knight, Warrior

I'm a warrior at heart. The only reason I stuck with my priest so long in RO was because re-leveling dudes in that game was a nightmare. I tried to reroll several times, but getting anything up past in their second job was such a chore. Hell, I was a Paladin main in FFXIV for ARR and HS, but I decided to go with Summoner this time because my static was getting massively stacked towards melee.

Night elf hunter. Pretty similar to you OP, was a big Legolas fan and thought elves with bows were the shit.

Something more niche, like a monk or a priest. Classes that aren't about brutal force as much as subtle tricks. Still an elf-fag though. Oh yes.

Started off playing necromancer on the original Guild Wars.

These days I like playing classes that use big two handed weapons but I always have space for the edgiest magic class in a game.

Reaper spec on gw2 combined those two things for me. Shame the game is kind of shit. Then again I have not played the latest expansion either.

It's still boring. You're not missing much.

Same, I actually didn't care for legolas but I liked "pretty" elves and dual wielding swords. Sounds faggy I know, and that was my taste for a long time. That was until playing a paladin in wotlk and spellswording in demons souls got me hooked on melee/+spell casting hybrids. Wearing plate armor, fighting up close but also healing yourself and wreaking magical devastation is amazing.

First: Cat eared priest, can't remember the name of my first MMO because I played when the market was oversaturated and I played a lot of everything. I just liked helping people and keeping them alive and strong.

These days: Still a priest, but I will play some sort of wizard with an emphasis on debuffing enemies. I still just like playing support.

I prefer fox ears if available, but if they aren't I go with cat ears.

but I will SOMETIMES play some sort of wizard*


I'm okay with this.

My first RPG was Might&Magic 2 on a fucking Tandy1000. Since I could make a party of six, I aimed for the most well-rounded lot with an answer for everything, but focused more on martial classes with only one or two magic users.

My first MMO was Asheron's Call, and that doesn't have any lame class bullshit, but freeform stat and skill building. I made a jack of all trades with a focus on swords, shooting fireballs and casting magic enchantments, but also aimed to boost my Run and Jump skills to sonic my ass across the continent and leap buildings in a single bound.

Nowadays, everyone is doing Class bullshit instead of greater customization, so it's rare that I can make a well-rounded character. I opt for whatever class is the most versatile, self-sufficient and has the best crowd control. This causes my picks to vary wildly across roles and class-types depending on the game. I might tank in one, heal in another, be a dick ass thief or a frontline warrior or a nuking mage. It all depends on whomever has the most flexibility so that I can be ready for as many situations as possible.

My first was a warrior. Eventually played a rogue and its been my favorite class in every game since. Still enjoy warrior though.

Started off playing a fairy elf on Mu Online back in like 2003/2004, shit was entertaining as fuck.

Having played a lot of different MMOs since then, I definitely gotta say that's something I miss playing the most.

I think Archer is usually a newb friendly class that many people start with, so I'm not sure how well that theory holds up. For me personally, I can't seem to find a "true" class to call favorite. Pretty much every class appeals to me, how am I supposed to choose just one?

>true class


First proper MMO I played was Anarchy Online, Solitus Soldier

Even made it to 220 before IP Respec was added and quit, they were taking too long and my retarded ass had gimped the fuck out of my Soldier.

I was able to fucking wear Grid Armor and blitz through missions it was so fucking fun.

I haven't properly enjoyed an MMO since then.

Just post healer porn now

NElf Rogue, but replaying some vanilla recently was a NElf Hunter..

Elven rogue or some dual wielding fighter.

Nelf fury warrior in wow
kind of spot on, I just love berzerker classes with a hind of sneaking (picked them for being invisible)
that's probably why I shifted to mesmer in gw2

First i started as rogue.

Now I usrd to play shaman and druid kind of classes and engineer on gw2, which is my favorite class from any mmo

>feca in dofus
I guess it's true i like support characters, not healers mind you but rather classes with lot of boosts.
Which is exactly what fecas were, the best way to describe the class would be "what if a wizard decided to become a tank".

>they say your true class is the one you picked in your first mmo/rpg for you first character

That's fucking stupid
I played a mage in UO but never since.

I normally play warrior because I like dressing up my character with all the cool armor, of which the warrior can always wear any type. I also like roleplaying servers and playing a guard or other non-heroic characters like a little faggot.

>first mmo
Anarchy Online


metaphysicists were a mistake

Dickass Rogue/Thief/Assassin/Ninja

I just can't help myself

Dwarf cleric.

warrior with sword and shield if possible


That's autism. I don't remember my first class in an mmo.

Female Human Necromancer with a Destroyer sub

Iksar Necromancer cause i was an edgy teen.

Ive since grown up to become a pure tank player

troll mage

Time for bed, granddad

Tank. I love just beating the shit outta things and taking no damage.

I don't think if this counts but the first time I ever picked an archetype that I really loved was jester/bard in a game I forget the name of. It was an arcadedish rpgish game called rune something. Ever since then I always pick bard but so few games have this option available, I think the last game I played where bard was a good option was rift.

>You know, they say your true class is the one you picked in your first mmo/rpg for you first character.
I guess I'm a brown sword-wielding fire mage girl that can heal

Man this game and my first build were trash but the exploits were fun.

>First MMO
Ragnarok Online

>First Class

While I've dropped off MMOs in general, my first Acolyte character is still pretty important to me, and I've adapted her into a character I regularly draw (with clothes clearly inspired by the Acolyte costume).

Warrior from WoW

Orc Hunter in WoW. I wanted to shoot giant bows at people and wear big fur capes. Archers/ranged units are still my favorite in MMO, currently enjoying an Elezaren Archer in FFXIV.

Human Paladin in WoW

I rarely go towards tanky characters nowdays though and I tend to be more into magic users and rogue classes.

>Pec and abs plate
That's so fucking retarded

My first MMO was Ultima Online and there were no classes back then. I was a lumberjack/carpenter craftsman first though. Sadly not many MMOs have full time craftsmen as an option.


Okay pretty much. I always go for dark edge lord classes especially if I can make them sexy grills

Counting RPGs too?


I picked money making jew dwarf in lineage 2

Romans did it. Maybe they didn't do it seriously but it was a thing. If you can't play a fantasy game with magic and dragons and shit and run around in the fancy types of armor I don't know what's going on. What's your end game in a more realistic game? You can finally afford all the nice gear but it still looks basic as fuck, only you won't use it anyway and will instead ride a horse around or sit in your villa while all the poor people fight for you?

I'm not saying a rich noble Sim wouldn't be fun, with land management and keeping the peasants appeased being the primary goals, but it's not what people are looking for when they want to fight liches and demon sluts

Rogue/Ranger those versatility classes

Heavily armored tank classes like Paladins, Knights, Dragoons

Human Cavalier

People don't want to have to look at pecs and abs armor either, that's gay

I've hated on MMOs for 15 years ever since I got scammed on runescape, but then my wife ot me into WoW. My main is a troll brewmaster, who I play as a sadomasochistic, drunken nymphomaniac attention whore. Before that I usually went the route of stealth assassins in RPGs but since that wasnt viable in WoW I decided to go the complete opposite and havent looked back since. Sneaking around is now boring and feels less rewarding

I was a warrior first.

healer, picked healer then, always pick healer now. I just like helping people.

>a sadomasochistic, drunken nymphomaniac attention whore
So any drunk woman then


>MU Online

Mah nigga. I can still hear the Blood Castle theme.

Human lock on wow free trial

What about the gays women and men who want to play as beefy strong guys? Conan isn't gay


Anything where I use heavy armor and a sword and as little magic as possible.

>caring about people who don't play videogames and a few other closeted faggots

night elf rogue. now i play an orc warrior.

i've noticed in rpgs i either play the sneaky pussy class who avoids combat at all cost or the balls-to-the-wall class who wants to cleave everything in two. i rarely play casters.

Is it true that intellectuals pick mage classes

Not true, if you're a pretentious fag you pick a caster. If you're /fitlit/ you pick a warrior

Nah, I picked a swordsman because that is what boys pick and a priestess is what girls pick. I didn't even last 1/4th of the level cap. My second pick was a magician, and it continues to be my favorite class of all time unless the particular game is out to fuck a magician class. i.e. FFXIV, GW2.

>wears dresses and crowns
>uses flashy sparkly spells
>doesn't want big scary melee near them

fags play mages

Show me a game where early warrior gameplay isn't just standing still and trading blows with mobs while chugging health potions, only being able to use skills once every other minute.

Why not let people do what they want within the setting confines instead of restricting it? SJW modus operandi is only having one way, their way, to customize i.e. be gay or ugly


>my first mmo was UO
>UO didnt have classes

GM Swordsman/Mage/Healing

what now OP?

fuck you go back to your tumblr safespace

uhh wheres the part 2 to this image ok thank you

Dwarf Hunter, I would live in a mountain hall if I could.

Usually the gun class (if it's fun like Engi I'm GW2 or MCH in ff14), if there isn't one (or it's boring as ass like hunter in WoW) I go with priest.

A bothan marksman/combat medic? SWG doesn't really fit your made up inner spirit bullshit.

you can, just make a mountain home with a large basement