Are you going to buy this game?

Are you going to buy this game?

Looks very good IMO.

no, i've played more than enough battlefield, this is exactly the same but with different coat of skin

gameplay is boring. theres no goals to achieve or skill to hone making it really bland game.

What MP game really does this then? Only CS or like Quake.

this. never purchasing EA games again

Play the original Battlefront 2 it's better in every way

How do you damage the MTT?


It's pretty fun
Darth Maul was damn nice to play as

These are both me.

> EA on the box
> 2017 shooter

What do you think the answer is, OP?

Nah the real Battlefront 2's online is back no reason to play this garbage.


>that one guy in these threads complaining its "impossible to get 5000 points"
>meanwhile by the end of a match I still had this many after being a LAAT, V-Wing, Jet Trooper, and Wookie

I was but then I heard about the crates and lost all interest.

imma need to see the singleplayer and offline features before i decide.

must have galactic conquest like original BF2.

from what i've seen so far, things are looking bad for that kind of stuff.

used the ea support bug to get a free copy, its really fun

js this gaylo

Having to have what you can use in a battle tied into score means people not as good will never get to use the better things.

Why is there no anime FPS that isn't on rails?
And no, Western anime like Shogo doesn't count.


Fuck I love the sneak shit

I'm worried about the lack of server browser, it really screw you up when the player base goes down

> no falling damage


>ea support bug
Where was that pasta that the user made? I saved it to use it this morning but managed to lose it. Now I don't know how to abuse the bug


Are you fucking retarded?

get le hero to get 60 kills xd

No Droidikas.
No Naboo security forces.
No gungans.
No Qui-Gon Jin.
No Count Dooku.
No Vehicle spawns in the maps not by points system.
No Buy.

>2005: Battlefront 2 (original) has up to 64 players, almost no dips in frame rates even during wildly hectic battles with shit tons of players online and bots over large maps, immersion and scale is off the charts
>no micro-transaction bullshits
>rebooted remakes
>maps are smaller
>20 vs 20
>abilities with cooldown
>unlimited ammo
>health regen
>clipping through players
>on rails
>terrible voices
>space dogfights is a different gamemode
>buy vehicles with points instead of spawning on the maps
>Pay to win lootcrates

How have we come to a point where a twelve year old game has stronger features than something released now under the same name? You can't pin this on mass market appeal, it's just pure unadulterated laziness


It is literally battlefront with a coat of paint and fucking p2w loot crates.

Why not just HD reskin the original battlefront 2 and rerelease it

Anyone know the support bug? I can't seem to do it.

jumped into the beta they're doing and it was a pretty unfulfilling experience.

that shit is always so ridiculous because north korea has TV, obviously, they have a subway and buss system and they have elevators

doesn't work anymore unfortunately, got fixed about an hour after people started to post about it

They don't need tickets tho
Glorious communism

>game gives you points if you collaborate or do objetives so you can take heroes or vehicles
>is boring, no goals to achieve

Sup Forums shitpost is amazing

I already pre-ordered. I'm having too much fun to cancel it. Last EA shooter I played was BF:BC2.

Ah I see, fuck. Guess I'll just play the Beta tomorrow, thanks user.

That's really cute. I wish she was still a little girl, though.

sounds nice, I have to pay more than 20 bucks/day for horrible transportation here just to go to work

She's cute

Compare her to the man, she's probably really tiny

>Be girl
>Act like an anime character

depends on what area obviously, many countries have modern utilities in the city compared to what you can find in the villages

Battlefront EA was actually pretty fun Desu.

I picked it up for $10 and definately got my moneys worth. They released all the DLC's for free, too.

I live in a western capital that was the center of the western world for 1000 years and the transportations here are worse than those from a third rate Chinese provincial capital in the poorest province of the country.

Heyo, marketer-kun.

>be man
>Act like anime character
>stay a virgin forever

I see you just joined the thread dumbass-kun. This is a thread about North Korean infrastructures not about EA or games. Discuss that or leave my thread, thank you.

>It's pretty fun

>like a couple posts about NK
What are you doing?

There are ion blaster pick ups around the map. Use it to disable the MTT shield and then all blaster fire will damage it until the shield goes back online

Don't derail thank you, bye.

their no-paid-dlc stance bought me.

Looking good and being good are not mutually exclusive, but they're also not the same thing

autists can't understand that you can have a small unrelated discussion in a thread without changing the subject especially now that the post limit on Sup Forums is like 350

They're fucking you in other ways though like p2w lootboxes

Why not use the juju like the gungans did

Also to answer ops question if they remove cross era weapons and heroes make gernades use ammo and have vehicles spawn on the map I will buy it, as it is right now it's shit fan service that would only appeal to casuals

Is it still as completely shallow as the last one? Is it still designed to be played for exactly X amount of time then you go and buy number 3?

I can't run it at 60fps since the modern games industry cares more about graphics than making fun games.

>story of my life

The game files hint that they're going to add Jedha City. I hope so.

what? It actually runs much better than most other new games on my machine, like PUBG and Agents of Mayhem

For a multiplayer shooter I'd give it an 8/10 compared to the original which I gave a 3/10. 3 times the maps, double the heroes, a class system with some depth to it. Single player campaign, split screen.

Only valid critique i've seen is of the loot crate system it has. Still not nearly as bad as the expansion pack/season pass system dice has been using since battlefield 1942.

If you're bitching because it doesn't have your fucking hero you luv at launch then you're autistic. You know damn well that putting characters in is harder now than it was then. Not to mention the heroes each actually play differently.

Also, fuck galactic conquest. I'm glad they didn't waste their time on that shit.

My biggest concern right now is the amount of weapons/class abilities available at launch. If there's 12 weapons again at launch i'll be fucking livid. Atleast 6 per class.

This reads like an actual shill post well done

I'm playing on high with an r9 280 and an FX6300. At 1080p of course

Does the directx 12 setting actually improve frame rate? I haven't played a DX12 game before I don't think.

except loot crates turns this game in to p2w you spend 60burgers on
it's a very big reason not to bother with this game

everyone check out this fucking loser hahahah

>babies cry when they cant get the blocks in the hole
>*picture of block in hole*


Except you get loot crates for free. :/

Except you can buy them too giving another player huge advantage over you.

I'd rather have this than having to pay 50 dollars for another fucking season pass which is going to divide the community and lock weapons and gear behind a pay wall. Atleast with this none of that will happen, and even if there is a soft paywall everything can still be obtained by playing. Is it perfect? Hell no. I wish they'd make them cosmetic only. It's still miles better than what we've had since forever with Dice.

it's BF1 but a reskin, and that's OK, will probably get this because I'm a bitch for star wars shit and this is for better or worse the best star wars game currently out

>Also, fuck galactic conquest

You had me and then you lost me right there m80.

You obviously mean Battlefield

When are they gonna make the Flame Trooper broken like the Battlefield one?

they KEPT the fucking booster boxes? lol even more reason not to buy this shite. classic swbf2 multiplayer servers are back anyways.

>actually thinking loot crates are better over another evil
They are both fucking shit and anti consumer.
Paying 60pesos is enough already.

>tfw no gun gale online MMO

Not only booster boxes.
You can get weapons too from them.

It looks good, but it's pure shit. Trust me. I refunded after two days. If you want to play the campaign, just find a cheap key on some keyseller site after a couple of months when the price is lowered.

Not every North-Korean lives in Pyongyang, buddy.

>that isn't on rails
Can you explain?

Never played the previous one, but's it's been pretty fun. It's unbelievably gorgeous though, and that may be swaying my opinion a bit.

We'll see once I get a few more hours in.

Yeah? What is it about discount Mos Eisley that stood out to you and wants you to revisit this place?

>muh anticonsumer
Sure thing buddy. Let me know just how many games are releasing post launch content absolutely free! Hint: Basically no one.

Some one pays for it, and 60burgers doesn't get you as much as it did in 2005.

If you knew anything youd know shortcut kits arent available until like 6 months after launch.

Nobody has an actual advantage because they paid more. Get the fuck over it.

I have a gtx 970 from 2014 and it literally never drops below 80fps on max settings.
What kind of toaster are you playing on? Stop being so poor, faggot.

as long as I can get them without additional cost, I'm good.

>muh anticonsumer
Are you being fucking retarded here?
The reason why we have practices like this is because of retarded people who buy shit, get fucked in the ass, complain then forget about it and jump on another dick ride because they didn't learn lesson from the last.
If people were a bit smarter in gaming industry they would not get ripped off as often.

>gunplay feels like you're shooting wet noodles
>shitty card system and op cards just like the 1st one
Yeah it's the same shit with new maps, no thanks

>Let me know just how many games are releasing post launch content absolutely free! Hint: Basically no one.
>Witcher 3
>Dying Light
>some indies nobody cares about like Risk of Rain

>it's BF1 but a reskin, and that's OK
>reskin of a shallow game that barely lasted for a while is A-okay

Battlefield 1 literally just got its second expansion

I'm sure he ment Battlefront I(2015) not Battlefield 1 (2016).
If BFII was anything like BF1 it would he a hell of a lot better game.

Jedha is a thicc city that could have intense verticle gameplay. Have you seen Rogue One? Mos Eisley is just a couple of boring huts and a cantina.

I can tell you didn't play bf1 cause this abomination is nothing, in any way like it.

>tfw BF1 kept me and my friends entertained for 2 weeks max, then we realized how shallow and garbage it was

Christ almighty, the state of EA these days..

>an acronym is reddit
i think you are the reddit

I hope you're right, cause if not that guy is a dimwit double nigger retard