>tfw still can't let go of the thought of how much potential this game had both story- and gameplay-wise if not for all the retarded decisions and poor direction it ended up having
I hope the mods can salvage it when it releases on PC
>tfw still can't let go of the thought of how much potential this game had both story- and gameplay-wise if not for all the retarded decisions and poor direction it ended up having
I hope the mods can salvage it when it releases on PC
Other urls found in this thread:
>story potential
>directed by Tetsuya Nomura
>I hope the mods can salvage it when it releases on PC
outside of porn SFMs it won't, the game is fundamentally broken
Why does he dress like William Murderface
What potential? Any potential I saw in it disappeared once it became XV. Combat looked like it got worse, areas got stripped ouf of the game and instead they opted to make spin offs and movies instead of putting a backstory in the game itself.
>Went into it blind, enjoyed what I played despite a lot of problems.
>Fucking loved the fishing game.
>Shat everywhere, left and right, didn't really know why and didn't care.
>Not playing it again because I'll just not enjoy it.
I didn't know what was going on with the story, the last rush of the game wasn't perfect, but I found out how to have fun. Sup Forums am I just stupid? Tell me what's wrong with me.
God damn it makes me more mad than a video game should. This game has to be one of the biggest clusterfucks in a long time. They're still updating it too
>directed by Tetsuya Nomura
It was directed by Hajime Tabata who was responsible for messes like Final Fantasy Type 0 and The Third Birthday.
I platinumed FFT0 and couldn't tell you much about the story because it's that poorly told.
>Someone praises the game
I stopped playing T0 because the number of playable characters is a bit overwhelming. How important are each of the characters?
no I mean why would you ever have hope for a tetsuya nomura story in the first place? Type-0 wasn't very good either in the story category concerning tabata but it did admittedly have some shit go down near the end (although I guess this is not unlike FFXV)
absolutely 0 outside of machina/rem and ace a bit
hilariously I thought type-0 had a better story/gameplay than 13/15 but holy fuck are the characters bad
Like he said. Ace, Machina and Rem only matter. It's a shame because Type-0 was one of the darkest FF games alongside FFXIV.
Even if Nomura's games have a mess of a story, at least they're fun. FFXV isn't fun and doesn't really have a well told story. Pic related, Tabata's thoughts on combat.
FFXV is so bad that not even the fans can defend it. I think deep down, whether you liked this game or not, everyone has to admit it's a bit shit.
Ironically enough, whenever I try to discuss this game's fuck ups, the only person who could provide an actual argument against me is XV-kun
>I hope the mods can salvage it when it releases on PC
Nah, see Fallout 4.
He's fucking delusional. What did you hate about the game?
This wouldn't be as bad if they would've sticked with Duscae's combat system with pre-set weapons slots and weapons having unique upgradeable skills.
But no, people fell for the real time weapon switching meme thinking they would get 5+ weapons to choose from in real time like in the 2013 trailer
>The game has been out for almost a year and it still isn't done
hahaha the modders are just going to steal the assets and put them in other games they actually like to play.
Goes to show that shit will be shit no matter how much money you through into it.
Is this a case of, keeping up with a game's development history a bad thing?
I gave 0 fucks about this game before it came out and never bought it on release but when I finally got around to play it I actually enjoyed it alot all the way to the end.
Where was this promise of a greater thing?
Lets fucking face it, the best thing about the PC release is the inevitable SFM porn that will follow it's release.
>Where was this promise of a greater thing?
In almost every trailer up to 2015.
Nier sucks though.
I felt literally nothing when lunafreya died
There was literally no character development so it meant nothing. I was honestly more upset when the car died. Rip in pieces ;_;
the road trip concept was a great idea but the world really wasn't very interesting and noctis is an absolutely shit-tier protagonist.
the game was mildly enjoyable for a first play, but it comes off as having zero replay potential, and that's saying something because I have replayed even the worst FF games such as FF13 and 8 multiple times
For starters, the trailers, especially from "Versus XIII" are better, but the game isn't that great in many other ways like combat, the open world, characters etc.
Me too but the final camping scene and the ending got to me.
yeah, budgets don't matter, all shit.
But FFXIII is one of the best final fantasy games, not the worst. I think you meant to say FF9.
Should I finish this game? I stopped around Altissia. I enjoyed the gameplay, but the storyline is no where to be found. The game keeps teasing that I'm going to finally meet Lunafreya, but keeps putting it off.
That's because you actually had time to get attached to the car. It was a character in its own way like Max's car in Mad Max 1 and 2.
You have low standards.
You're at the last portion of the game and no, the story doesn't improve. The last few chapters are linear and they try shoving the plot in there.
Is it worth it to see the ending?
Honestly, you're far enough that you might as well, especially if you like the characters, but don't expect much. When you get to the last chapter, you'll expect more but you're rushed to the final boss. If you rush it, you could finish the last few chapters in like 4 hours or something.
Is there a point in not rushing it? What I mean is, is there any worthwhile storyline stuff in any of the remaining sidequests? If not, I may just go back and do only the main quest missions.
You shut your whore mouth
you cunts are killing me
i watched every fucking bees dick piece of information that was release for like 5 years before this was released and IT WAS A PIECE OF SHIT
>i sounded cool there, right mom?
Whatever happened to XV-kun?
by being the most final fantasy it was the least
nothing but a boring rehash
Somebody remind we why that bitch is on all the fucking promo art when she shows up maybe twice in the entire game, does literally nothing, and has a less developed character than Cookie Monster?
None of the side quests are relevant in this game, trust me. They are just the same thing over and over again.
Berseria is a terrible fucking example, what made you think it was a good idea to put it there?
Rather than make Noctis either interesting or relateable, they just decided to surround him with walking dishmops so that he'd look less shit by association and called it.
>almost every single last open world quest is either a kill quest or a scavenger hunt "hey can you go kill this and secure a route for my vegetables... for ALL of us"
>chocobo gets several abilities you'll never see because whoever programmed it's interaction with combat sucks at their job
>a dozen good music tracks drowned in a sea of shit
>combat is hold X and move the stick slightly to look cool. Hold O to not take damage
>by far the worst customization in a modern final fantasy
Ha. Nice 1 Tabata
>literall in the game to mislead you on your goal
end of game youre meant to think
Because I'm not a trytoohard edgelord like you. Something along that line of thought.
Tales of fags are just as deluded as new Vegas fags. They think their shit game is good.
what does any of this mean? Berseria has horrid pop in on ps4/pc despite it being a ps3 game and the environments are complete shit. Your image is supposed to contrast the left by showing the right has more work put into it, this clearly isn't the case. Also the dungeons in Berseria are fucking shit compared to the main game dungeons/pitioss of FFXV. Not defending XV, think it's shit but Berseria is as bad if not worse
New vegas is pretty damn good though, ToB was a pile of shit. I didn't even go over all the other problems it has like the combat or padding.
Kid, spamming the word 'shit' doesn't make you sound either elite or intelligent. It makes you sound like you have tourette's syndrome.
You'll realize that when you grow up. ;)
I see, thanks. I may go back and finish it. I just got done replaying FFIX, and I need something else to play.
>noctis has 3 true companions, two of which were practically assigned to him by birth, engaged to the hottest woman in the kingdom, with the strongest power in the kingdom, getting led on a quest by both good guys and bad guys and given access to the strongest weapons and spirits
>starts bitching about how hard everything is and how he doesn't want to fulfill his royal duty
That tension between him and Gladiolus was as frustrating as it was artificial. Who the fuck thinks this is good writing.
>literally says 'shit' 3 times
I'd recommend FFXII or even FFXIV if you want another FF game. Otherwise, try Nier Automata.
it's a pretty fitting word for ToB, can't knock me on it
>new Vegas
Its garbage and is only still talked about because it has a bunch of EPIC MAYMAYS
If you have the vocabulary of a seven-year-old, I guess.
As an aside - even though Sup Forums is a blue board, you're still supposed to be over 18 to post on Sup Forums. Come back in a few years.
Played Nier Automata. It's my GOTY.
Funnily enough, I didn't finish either of those. With XII, the storyline wasn't drawing me in, so I quit probably about halfway through. With XIV, I got tired of other players doing the random events in the field (forgot what they were called) rather than instanced dungeons. Plus, I was DPS, so the wait to get a party was killer. That was a few years ago, though. I have no idea what the metagame is like now.
can you pinpoint the exact moment you realized the game is an unfinished mess?
for me it was the moment you reach Altissia
>tfw playing Nier: A after FFXV
>Played Nier Automata. It's my GOTY.
Good taste.
>Plus, I was DPS, so the wait to get a party was killer
I get you, user. I have to wait 15 minutes for dungeons. I haven't been playing for years, but I do think the game is good right now.
I know how you feel. If they released in the west before XV, it would have scored lower.
It makes me wonder though, if FFXV released after BOTW and HZD, would it have been panned more for its open world?
I can pinpoint the moment this game is a mess overall.
>reach the giant bird trying to get the jewels for the italian guy
>Omnis Lacrima started playing randomly for 5 seconds
From this moment onward I knew they had no fucking clue what they were doing.
>not the story of a young prince crusing around gathering support for a resistance and igniting the flames of vengeance in his battered people, becoming a strong king of men and reclaiming his throne before launching a counter offensive against the evil empire
>it's not even a good tragedy
>Played Nier Automata. It's my GOTY.
good, I'd say look out for xenoblade 2 then. I always felt like xenoblade 1 is what FF13 should have been
FFXII is legitimately my favorite FF. I love the world, combat, soundtrack and bounty hunts. Story falls flat but it has its moments
Well the Witcher 3 dropped the mic on that shit a year earlier. At least until BotW with the sheer amount of inter-activeness.
>can you pinpoint the exact moment you realized the game is an unfinished mess?
When I saw the trailer and learned that MC was a Sasuke-lookalike who was dressed in ALL BLACK.
Seriously, name ANY character who dressed in all black that wasn't a tremendous raging faggot.
it still hurts
Here's what I don't get: why did they choose to make the game into a single player MMO, rather than focusing on narrative, like all the best selling games in the series?
>10 million copies
>8 million copies
>8 million copies
Why not just try to do what those games did?
>Also the dungeons in Berseria are fucking shit compared to the main game dungeons/pitioss of FFXV.
I couldn't complete Berseria but come the fuck on. There's one (ONE) dungeon that has to be accessed by a latter, a dungeon with block puzzles that you will bumble your way through without the slightest bit of thought, and pitioss. That's it. Every single other dungeon is a one directional affair that would be completely linear if some of them didn't have pitfalls or light backtracking.
And that's before we talk about post game
>Small as fuck dungeon that's elongated with "find the button" and one-way drops.
>Go forward and down
>Press buttons and don't go right
I won't mention the other two dungeons because you can do them halfway into the game as opposed to the end of it but let's talk about the "menace beneath Lucis sidequests" with a shit ton of the most unintuitive dungeon design ever experienced in videogame. Empty rooms with multiple forks and enemies, with no warp points in them at all, and are so cramped that using magic guaranteed friendly fire. And almost every single one of them had the same damn appearance. And doing all of them takes fucking forever. It's the least fun I've ever had in a videogame because when I finish a dungeon I know there's just more of it's exact same design in the next one.
I will give pitioss credit. Because on top of being a nonstandard puzzle platforming dungeon it was aesthetically different from every other dungeon in the game, which barring the mountain all look fucking alike because they all used the same washed out colors inside near completely dark atmospheres.
They're both shit. But at least there's "less" of that shit in Berseria, which itself is STILL shit.
Because they didn't have time to make a good game while trying to simply make it work.
Say "thank you" for them trying to appeal to western fans with the open world meme
>I couldn't complete Berseria but come the fuck on. There's one (ONE) dungeon that has to be accessed by a latter, a dungeon with block puzzles that you will bumble your way through without the slightest bit of thought, and pitioss. That's it. Every single other dungeon is a one directional affair that would be completely linear if some of them didn't have pitfalls or light backtracking.
Oh I know, this is still better than what berseria offered. Keep in mind I said "main game" dungeons, the menace dungeons can fuck off too.
>less of that shit in berseria
I can't agree, there wasn't a single time I enjoyed a dungeon in Berseria
I for one, have hope for the fact that they said they're gonna extend updates into 2018.
Game was a fucking fail.
Outshone by even it's own trailer, which everyone agrees would've been a better plot than the retarded one we got.
I've always felt XIII got more hate than it really deserved. I like it better than VIII, X, X-2 and XV, by far
>to appeal to western fans
No no babe, that was one man and one man alone
It's hard to recall because I felt like I was making decisions every day. One topic we argued about was whether or not to implement the engineering for an open world.
Ah, that was a tough one.
In the end I took the stance of, “If we fail, that's okay.” And employed an open world. However, with our engineers at the center, there were some members who fiercely opposed. They said things like, “Since we have story progression, cutting up the map and guiding it with events is more reliable isn't it? Let's do that and pack it full of content.” I'm sure they had apprehensions about failing in making an open world that felt empty.
>In the end I took the stance of, “If we fail, that's okay.” And employed an open world. [...] I'm sure they had apprehensions about failing in making an open world that felt empty.
That's because you have shit taste and should be legally barred from ever posting in a Final Fantasy thread.
XV is bad, but it's still part of the series. XIII isn't.
Literally immediately. Why does their mint cadillac break down? Why the fuck doesn't the prince have any fucking money? Why doesn't he call Luna on a cellphone? How the FUCK can they not see or hear the utter devastation going on in Insomnia? Why in God's name would Cor, the most skilled member of the Insomnian military LEAVE THE LAST HEIR TO THE THRONE WITH HIS DIPSHIT FRIENDS!?
Why isn't it, if XV is? XV is the most disappointing game I've ever played
For me it was before that. Right when you unlock Duscae you fight a mech boss. This character shows up in a CG cutscene so he must be important, he spouts about how he and cor have a bloody history and it's revenge time.
Then you beat him, his mech explodes and he dies. Who was that guy? Did he just die? I knew something was wrong.
Actually even before that when you start the game first thing i was dropped in the middle of the desert with people i didn't know doing something i had no idea about, beautiful scene with the music but who am i? Who are these people? The king said "go marry luna" who? That king person is my dad it seems, okay. Where am i going? Is it important?
There is a good reason rpgs usually start you in your bed in a village and it's boring for a while.
Classic Tabby-chan strikes again
To think I actually believed they could deliver a good game before its release despite all the random shit he said.
>still part of the series
Piss off. XIII had more elements that were repeated in every final Fantasy starting from 3 onward.
XV had three spells and 2 non spells that had the same names of spells in the series, chocobos, and a person named Cid. Even the supposedly "amano"-esque design of enemies is more western fantasy than it is Final Fantasy
XIII fucked up a lot of things, but at least it didn't betray 20 years of tradition and what the series had become once X fucked everything up.
Aren't they his royal guard anyway?
XV at least has gameplay and isn't a hallway simulator. XIII isn't just a bad Final Fantasy game; it's a bad game in general.
>reach Insomnia
>Somnus starts playing
>interrupted every 10 seconds by combat
who thought this was a good idea? fuck man this game was a disappointment
Only one of them is a Royal Guard. Ignis is a royal retainer and Prompto is just a nothing but a friend.
We have similar posting styles it's creepy dude.
inb4 we're just retarded for not reading the external material and the fucking novel
I'll take a hallway over a massive barren world anyday. XV is the one that's a bad game in general. Hell, they're still updating it a year after it released because it was such a fucking mess
>Why the fuck doesn't the prince have any fucking money
They actually explain that - they have different currency in the city and outside of it.
Still retarded considering they knew they were going outside and could exchange some money beforehand.
>How the FUCK can they not see or hear the utter devastation going on in Insomnia
That's what pisses me off the most.
The game would've been so much better if Noctis was present during the invasion as it was originally planned.
What fucking novel? Are you serious?
>Whatever happened to XV-kun?
\he's still around. If you see someone shitposting in KH3 threads about the combat,it's likely him.
>and isn't a hallway simulator
Yeah they went completely opposite. It's now an empty open world.
>at least had gameplay
bad gameplay
Also completely opposite. XIII starts with you doing nothing and 20 hours later finally being able to engage in the combat with any level of thought since auto battle becomes the shittiest option you can use.
XV starts with you having all of your entire kit available to you (minus techniques) and then never budges a fucking inch.
You are implying that XIII is worse than XV on a game level but they're both bad while XV goes one step further and removes Final Fantasy from Final Fantasy. Just like how he removed Aya Brea from Parasite Even by outright killing her in fucking Third Birthday.
man the KH3 shitposts are getting pretty bad
to this day, nothing boggles my mind more then this single moment in vidya history, as if the rest of the world is has gone insane and allowed something as simple, but something so horrific to happen. The opening title shot of FF15.
Every FF logo reveal always has incredible backgrounds, almost a picture of what is to come and it's meant to fill you with a sense of awe of the world, just see from FF7 logo reveal shot.
FF15 logo shot is a wide shot of a bland desert with some kind of weird ff crystal in the background to the side and two leaning lamp posts. It is the worst shot they could of went with, I don't even think I could try to beat that if I wanted to in how bland/boring it is.
worst bit is, as cringe as the stand by me shit is, if it was done correctly, it could of been great. that is what this entire game is, missed opportunities , I'll never forgive it.