>darksiders 3 wont hap-
Other urls found in this thread:
>linking to polygon
fuck off actual shill
>how DARE you have a source
fuck off actual retard
>May 2
Yes, much shitposting already happened. If you have nothing new, get lost.
Thank you
Archive it then, you fucking shill.
Is it fun to live under a rock, user?
Reminder that all the talent from the first game and second game released this instead.
I will not play a feminized game that forced a whore as mc. It's HORSEMAN for a reason.
>fury completly covered up
>old team plasters massive cleavage everywhere
there's no way people will think its the same team working on ds3
Archive your links to shitty left-wing anti-gamer sites you dumb shit.
>may 2nd
wew laddie, just woken form a coma have you then?
what are you the janitor? if you already talked about then leave the thread you fucking autist nobody told you to click this
>being a poltard this hard
>yfw it runs like shit and they abandon it just like ds2 deathinitive that still has a 2 year old beta patch you have to opt in to.
Stop being butthurt that user called you out for being several months slow
Fuck they even had videos up and shit. Id you wanted a darksidera thread you could have just done that but you acted as if there was new information and got rightfully ridiculed for it
This is old news, retard.
>s-stop talking about something that just happened!
do you hear how stupid you sound? nothing is implied in the OP, you typo having fagget, rushing into a thread to police it for free is pure autism, nothing more nothing less
>just happened
If this thread was 10 years ago youd be getting slowpokes galore
>it's a woman
>it runs like shit
It is running on UE4 this time.
is this any good?
I really kinda want to buy it cause it looks rad
looks good. gonna check it out
She was in Darksiders 1.
wtf you talking about. I finished the first one and no other horseman appears besides WAR
>Play as fury, one of the four horseman of death
Literally who? As far as I know there is War, Death, Famine and Pestilence.
She appears as a silhouette in the intro.
This may come as a shock to you but Darksiders isn't a 1:1 recreation of the Bible.
The Darksiders horsemen are War, Death, Fury and Strife.
They only showed them briefly as drawings, Fury and Strife.
How about you use adblock you fucking ape?
Why say four horseman of the Apocalypse if it isn't one of the four horseman?
They didn't know how to do Pestilence and Death as two different entitie so they rolled both into just Death. Famine not really possible to make good gameplay concept from so they replaced the now-rolled-into-Death Pestilence with Strife and replaced Famine with Fury.
I bet Strife's game will revolve around him getting all his guns back from the other horsemen.
Not archiving all links solely so they cant be edited later or give money to companies.
Do you want shitty products, because thats how you get shitty products
I just hope Strife's game is Vanquish levels of crazy
>this old ass news
Dumb fuck op
I honestly bet that around 90% of Strife's game is him running around and just losing all his shit.
Every other rider got de-powered because the council are assholes, Strife just misplaced the council juju.
War lost his powers because he got tricked into breaking the rules and the Council punished him for it. Death didn't get his powers because he wasn't sanctioned to do anything. I don't know why Fury wouldn't have her powers at the beginning for her game though.
I've never played this series but people said Number 1 was very meeeeeh
Number 2 happened and all i hear is people kinda asking "Why?"
SO a 3rd is going to happen.
Is this game really that good that it needed a 2nd or even a 3rd?
1 was a yeeeeeeh and 2 was a meeeeeh and I do think all the horsemen should be playable before the series officially dies because the gameplay and artstyle are really hecking good
True, even in the trailer Strife is sent by the council.
So maybe she's at 100%?
From the fans of the games is all i hear about this game
No one else seems to care or have opinions on it
Kinda just blow it off as another Edgy Game.
Would you recommend it to others or is it a cult game?
Darksiders 1 was a mediocre pastiche of better video games, who cares
We knew this a year ago.
It's quite literally a Zelda game, but with western comic book campy style and edge.
If you like Zelda gameplay, you can't go wrong with Darksiders.
I'd say it's a cult game. A hard-comical take on Judeo Christian mythology with action hack and slash combat doesn't really seem down everyone's alley
>polygon link
Fucking newfags
>you can't go wrong with Darksiders
Until you get to the beams.
Redirect the beams.
Who gives a shit?
Seriously, the first two were so fucking trash theyre not even worth torrenting
How underage you need to be to hate beam puzzles that used to be staple of videogames?
>saving the game industry
that ship sailed a very long time ago kiddo
>What is pastebin
End yourself, faggot
who are you quoting?
this thread is going to exist for MAYBE 3 hours. the chance of it being edited in that amount of time is miniscule and not worth the effort of archiving. and who in the year of our lord and savior jesus christ of nazereth 2017 isn't using an adblocker?
they're very decent games and get on sales at least once a month, you can also bet your ass they will be on the halloween sale if you ever use steam
they're just zelda like games with a decent action, a retarded plot that is just an excuse to explore new areas that are really good, with some rpg elements to spice things up
worth a try
How fucking autistic are you? Jesus christ.
Literally and figuratively drink bleach
the puzzle is fine
the angel screaming every 2 seconds while you try to get to a point to another is the problem
>the angel screaming every 2 seconds while you try to get to a point to another is the problem
I legit don't remember this.
Get the fuck off my board newfag.
>Play as fury, one of the four horseman
>woman horseman
One fucking job
and the art style and world is way better. this is what Darksiders should have been instead of a round based rpg
>horseman of the apocalypse
>is named Fury for some fucking reason
only she actually dressed sexy in that one instead of that ugly sjw trash we got now
i thought 1 was okay, but i thoroughly enjoyed 2 more. the gameworld is enormous and the music was top notch.
So the four horsemen of the apocalypse are War, Death, and then two other wars. Fucking brilliant.
>>darksiders 3 wont hap-
Are you dumb, it was officially announced a while ago.
Needed more places for the horse though.
It's a grab bag of whatever was popular in vidya at the time. So it was a Zelda game with God of War's combat, a random ass Portal gun for some fucking reason, a boss fight ripped off wholesale from Shadow of the Colossus, and an art style that looks like it got puked on by WoW
was i just me or was death's horse slow as molasses? normally i avoid fast travel in games but it felt like the horse was barely faster than walking.
>and an art style that looks like it got puked on by WoW
Warcraft's artstyle was inspired by 90's comic books.
Darksiders creative director, Joe Madureira, is a 90's comic book artist.
These are old news you numbnut.
tolerating not archiving the links encourages spam from these companies
stop making excuses
There's a reason comic artists stopped drawing like that, and it's because it looks like shit.
Well the four horsemen of the apocalypse is in plural and thus have to be male by default since it's not all female. So it doesn't guarantee that all four horseman are actually males.
With that said, it does reek of sjw shit. We'll have to wait and see.
woulda shoulda coulda been a good srgument if neo Sup Forums wasnt already a fast as fuck spam board already
zelda evolved
why would anyone want SJW zelda clone
BC:NW has been ready for a while, they were porting it to Nintendo Switch, hence the delayed release. And DS3 won't be out for a long ass time. Who's to say THQ Nordic can't manage their talent pool and put the BC team on art asset duty for DS3?
>he reads polygon
what to you think the speed of the board has to do with free riding commercial advertisement for blogs
should just get the admins to filter URLs to these sites and that will take care of it
fuck off alt right pol tard
found reddit
She needs more edge.
is it you link spammer
i was honestly thinking the same but ill hold my criticism on that front until the release
Technically, having interesting articles is the site doing its job, thus being worthy of payment.