Press Cross on joypad near dog NPC

>press Cross on joypad near dog NPC

>melee kill it

>talk to NPC
>put PS3/PS4 controller down
>accidentally stab them in the face

>stretch your legs
>accidentaly turn PS3 off

I don't want her to be sad

She looks more drunk than sad desu

>move joycon near bing
>it wahoos

>Glass him


>press jump on Mario
>fly out of plane window

it's Fork you fucking asshole


>spam press the button
>press it in a rhythm to make a beat

>it doesn't make a Woof sound, it just displays "Woof!" in a text box


>my country
>girls are girls, boys are boys

>impossible to know

>press Cross on joypad near dog NPC
>bark bark I'm a dog

>Fallout 2

>Moo, I say

>Its a giant cat with a saddle.
>Isnt that silly enough without it talking too?

>be a dog and press cross

Fuck off. It's not possible that every single attractive female posted on Sup Forums is trans.

>If every cute girls a boy i'm not gay hurr

>talk to NPC
>he has nothing to tell you

user............. .....

i agree, let's start posting real women

You trying to make me gay? I'll kick your ass.

Right? I hate this dumb shit. Also traps shouldn't exist

it's just a jock strap

>go to /soc/
>purge any desire of fucking a trap in seconds

It's a nice fantasy but passing traps don't exist. No matter how many images you have saved the chances of actually finding one is less likely than you getting a job and living a happy life

this desu